chapter fourteen.

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it had been an entire week since amelia had spoken to fred. each day that passed just made it harder and harder to stay away from him.

"i'm telling you, amelia. you're driving the boy mad!" daisy walked next to her friend. "you're torturing him! and yourself! just tell him how you feel."

amelia had shared her feelings concerning fred with daisy soon after she realized that those feelings were developing. daisy quickly ran with the idea and began shipping fred and amelia; she even called them "soulmates."

"i cant do that, daisy." amelia sighed.

"i know, i know." daisy rolled her eyes at her friend. "it'll ruin your friendship, he means too much to you, blah blah blah. you know, you're ruining your friendship by keeping this from him. you haven't spoken in a week!"

deep down, amelia knew that daisy was right. however, she wasn't ready to admit that to her yet.

"just think about it, yeah?" daisy stopped in her tracks and pulled her friend to the side of the crowded hallway. "promise?"

"i promise." amelia smiled at the rainbow haired girl before she turned to head to her next class.

amelia took a deep breath and headed to her defense against the dark arts class, her least favorite class of the day. the class seemed to go by slower than ever before, as she could feel fred's eyes burning through her skin from the other side of the room. daisy was right. being apart from him was torturous.

after class, amelia headed out into the hallway. she couldn't help but notice the heavy rain that poured outside of the hogwarts castle. amelia loved rain. she couldn't help but think of all the sleepless nights where she and fred would sit and watch the rainfall together.

however, her thoughts were interrupted by a certain platinum haired boy. "amelia?"

she hasn't spoken to him since he freaked out on her a couple weeks ago. she had no intention of speaking to him again after the incident, but here he was. standing directly in front of her.

"hello, draco." amelia stated, shifting her various schoolbooks in her hands. "is there something that i can help you with?"

"no, i just-" draco started. "do you want to go to the yule ball with me?"

amelia stood, staring at the boy with wide eyes. a week ago, he couldn't even look at her. now, he was asking her to the ball? it didn't make any sense.

"what? is this some kind of sick joke because it's really not funny." amelia asked, annoyed.

"no. it's not a joke. i know that i made a mistake - telling you off when i found out your bloodline. i really like spending time with you, amelia, and i really want you to give me another chance."

a couple weeks ago, hearing those words from draco would make amelia melt. but now, it all felt wrong.

before she could even think, she found herself replying to draco's inquisition. "i'm sorry, draco. but i just have my eye on someone else."

"oh, i understand. see you around?" he looked almost heartbroken. amelia couldn't believe that she had just turned down draco malfoy. after all, half of the girls in the school would die for a chance to attend the ball by his side.

as draco walked past her, amelia's eyes interlocked with fred's. he had been watching the exchange between draco and amelia the entire time. amelia immediately dashed out of the hallway and down the stairs. she was practically sprinting in order to avoid the red-head. but, with fred's long strides, she hardly had a chance.

she ran down the stairs and out of the corridor into the pouring rain. she ran on the grass until she couldn't run anymore. her uniform was soaking wet, but she hardly noticed as she turned around and saw that fred was standing there. his red hair messily fell around his face, and even in the rain, he seemed to be glowing.

"i know that you're avoiding me, amelia." fred finally spoke, rain droplets pouring down his face. "and i don't know why. it's killing me, ams." his voice cracked, almost as if he was holding back tears.

"i'm really sorry fred, but i just- i just can't do this." amelia stuttered, beginning to cry. she didn't even care at this point.

"look, i know that you are probably back with malfoy and that's fine. i just want you to know-" fred started.

"malfoy? you think this is about draco?" amelia interrupted her best friend. "you just don't get it do you?"

fred look at her, his brow furrowed. this whole time, he was under the impression that amelia still had feelings for the slytherin prince himself. nevertheless, here she was, proving him wrong.

after a moment, amelia continued.

"i'm in love with you fred!" she was practically screaming now. "i'm so fucking in love with you that i can't stand it! i cant do this anymore!"

"you-youre in love with me?" he questioned, almost in disbelief. "merlin, amelia. i've been in love with you since first year."

"you- what?" amelia stood, her heart ceasing to beat. she had been under the impression that her love was unrequited, but now, she could hardly believe what she was hearing.

she waited for fred's response, but it never came. instead, in one swift motion, he took a step towards her — closing the gap between the pair. amelia looked up at him with wide eyes as he took his hand and put it under her chin.

amelia's heart was beating out of her chest. he pulled her chin up to reach him, then he gently leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips.

the world around them seemed to disappear as he wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her into him. she wrapped her arms around his neck, touching his ginger hair with her fingers. the rain continued to pour on the pair, but they could hardly notice.

everything was perfect.

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