Chapter 32

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It was night time and you and Kim were currently having a break from anything that's school related. Your stomach grumble as you and Kim were watching the news on the television. You sigh as you look up to the ceiling, thoughts were running inside your head. Currently, today wasn't really that exhausted, but the moment your body doesn't do anything, or you literally do nothing, it seems like your body is becoming weak and fragile. While on the other hand, you always feel hungry.

You softly grunt as you got up out of the sofa, earning a weird gaze from Kim, "Everything alright?" She asked.

You nod your head and took a deep breath, "Yeah, just hungry." You said as you stretch your limbs.

"We have left overs inside the fridge, but we can order pizza if you want." She suggested as she grabbed her phone.

"Go for it. Can you order me some milk tea too? The (Fav/Flavor) one?" You asked in which earned a nod from Kim.

"Sure." She said.

"Thanks." You replied shortly as you walk out of the living room, leaving Kim to order the foods. You then head towards your bedroom to just have some time for yourself?

Even you don't know why you end up in there. It's just weird that sometimes, you don't seem to control your own action just like what happened inside the library of where you blush all so suddenly and felt like you were nervous in front of Alastor. It's making you sick to the point where you want to puke, but then you didn't. Some movements, and also feelings were forced, but then the others? It's just your free will.

And also, whenever you enter some specific room inside the dorm, like the bathroom and the kitchen, you always smell a rotting iron.

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You opened your eyes tiredly as you heard the annoying sound of your alarm clock in your phone. You groan as you sat up tiredly on your bed, you opened the curtains of your window to see no sun that was out. It was still night, or maybe morning. You then tiredly look up for the time in your phone to see what time it really is.

"3:15...?" You quietly said as you once again plop down on your bed as you closed your eyes, attempting to go back to sleep.

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"...will love you!"

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"By doing this?"

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"Yes. Are you questioning my ways now?"

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Are those voices? You knitted your eyebrows as you once again opened your eyes to be meet by your boring white ceiling inside your room in your shared dorm with Kim. Why are you hearing voices? As if it was faint and right at the back of your mind? Is this lack of sleep? And your mind is playing tricks at you at the moment?

You hissed as your head suddenly felt a pang of pain. Holding as you roll to the side to star at your boring white door that was currently locked. The pain was just mild, but whenever you think about the voices that you heard not too long ago, it's becoming more strong and it seems unbearable.

You groan as you once again for up from your bed and head outside of your bedroom to get something to eat in the fridge. Once you opened the door to the dark short hallway towards the kitchen, you sigh as you look for the light switch. Once you felt it in your hands, you thought of nothing and turned on the lights.

You head to the fridge to look for some snacks to eat. Though your mind wonders back to what you heard earlier, but then again, a headache occur and by the second that your not shaking off the thought the pain is becoming more surreal.

You groan as you softly shake your head and grabbed the food that was inside the fridge. You sigh and head towards the living room to watch some shows or even some animes. Reaching there, you sat down on the sofa and turned on the television.

You then open the wrapper of the food you got on the fridge as you were indulged with the show that was playing on the television. As you brought up the food closer to your lips, and touching it process, you opened your mouth to take a bite


Don't eat it..."

"Huh?!" You were caught off guard when you heard a whisper on your ear coming from behind you. Your heart just jumped out of your chest as you got up from the sofa.

Your eyes were widened in shock when you saw that no one was there but you inside the living room, the show that's on your television kept playing the only source of sound inside the room.

Just what was that...?

Hi, I'm sorry for short chapter. Please help m

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