chapter two.

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"amelia!" a scream called out in the crowded hallways of hogwarts. she could recognize that voice from anywhere.

"freddie!" the young girl turned around to face her best friend. it was their sixth year at hogwarts, and she couldn't be more excited. as she made eye contact with the ginger boy, she couldn't help but smile. she had been best friends with fred since their first year at hogwarts when they were both sorted into the gryffindor house. ever since then, they were inseparable. you could never find one without the other. his hazel eyes smiled at hers as they reuntited.

it had only been a couple of weeks since the pair had been together. it was a tradition for amelia to spend her summer break with the weasleys. amelia's parents had died when she was young in a house fire. ever since then, she had been on her own. that is, apart from fred.

"well, how was the rest of your summer?" fred asked as the pair began walking down the corridor together.

"we've missed you." george weasley, fred's twin brother, added as he walked to the other side of amelia.

"it's only been what? four weeks?" amelia laughed. she couldn't deny it, she missed them too. the weasleys were practically her second family. well - her only family. molly and arthur had practically assisted in raising her since she met them after first arriving at hogwarts.

"worst four weeks of my life!" fred laughed, grabbing amelia by the arm. "how do you feel? sixth year?"

"me too." george laughed as he wiped away a fake tear and pretended to cry. the trio made their way down the hallway, laughing, smiling, and enjoying each other's company.

fred weasley was known to amelia, as well as the rest of the school, as a troublemaker. he and george constantly pulled pranks on the students and staff, and amelia was often played the part as the guinea pig. their pranks were usually harmless, other than that one time in third year where a prank gone wrong left amelia in the hospital. the twins felt horribly after, apologizing for weeks on end.

amelia, on the other hand, was not a prankster. she was focused on school and her friends, and that's about it. she kept mostly to herself until she met the weasley twins; they had a way of getting her out of her shell. her dark brown hair swayed as it reached the middle of her back and her pink front pieces laid tucked behind her ear. she was smart, not anything extraordinary like hermoine granger, but smart.

"malfoy's got his eye on you again." george turned to amelia. the trio sat in the great hall, eating lunch. "i told you that he's in love with you."

"shut up, george." amelia nudged the twin with her elbow. george was similar to fred, he liked playing tricks on people. however, after getting to know the two over the years, amelia also knew that the twins were vastly different. george was quieter, whereas fred was more outgoing. amelia loved george with all her heart, but she and fred had a different kind of relationship. the kind where entire conversations could take place using only glances. george always joked that the two were soulmates, and amelia secretly agreed.

fred remained silent, sitting across from amelia at the long table. he just stared at her, admiring her beauty. he had always had a thing for amelia. she was unlike any other person that he had ever met. however, he would never reveal these things to her as he knew that it would ruin their friendship. he cared about her to much to do that.

"what? he is!" george protested. "i'm only pointing out the obvious." george shruged as he continued eating his meal.

amelia let out a small chuckle as she glanced behind fred's head, in the direction of draco malfoy, the school's resident bad boy slytherin. his bleach blond hair caught amelia's eye as he refused to break eye contact. she couldn't help but to blush, which made draco chuckle.

"so, amelia. what have you been up to since we saw you at the burrow?" fred changed the subject. he wasn't sure why he felt this pit in his stomach as he watched her look at draco, but he didn't like it.

"well, i went back to my aunt and uncle's. not quite as interesting as the weasley's." amelia let out a small laugh.

"well we were miserable without you, especially fred."

if looks could kill, fred would have murdered george at that moment. amelia just laughed; she was just glad to be with her best friends again at her favorite place, hogwarts.

the day went by slowly as amelia made her daily rounds to each of her classes before it was finally time to go back to their dorms. amelia made her way back to the griffyndor common room, exhausted. as she walked in, she was greeted by all of her favorite people in the world.

"amelia! we've missed you!" ron said, running up to amelia. ron was fred and george's younger brother. amelia absolutely adored him, she had known him since he was a child - before he even came to hogwarts.

"hi, ron!" amelia greeted him as others formed a circle around her, excited to see their friend. "hi, neville! hi luna! i've missed you both so much."

"we've missed you!" luna smiled sweetly at amelia. besides the weasleys, neville and luna were amelia's only friends. they had always been there for her, constantly by her side. the friends stood together, embracing each other. they were all gryffindors, that is, except for luna. either way she always found a way to sneak into the gryffindor common room when the gang was together.

eventually, everyone head to their dorms to go to bed - except for fred and amelia. amelia finally let out a sigh as she plopped down onto the couch that sat in the center of the common room. the red-haired boy sat down next to her, looking at the fire that sat in front of them. they sat in silence for a period of time, before fred began speaking.

"are you going to try out for the quidditch team this year?" he asked, looking over at her.

"i dont think so. i mean, you boys need your biggest cheerleader, right?" she laughed. amelia was just glad to be back at school. without fail, being at hogwarts always made her smile - it was her happy place.

"of course. what ever would we do if we didn't have you cheering us on?" fred said sarcastically. his eyes seemed to sparkle in the firelight.

they sat, enjoying each other's company for a number of minutes, before amelia spoke again.

"i think i'm going to head off to bed." she said, sighing. she was absolutely exhausted. "goodnight, freddie. i'll see you in the morning." she stood up from where they sat in the common room and headed towards the door to the girls' dorm.

"goodnight, amelia." fred replied as the pair parted and went their separate ways.

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