Chapter 20

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He was carrying you like a sack full of potato on his shoulder, you were squirming around trying to get away from his grasp but it was futile. He was much stronger than he looks. What is he going to do? Torture? Kill? Or maybe something else? Your mind was over thinking as tears couldn't help themselves from falling from your eyes. He was quiet at the time he was carrying you back, it was weird for you not to hear him something smart. He arrived at the house and kicked the door open. It was dark enough for you not to see the interior of this large house, but one thing that reeks inside her was the smell of rusting iron. Rusting Iron?

He then opened another that seemingly lead downstairs, that's where the unpleasant smell of iron hits your nose, especially the smell of something rotten and the smell of something that this room hasn't been used in many years. Is this even a room? Alastor then hummed a tune as he gently placed you down at the cold ground, but what you did certainly caught him of guard. Even though he tied your hands together earlier, you still used your last strength to hit him. The force that you gave him was certainly hard enough to leave a mark. He chuckled as he spit out the blood.

"I must say, that's one hell of a hit." He chuckled darkly as he stands up. You scowl at him trying to be brave, when you know very well that you are scared of him. 

"I though I'm the only one you want?! Why did you take Tyrone?" You shout at him, though it bring satisfaction towards Alastor. You're so brave for standing up for yourself, but that won't last long. Alastor will make sure of it.

Alastor chuckled darkly as he stand up, looking down at you with his deadly gaze. He grabbed something in his pocket, and it was his black gloves. Seeing how your eyes widened, Alastor chuckled, "I might have need to teach you a listen, especially that hit really hurt." He said as he straightened up his posture and opened the dimmed lights of this room.

It was cold in here, and the air feels a little thicker than before. And once your eyes traveled, you realized that it was the basement. You can see the weapons and many kinds of equipments hanging from left to right. Your eyes darted towards a certain chair, and the one that was sitting there was-

"TYRONE!" You shouted in fear as you looked directly at him with worried. Alastor chuckled as he approached Tyrone's unconscious state as he was tied up on the chair real tight.

"See here, lovely?" Alastor said as he pulled out a silver kitchen knife that reflected to the dimmed light on this room. Your eyes widened as your breath fastened.

You wanted to get up and stopped him from what ever he's going to do to Tyrone, but he also tied your ankles together form preventing your to run.

Alastor then smiled darkly as he gripped on Tyrone's face, shaking it so that Tyrone will woke up. And once Tyrone groaned and started to flutter his eyes opened, Alastor looked over you with a wicked smile. Silently, your tears started flowing out of your eyes once again once you saw Alastor drew his knife closer to Tyrone's throat.

He then tapped the edge on his throat lightly making Tyrone gulped and almost wince at the action. Alastor chuckled, "I want to play a game." He said looking straightly at your terrified form.

You were frozen in your spot, you were trembling, the fear on your face gives an immense motivation towards Alastor on continuing this. He smirked.

"Tyrone, I want you to pick your own type of torture." He said with a low voice.

Tyrone clicked his tongue, "You fucking bitch, let us go!" He shouted at him angrily as he tries to get away from the straps on the seat. But it was all futile.

Alastor chuckled, "I will give you 3 seconds, and if you don't pick, then (Name) is going to be the one who's going to receive your own torture," He paused as he sigh, sitting infront of Tyrone as he grabs a chair that was close to him, "I mean, I don't mind ruining her lovely face." He smirked at him.

Tyrone knitted his eyebrows and gulped. You don't what to feel anymore, at this point you are just waiting for some like miracle to happen. It was a choice for Tyrone to decide. If he wants to save his own skin, then he'll be sure to let Alastor torture you. But, that's not something Tyrone would do.

His lips trembled, "I don't know any kinds of torture," he paused as his breath hitch inside his throat. The fear was unbearable.

Alastor smiled in glee and chuckle, "I'm letting you pick in between these two," he paused as he put down his knife, Alastor then smiled sadistically at Tyrone, "Hand nails? Or Toe nails?" Alastor asked as he slightly tilted his head to the side.

"What...?" Tyrone breath out as his pupils shrank a little in fear as his eyes were widened.

"I'm giving you five seconds to decide. And if you don't, then I'll be torturing (Name) instead of you." Alastor said as he looked back at your traumatized form. He almost felt sorry for doing this to you, but it can't be helped. He enjoys this.

Tyrone didn't spoke and attempts to at least look at you, he was worried, scared, and everything in between. He was glad that Alastor had done nothing to harm you physically, but he was scared that if he dies right now, he won't be able to know what's going to happen to you. His silence seemed to tick off Alastor as Alastor clicked his tongue.

"Tic Toc, Tyrone~" He sang as he chuckled in the process.

Tyrone gulped at looked back up to see Alastor, "H-Hand nails..." He even hesitated to say so as his sweats dropped from his forehead.

Alastor laughed, "Good choice!" He said in glee as he looked back to (Name) who was staring at him with wide eyes in fear. Her lips quivered and it was a sight to see. Alastor then walked towards the table of where his torture equipments are, he smiled once he had gotten what he needed for this method.

And without a second of Tyrone turing to get away from the grasp, Alastor looked back at you ang laughed, "Enjoy the show! My dear (Name)!" He said.



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Lmao, sorry.

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