Chapter 38

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What is going on out there? Kushina was thinking this to herself as she watched over the villagers. She could feel the rumbles in the earth from explosions and could hear the sound of yelling in the distance. After everything had gone silent, Kushina was starting to get worried. She wanted to go out and see what had happened. Just before she was about to leave the hideout, Kushina felt the presence of Minato just as he appeared next to her. "Minato! What's going on? Everything went silent."

Minato quickly explained what had happened in the village. He told Kushina how Naruto was being controlled and that he was able to get through to him briefly. "Kushina, I think you are the only one who will be able to help him now."

"What? Why me? I have barely spent any time with him."

Minato paused as he thought of what to say. He didn't want to tell Kushina the whole truth because he knew that Naruto needed to be the one to tell her. "I can't tell you much right now, but you're special to him. He will listen to you, I'm sure of it."

Kushina was confused by what Minato was saying, but she trusted him, and she knew that she also cared for Naruto, and she wanted him back safe. "Alright. Let's go."

"I'll stay here to look after your villagers. Please make sure my friends are alright when you're finished." Konan spoke to Minato while making her way deeper into the shelter.

"I will. Thank you." Minato quickly disappeared as he and Kushina teleported back to the village. Knowing where Naruto would end up, Minato brought them to the base of the Hokage tower. "Alright, he will most likely be at the top."

Kushina and Minato slowly began to make their way to the top of the tower, careful not to alert Naruto of their presence. When they finally were able to peer over the edge, they could see Naruto on the other side, surrounded by red and black flames, but what surprised Minato more was seeing him staring across at Kakashi and Obito.

What do they think they're doing?! Minato couldn't believe that those two were trying to fight Naruto. They are going to get themselves hurt! Or worse, killed!

Naruto was just about to charge at Kakashi and Obito when Kushina suddenly ran out onto the roof. "Naruto don't!"

Naruto froze when he heard Kushina speak up. "I didn't think the Fourth Hokage would stoop to using you." His voice was still animalistic and there was a hint of amusement to it, but he wasn't looking at Kushina as he spoke. "Do you really think you could beat me? You may be the Jinchuuriki of the village, but I'm still stronger than you are."

"Please look at me, Naruto." Kushina tried to plead with him to turn around. "I didn't come here to fight you."

Naruto seemed to struggle as he turned to face Kushina. "You think you're going to talk to me and everything is just going to be okay?" Naruto chuckled as he spoke to Kushina. "You think that I'm just going to change because you say I'm not the real me? Believe me. I've heard it before."

"No." Kushina shook her head as she slowly started walking towards Naruto. "I think this is the real you. This pain inside you is real. But that pain is being manipulated." As she got closer, Kushina noticed that Naruto's hands were shaking slightly, and he took some steps back in order to keep distance between them.

Despite his efforts, Naruto noticed that Kushina was slowly getting closer to him. "Stop." He nearly growled the word out as he gripped his head in pain. "Gah!" Suddenly he fell to his knees as the pounding in his head got worse.

"Naruto!" Obito cried out as he saw Naruto fall.

"No stop." Kakashi quickly stopped Obito before he could say or do anything else. "Let Lady Kushina handle this."

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