Chapter 40

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Minato was sitting in his office trying to go over all of the new information in his head. He wanted to get Naruto out, but he also knew that he couldn't let Danzo just do whatever he wanted. This is so frustrating! He was thinking to himself as he ended up throwing the papers he was holding off of his desk. Putting his head in his hands he started muttering to himself. "This whole situation is crazy. What could Danzo be planning? Is Naruto actually okay? Man, I am so stressed out right now..."

Just as he was starting to get into a small argument with himself, Minato suddenly heard a hard knock on his door. He quickly cleaned up the mess he had made before focusing himself and calling in the visitor.

"Lord Fourth Hokage." Danzo spoke up with a pretentious tone to his voice.

"Lord Danzo, what can I do for you?" Minato narrowed his eyes slightly at the man standing in front of him. He knew that he didn't trust this man at all, but for the sake of appearances, he had to speak as he normally would.

"I have been informed that you went to visit the boy in prison, Lord Hokage." Danzo was about to continue before he was interrupted by Minato.

"I did. I went to find out what had happened while he was missing." He had a hint of venom in his voice, but was trying hard to hold it back. "As Hokage I will not blindly accuse someone of a crime. I will work to ascertain any facet of the truth."

"I see." Danzo was trying to act impartial as he spoke. "And what, may I ask, did he mention? I assume you questioned him thoroughly."

Minato knew that he had to be extremely cautious with what he disclosed to Danzo. In order to seem as though he was releasing tension in the air, Minato released a heavy sigh before continuing. "All he remembered was Madara mind-controlling him." As he said this, he noticed Danzo relax ever so slightly; something he would have missed had it not been for his already cautious state.

"I assume you are going to interrogate him some more? It may just be a trick in order to get out. We can't risk the lives of everyone in the village over our own emotions."

"I have already taken that into account, Lord Danzo. I will have Inoichi take a look into his mind to see if what he said was true."

"Are you confident in Inoichi's ability, Lord Hokage? I know many that would do a fine job."

Minato knew that he had gotten under Danzo's skin. He wants one of his own men to do the interrogation so that he can either put false blame on Naruto, or to make sure that his name isn't brought up at all. Probably both at the same time. Minato was inwardly smirking at himself, knowing that he wasn't fooled by the man in front of him. "No need to worry. I have total trust in Inoichi and in his abilities." I also trust that he won't lie to me.

"Very well." Danzo gave a curt nod to Minato. "I will take my leave then, Lord Hokage. I expect we will talk again shortly."

Minato didn't say anything as he watched Danzo walk out of the door. It wasn't until he was absolutely sure that Danzo had left the building that he decided to call Inoichi. He wasn't about to waste anymore time when he knew that time was already short.

* * * * * *

"So what do you plan on doing once you get out of here, Naruto?" Naruto was sitting in his mindscape talking to Kurama to pass the time. He would never admit it, but he was bored out of his mind.

"I'm going after Madara, that's what I'm doing." Naruto held a fist in front of him with a determined look on his face. "I know from when Obito talked about him, that he is getting to the last of his strength now, and after that 'stunt' he pulled with me, he is going to be weak. It should be easy to take him out now."

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