I. The Good Son

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Regulus Black stood on the last stair of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. His back was straight as could be, stretching to his full height. He had his hands clasped behind his back, and he was watching with eager eyes while his brother straightened his spine and stared up at their father.

Orion Black looked at his son, stone faced. Sirius Black rolled his shoulders back and stared zealously at his father.

Regulus was quite nervous about the interaction that would follow - it was common knowledge within the Black family that Orion and Sirius didn't exactly get along. Regulus held his breath as Orion Black reached out his hand.

Orion clapped a firm hand onto Sirius's shoulder, and both brothers let out the breath that they had been holding in unison.

"Make us proud." Orion said simply, staring down at Sirius with fire and determination in his eyes.

"Yes father," muttered Sirius.

He shook Orion's hand from his shoulder and turned away. Sirius met eyes with his brother, and the two stared at each other in silence for a few brief moments.

Sirius's face broke into a wide grin, and he hurried over to his little brother. His shoulders were slumped the second that he had broken the gaze with their father, and he was back to his normal, slouchy posture.

Sirius stopped at the foot of the stairs, staring excitedly into the grey eyes of his little brother. "Aw, c'mon Reggie, don't be sad," Sirius said, his grin faltering for the briefest of moments.

Regulus winced at the nickname from his big brother, but ignored it. "Come on Reg, I'll be back! It's only a year! That's a year you get away from this old tosser, huh?" Sirius gestured to himself, and Regulus let out the faintest of laughs.

Suddenly, his face turned to stone, and his eyes darted between his two parents. They were immersed in a whispered conversation, and weren't even looking in the direction of the boys. Regulus leaned closer to his brother, who was at level height with him, even with the extra inches that the stair gave to Regulus.

"Please don't leave," he pleaded, shooting another glance at his parents, specifically his father.

Sirius's expression softened, and he reached out a hand and laid it gently on his little brother's arm. "Reggie, it's only a year. I'll be back for Christmas, and I'll write to you everyday if you want me to!" he too, sent a fleeting glance at the two Black parents. "Just please try to stay out of trouble, eh? You know father has had a sensitive temper since... well, just please try to keep out of their way?" these words came out as just above a breath, and Regulus felt the hair on his arms stand up.

"Ok," Regulus said, straightening his spine once again as his parents sauntered over to them. "I promise."

Sirius's expression changed to one of utmost pleasure, and he held out his hand. Regulus unclasped his hands, which were still held steady behind his back, and took his brother's hand.

Affection was never really a big thing in the Black family. Orion and Walburga Black both implemented the fact that affection was seen as weak by others, ever since the boys were mere children. Therefore, the boys rarely ever hugged each other, especially not in front of their parents.

Those were just the ways of the Black family.

Regulus watched as his brother grabbed his trunk and held a tight grip on it. Walburga Black placed a hand on her son's shoulder, and both watched as Orion took Sirius out of the front door. With a loud CRACK!, Regulus knew that they were gone.

Sirius never did come back for Christmas.

He wanted Sirius there. He wanted to lash out. To scream, to hit him, to cry to him about just how alone he felt. He wanted to walk up to him and wail.

How could you do that to me?! How could you get sorted to Gryffindor! I need you! I NEED YOU! How am I supposed to do this alone?!

Deep down, however, if Regulus thought back to the day that the two brothers had said goodbye on the stairs of Number 12 Grimmauld Place, he knew. He could see it in the way that his eyes glinted, the way they went from that grey haze to a brilliant blue.

Hogwarts was what was best for Sirius.

And Regulus wanted nothing but the best for his brother.

He would have to hate him. He knew it. He knew it from the moment that his mother had discovered what had happened to Sirius.

Regulus was in his bedroom, propped up on one elbow and desperately trying to concentrate on the text in front of him. He was so worried about his brother, and what would become of Regulus in his absence, that he was having a hard time focusing on anything.

That's when the banging began. Regulus practically jumped out of his skin, sending the book flying to the floor.

"ARGHHHHHHH!" Walburga Black shrieked from the library.

Regulus could feel his heart beat in his throat, and he frantically looked around the room. For a split second, when he heard his mother bursting with anger, he forgot that Sirius was away, experiencing his first year at Hogwarts. He looked around for his big brother, the one who always protected him from the wrath of their parents' anger.

Regulus remembered back to the countless times that his brother - his protector - had saved him from being hurt by his parents. Had stepped between Regulus and Walburga or Orion Black, had taken whatever punishment they had onto himself. He suddenly remembered that his brother was away, and wouldn't be there to protect him this time.

This time, he had to protect himself.

Regulus snuck over to his bedroom door and cracked it open, just enough to be able to press his ear to the crack and hear better. No sooner had he pressed his ear to the crack in the door, then he heard one of the wall-height bookcases crashing to the ground.

Suddenly, the shrieking, banging, thudding, and miniature explosions paused. Regulus could feel dread creeping through his veins, but he fought as hard as he could to suppress it. He squared his shoulders when he heard Walburga's stomping footsteps coming up the stairs towards his room, and he took a deep - yet shaky - breath.

He wanted to be brave like Sirius.

"REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK!" Walburga burst into his room, nearly knocking into him. Her face was bright red with fury, and he felt as though steam should've been pouring from her ears.

"Yes, mother?" Regulus struggled to keep his voice steady.

Walburga's temper seemed to dial itself down, if only just temporarily. She squared her shoulders and clenched her jaw, suppressing the hatred that was trying ever-so-desperately to take over her eyes.

"You are the good son. You always have been, and you will continue to be. You will uphold the Black family legacy. You will take over for your disgusting excuse of a brother. You will be sorted to Slytherin. Am I understood?"

Regulus felt a lump rise in his throat. Sirius hadn't been sorted to Slytherin?

"Yes, mother. Of course." He said thickly.

She nodded, pleased by the answer, and stormed out of the room within seconds. She used her wand to slam the door shut, and the little bit of dust that had gathered itself on the ceiling above his door fell freely and swirled through the air.

From that moment on, Regulus knew that things in his family would be changed forever.

The Story of Regulus Black - Years 1-4Where stories live. Discover now