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(Y/n) POV
"Wake up! You have to get ready!"
Oikawa dragged me out of bed, both himself and Iwaizumi were already ready to go.

"Ughhh fine!"

He finally let go of my leg as he laughed seeing me so annoyed at him.

"Get out, I just have to change my dress and brush my hair."

"Who said I didn't want to see the first part?"

Oikawa said with his usual smirk before leaving downstairs.
I quickly changed my dress to a black version of the one I wore before, did my makeup, and threw my hair around enough that it looked presentable.

"Hurry up!!"

Oikawa said as I slipped my heels on again and walked down the stairs.

"Man I miss having you to ease my eyes in the morning."
He flirted once again but this time it garnered a smack upside the head by Iwaizumi as per usual.

"Come on, you're going to be late."


"See you later Angel! We're gonna kick the twins asses!"

Oikawa said waving to me as I walked into the school.
I made my way up to the math classroom and I was lucky the door was open.
Walking right in I noticed Mr.Yuji was talking with the twins in the back.

The rest of the kids, specifically the girls were staring at me.
All seemingly anxious to say something, literally some of them were bouncing in their seats.

"If you all want to say something, please do. This is creeping me out now."
The guys all turned away blushing before I got swarmed by the girls, Mr.Yuji seemed too caught up with the twins to care.

"You know Oikawa?!"

"How do you know him?!"

"Are you dating?!"

"Why was he here?!"

"Did he walk you here?!"

They were all up in my face which was making me clostrophobic with the amount of perfume they were all wearing.

"Yes, he's my best friend, same with Iwaizumi. No we aren't dating, he walked me here since he's my best friend. And that's all I'm answering before I pass out from the amount of perfume."

That was a bit blunt, but they all didn't seem to care since they all returned to their seats surrounding the twins desks.
They all still had the same hearts and sparkles as the guys did now.
After that ordeal I sat down in my seat next to where Osamu sits.
Mr.Yuji finally finished with the twins, they seemed happier than usual.
They both sat down Osamu next to me and Astumu on his other side.

"What's got you two so happy?"

I questioned laying my head down on the table while they both handed me papers.
It was their homework they did after I explained it to them, they got perfect scores.

"Miss (y/n) you have truly worked a miracle."

Mr.Yuji said as he walked past all of us and began his lecture.


"I hope you brought your gym clothes, I'd hate to beat you when you're at a handicap."
Astumu motioned down to my dress while he set spikes up for Osamu.

"I have them, I'm just waiting for Oikawa and the rest of the guys to get here."

Speak of the devil.

Oikawa said running up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist before swinging me around once again.

"Okay seriously you're going to strangle her one of these days."

Iwaizumi said prying Oikawa's grip off me again.

"You ready to kick these twins asses with us?"
Iwaizumi taunted seeing both of the twins fume, I couldn't tell if it was from jealousy or anger by now.

"You remember the bet (y/n), goodluck."

Astumu crossed his arms and he actually looked pretty cool standing with his brother now.

"I don't need luck, you're both going to regret this."
I giggled as Oikawa put me down and chuckled with me.
"They've really never seen you play I'd assume."
The twins looked confused now at Oikawa's comment.

"They haven't, this should be fun. I'm going to go change, let's make this quick."

I sauntered off to the girls changing room with my bag in hand.


Osamu POV
"She explained why you call her Angel."
I said grinning at Oikawa, he definitely seemed more than confident now.

"Oh did she? And that didn't scare you? I'm surprised you both are more reckless than I remember."
He taunted with his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"Why would be scared of someone who can't even hit a spike?"
Astumu snickered, both Iwaizumi and Oikawa chuckled together.

"She didn't explain the whole story then."

Iwaizumi said while they all got ready to practice, finally getting some starting spikes in.

"What's the whole story then?"
I asked raising my eyebrow at the two overly confident best friends standing in front of us.

"Did she mention who we were playing against? Why that spike mattered?"
Oikawa raised his eyebrow back at us with his arms crossed and his usual smug expression.


Astumu answered for the both of us.

"Maybe I'll tell you after the game, she must've not thought it was important enough to say."
He shrugged while Iwaizumi just glared at him but he was smiling for once.

The girls locker room door slammed shut with (y/n) walking out in some tight black shorts and an Aobajohsai jersey, that didn't belong to her.

"Thanks Iwa for letting me borrow your spare jersey, I owe you one."

She smiled up at the two guys before grabbing one of the balls from the ball bin and handing it to Oikawa.


"Oh definitely."


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