2. Worried

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At Night

Sanyu was in the room with her mother and she laid her head on her mother's lap.

"Are you happy, Sanyu?" Anju asked caressing her hair.

"I am more than happy, Maa. Happy word can't describe my happiness." Sanyu replied sitting on the bed smiling at her brightly.

"I can see that in your face. And Randhir? How is he as a husband?" She asked caressing her hair.

"Maa, he is best. He always takes care of me. He himself dropped me at the hospital, every day. He hardly let me cook because he said that I should concentrate on my studies first. Last month, when I had an exam, I used to awake late at night, and guess what? Randhir also gave me company by awaking with me. And then he also made me drink milk every night because he thinks it's good for health and I also agree but I don't like plain milk since childhood. Whenever I got nervous during in exam he encouraged me by saying some sweet words. After the exam, when I returned home, he used to give me massage on the forehead and legs which was very relaxing and stress-removing. Every Sunday, he makes breakfast for both of us, and guess what maa? I am a huge fan of his coffee. He makes the best coffee in the world. And maa he a..."

"Sanyu beta, enough." Her mother stopped placing a finger on her lips.

Then blush appears on her cheeks after realizing that she blurted out everything unknowingly. Her mother cupped her face and kissed her forehead lovingly.

"I am so happy to see you happy. My baby got her prince charming." She said with moist eyes and Sanyu hugged her mother.

"He is not prince charming, maa. He is my Randhir." Sanyu said shyly and her mother slapped her shoulder playfully.

"Now sleep. We have to wake up early in the morning." She said breaking the hug.

"Good night, maa," Sanyu said kissing her cheeks.

"Good night, baby. Dreams of your Randhir." She said with a wink and Sanyu blush covering herself with a quilt.

Anju laughed and left from there. Sanyu got out of the quilt and turns off the lights but something was not fading from her mind that is his touch. It gives jitter in her stomach. Her mobile vibrates and she answers the call.

"I can't sleep." He said with a frown and she blushed because she was also missing him.

"I also can't sleep. I.. can.. I a..." She tried to speak but felt difficulty with words.

"What you want to say, Love? Tell me. My ears are willing to hear from you." He said in his husky voice.

"I can't forget about last night. I can feel you touch me." She said in a shy voice and he groaned.

"Damn... Sanyukta, don't say anything about last night. How much I want to take you right now and make love to you all night." He said in a desperate voice and she blushed more.

"Everyone is missing you here. Come soon." She said in a sad tone.

"I will be there soon. Let me wrap my work so that I can freely enjoy my sister's wedding, family time, and romancing with my beautiful wife." He said in a soft tone and she smiled hearing his words.

"I need to sleep. I have to wake up early in the morning and leave from here. I have to make breakfast tomorrow." She said with a yawn.

"But you don't have to do it. Didn't mom-dad tell you that you don't need to cook for anyone and where are you right now?" He asked frowned deeply.

"Mom said I just have to make breakfast tomorrow because Badi bua (Father's sister - Aunt) is coming in the morning. I come to meet maa and papa and they insisted me to stay here for a night. I hope you don't mind." She said biting her lips.

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