XXIV) The Truth Unveils!

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Next day...

Detective Wan rushed to the investigation department anxiously. Mr. Ken was waiting for him.

"Hello, sir! Good afternoon!" He greeted Wan with a broad smile on his face.

"Good afternoon! Did you receive the footage?" Wan asked him a bit impatiently.

"Yes, sir! And our team is processing the footage as it needs to scanned properly before we can view it!" Mr. Ken answered very boldly while looking at him.

"Good! What about the car owner?" He questioned Mr. Ken abruptly while sitting on his chair.

"Yes sir! I have prepared the call recording for you!" He answered with a proud smile while turning the phone recorder on.


"Hello, Mr. Tamaki? I am detective Ken from Tokyo Cental Crime bureau investigation!"

"Ye-Yes? Hello, sir? Did I do something wrong?"

"Mr. Tamaki I have called you for a special investigation. Did you meet Mrs. Ayame Takeshi at Hotel Sylvia, Osaka on May 10th, 2010?"

"Yes sir! I had handed her my car! But I never got it back! And surprisingly that day Mrs. Ayame committed suicide too!"

"So when did you meet her that day? What did she ask you?"

"Well, she sounded very disturbed that day! She didn't want to tell me about the reason for borrowing my car but she just stated that she wants to help someone to escape from Osaka!"

"Really? But why with your car?"

"Yes, even I also asked her about it... She replied a bit absurdly that with the car the person will reach his family much faster than him!"

"Him? Who is this him?"

"I don't know sir! She didn't answer me anything further and just replied that she will inform me about returning my car! But I never got it back and she committed suicide!"

"Didn't you try to track your car? Why didn't you look for it?"

"I tried to inquire investigation but didn't get much help! My car just vanished into thin air!"

"Do you suspect someone for it?"

"Umm, no sir! But when I asked Mrs. Ayame's husband about the car, I don't know but he cryptically replied to me that I won't get it back ever and walked away..."

"Did he say so?"

"Yes sir!"

"Okay thank you for co-operating with us, Mr. Tamaki! Have a good day!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Detective Wan was listening to everything ambiguously with a dense expression on his face. He seemed very puzzled.

"Umm sir, I feel Mrs. Ayame's husband is really connected to this mystery!" Mr. Ken answered with a frown face while raising his eyebrows.

"Hmmm, that man is really creepy!" Detective Wan nodded his head while responding to his answer.

"Sir, the footage is ready for viewing!" A young officer came and informed them in a hoarse voice.

Both of them rushed to the computer gleaming with curiosity. Wan seemed too anxious to see the footage.

As the footage was 10 years old, there were many glitches in it. But both of them could see Mrs. Ayame and Mr. Myobi talking while seated opposite to each other.

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