Chapter 19

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Naruto was still racking his brain for the answer when he arrived at the front gate of the Leaf Village. If I save Obito then Madara won't be able to get him and manipulate him. But if he doesn't almost die then he won't give Kakashi the Sharingan, and he uses that at the battle at Kannabi Bridge. So if he doesn't have the Sharingan, will he die in that battle? Will he learn the importance of friends if he doesn't see Obito die? Gah! I have no freaking clue what to do!

"Naruto, you're late." Minato addressed Naruto as calmly as possible.

"I'm sorry. I just sort of got lost on the path of life, ya know." Naruto scratched his head as he looked at his waiting teammates.

"Man, you're gone for just over a month and you think you can just slack off on the start of a mission. You're no shinobi." Kakashi was irritated that Naruto didn't seem to care.

Naruto walked over to Kakashi, "Don't worry little brother, I'll still kick butt. Oh and congrats on becoming a jonin! That's awesome!" Naruto gave Kakashi a big smile with the compliment.

Kakashi blushed a little at the nickname, but brushed Naruto's hand away. "Whatever. Becoming jonin was just the next logical step for someone with my skills."

"Alright." Minato interrupted the conversation. "Now that we are all here. Let's get going."

Right before they were about to leave a man came up to the group. He had short brown hair and brown eyes, and a scar on his chin. "May I have a word with Naruto before you go?"

They all turned around, surprised at the sudden voice. Naruto's eyes narrowed slightly at the man before him.

"Danzo. What can I do for you." Naruto was trying to hold the venom back in his voice.

"Well, I heard that on your previous mission you let the enemy go. You even let the Eight-tails Jinchuriki live." Danzo was speaking in a criticizing tone as you spoke. "I hope you know that on this mission, the goal is to eliminate the enemy forces, and hopefully bring this accursed war closer to an end."

Naruto let Danzo finish talking before he walked right up into his face. "Now you listen to me Danzo. I'm not one of your pets in the foundation." Naruto's voice was dripping with venom as he spoke. He wasn't holding back anymore. "If you think you can order me around, you are dead wrong. I don't go around killing everyone, unlike some people. If you try to control my actions, I promise, you will be the one who ends up dead."

Minato couldn't believe Naruto would talk to a village elder that way. Even Danzo was looking at Naruto in surprise.

"Oh, and just so you know." Naruto's voice changed to a threatening tone. "I wouldn't try going after the Hidden Rain Village. Hanzo is already taken out of the picture. So you don't have any leverage there anymore. And they are under my protection."

Danzo sent a chilling glare at Naruto hoping to scare him off like everyone else. "Why you insolent brat. How dare you talk to me that way. Do you even know who I am?"

"Oh I know perfectly well who you are, Danzo." Naruto wasn't fazed at all by the glare being sent his way. "You are the type of person who would sacrifice anyone to get more power and anything else he wanted."

"How dare you–" Danzo couldn't say anymore before Naruto cut in.

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we have an important mission to start. And don't even think about having your personal ANBU follow us. If you do, I will know." Naruto walked off after speaking his mind. He didn't care about the intense look he was getting from Danzo behind him.

Minato was staring at Naruto in awe. No one had ever dared talk back to Danzo before. He gave off so much power, everyone was scared of him, but that was the scariest he had ever seen Naruto before. Does he know something about Danzo? Minato decided he would just have to talk to Naruto about it when he got the chance.

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