XIII) The Replacement!

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Myobi was surprised a bit with her reaction. She was staring at the sky with a blank stare.

"I thought I would forget about him a bit if I come with you today, but you are reminding me of him even more!", she sounded a bit irritated.

"Um, what did I do Miss Nanami?" He was concerned about her.

She smirked a bit. "Nothing! It's not your fault, to begin with!
It's been 5 years since I saw him. I thought, maybe after leaving Kanazawa my heart would find peace... But I was wrong. Not a single day passed by that I didn't remember his memories. I sh-shouldn't have fallen in love with him. Despite knowing the ending, I shouldn't have fallen for him... I thought it wouldn't hurt anymore but-- ", Her voice choked in pain.
"It hurts! It fucking hurts! It hurts to face the reality I dreamt to be with him! I miss him so badly- but he is not mine! He was never mine...", tears were rolling down her cheeks. "Sorry! Sorry, I shouldn't show this pathetic side of mine! I am sorry-!"

"It's fine. It's fine to be weak sometimes", Myobi comforted her. "Our body is always honest, if it's hurt we will feel the pain- we would cry to reduce the pain! But our heart is a liar, even if it hurts it pretends to be strong! Thus we pretend to be fine & our pain increases miserably", he said in a low voice.

Yurika was silently looking at him while sobbing.

"It's okay! You can cry your hearts out! I won't look at you, so don't be embarrassed! All I can do is lending you my shoulder... You can cry as much you want, no need to endure it," he said with a painful smile.

Yurika didn't answer anything.

The night was cold, but Myobi felt the sensation of warm tears in his shoulder.

The night was cold, but Myobi felt the sensation of warm tears in his shoulder

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Both of them were silently walking towards the cafe. It was time to depart.

"Um Mr. Onodera, sorry about today! I really spoiled the date!", she was feeling guilty.
"But I am happy today", he smiled.
"Because it's the first time you have opened your heart to me! I am happy that somehow you shared your pain with me!", his eyes looked tenderly at her.
Yurika smiled a bit.

"Thank you for lending me your shoulder", she said with a pleased tone.
"Then can I lend you my shoulder again?"

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