XXVI) Last Meet!

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Yurika came outside the supermarket at a slow pace. She had lots of foodstuffs she brought for Irie to surprise him. With a small satisfied grin, she was heading back...

(Phone ringing)

She looked at the screen and it was Mrs. Taka, her neighbor.

"Hello, ma'am?" She answered the call very gently.

"Hello? Yurika?" The voice over the phone seemed extremely terrified. It was broken yet hoarse.

"Hello? Yes, ma'am?" Yurika was startled to hear such a response.

"Yurika, where are you? Irie... Irie has been hit by a car! He has been taken to City Hospital!" The voice was huffing in exhaustion while replying to her.

All of a sudden Yurika's small world shattered into pieces. Her voice choked in fear and for a moment she lost the ability to speak! All the stuff she was holding fell down on the road.

 Her voice choked in fear and for a moment she lost the ability to speak! All the stuff she was holding fell down on the road

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"You there? Hello?" She was deliberately asking for her.

"Wh-What happened to...My Irie...." Yurika couldn't complete her words as she was too stunned.

"Yurika go to him! He needs you! Go to your son now!" The woman sounded too disturbed on the phone as she was trying to regain her senses.

Immediately Yurika started running to the hospital while sobbing bitterly. It was a nightmare for her to lose Irie after losing her husband. "Irie! Ir--ie..." All she could mumble was his name while running crazily on the road...


Luckily, the hospital was nearby. After 15 mins of an intense period, she reached the hospital while huffing breathlessly. Desperately she ran to the reception.


"My son! My son was brought here! Where is he? Where is my Irie?" Yurika burst out in tears crazily at the reception of the hospital.

"Please calm down ma'am, a young kid has been brought here a few moments ago. He had been hit by a car.  Due to his head injury, currently, he has been taken to OT!" The nurse tried to answer her questions anxiously.

"Wh-What? Operation? My Irie is afraid of syringes." Her voice strangled with fear while hearing about the operation theatre while she was murmuring.

" Her voice strangled with fear while hearing about the operation theatre while she was murmuring

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