Chapter 8

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You gulped not knowing who to choose. You can go with Tyrone but it'll end up bad for the senior who has his own point, but if you choose the senior then it's a vice versa for Tyrone. Tyrone is your friend, and Alastor was a senior who basically just asked you(with invading your personal space)if you're going to the party. The twins waited for you to answer as you somehow worriedly glance at Alastor who was taking care of his swollen jaw that's going to be over on his cheeks. You looked back to Tyrone as he looked at your worriedly but you can still see the burning rage in his eyes.

Avis sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose, "We're clearly causing too much attention. Let's talk this out in starbucks." She said, her voice sounded cold and flat in which sends shivers down to your spine as you wonder if she's stress with all these.

You sigh heavily as you started to follow the female senior as you grab on Tyrone's sleeve to make him follow with you. You didn't look back to Alastor, but you know to yourself that he's as angry as Tyrone is.

"Damn, that's a hard punch." You heard Avix said as he walk beside Alastor.

Avis stopped dead in her tracks as she looked back at the people who are still recording, especially the teenagers around your age. She gritted her teeth as her jaw clenched, her glare worsen, "Can y'all just mind you goddang motherfuckin' business?" She said loudly enough for them to hear.

You expected them to not comply, but when they did, Avis sigh and started walking not minding if the 4 of you will follow her. During the walk, non of you guys decided to break the ice cold silence. It was as if walking through a sad funeral in the rain, it was really pressuring considering you need to answer the question or either choose a side.

Tyrone clicked his tongue as he looked at the opposite direction of where you are standing and walking beside him. You bit the inside of your cheeks in worried. You followed as Avis enters the café and looked for a five person seat. And when the waitress/receptionist helped her find the seat.

Avis took a seat as yourself choose a seat beside her since it would at least help you calm down in a way. Her presence was just really comforting to you so it would make it easier for you to talk. As the three males comply and took a seat, Alastor and Tyrone were silent.

Avis was the one who broke the ice, "You know very well that it's wrong to hit your seniors like that, considering all of us are still wearing our school uniforms." Avis said flatly and almost seemed like there's no emotion that's lacing on her voice. You secretly fidgeting your fingers together under the table as you nervously listen to her.

"I know! But don't you see how uncomfortable (Name) looks? By the looks of it, he's really harassing her and actually playing the victim!" Tyrone growled as he glared at Alastor who also seemed to glare back.

But, you saw Alastor eyes and emotion. It conveys as if he's almost at the peek of bloodlust and is on the verge of murdering Tyrone.

"Since me and my twin are fighting over a stupid argument, Alastor what do you have to say for yourself? I didn't take you for a guy to invade someone's personal bubble." Avis said as the waitress arrived for you guys to get your drinks ordered.

You watch as Alastor composed himself, taking a deep breath, and then giving a smile. Like, his usual smile. It almost bothered you to the point of how he can smile on this situation. You know very well that the Verlassene has the power to really bring you to your own grave(not demonically since they're humans in this universe) so that's why, not one student can mess with them, or someone that has a connections with them.

"As I said earlier, Avis, I was just simply asking if she's going to your siblings party this Saturday. But I guess, this guy interpret it wrong and make it seemed like I was harassing the poor girl." He said calmly as he looked at me and gave me a closed eye smile.

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