chapter thirty four.

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"these exams are going to be the death of me." amelia muttered to daisy, who sat across from her in the packed library.

"looks like you're not the only one." daisy snickered as she gestured to the rest of the room. "i don't think that i've ever seen the library this busy."

amelia sighed as she continued to flip through her textbooks. "just think, only a few more months left and then we're done!"

"not if i fail these exams and don't finish seventh year." daisy joked. "speaking of failing seventh year, where are the twins?"

"i don't know, i haven't talked to fred today. they're probably out causing trouble together."

after multiple hours of hardcore studying, daisy and amelia decided that it was time for a well deserved break. 

"want to take a walk to hogsmeade? maybe get some butterbeer?" daisy asked as the two girls walked side by side down the empty corridor.

"yeah, sounds good." amelia smiled. she was glad to have a friend like daisy. daisy was the type of person who made amelia feel at home, no matter where they were. they always stuck together, no matter what.

the two approached an empty table inside the three broomsticks, after promptly ordering their butterbeers, they noticed a familiar redhead on the other side of the room.

"ginny!" amelia yelled as she ran to embrace her friend. ginny had always been close with amelia, even before she began dating fred. the two considered each other a sister, even though they weren't related.

"ams! daisy! hi!" ginny greeted as the wrapped her arms around amelia. "how are you guys? what are you doing here?"

"taking a break from studying. these exams are kicking my ass." daisy laughed as she hugged ginny. "have you seen the twins around?"

"yeah, we thought that they would be studying with us, merlin knows they need it!" amelia joked.

"oh, well i mean they don't really need to study since they aren't taking the exams." ginny took a sip of her butterbeer.

"what?" amelia asked, confused. everyone had to take end of the year exams as they are required for graduation.

"didn't they tell you? they're leaving after this week." ginny was confused as to why the girl's seemed to be shocked at the news that she had known for months.

"leaving?" daisy asked.

"they're dropping out?" amelia put the pieces together. fred had never prioritized his education, but he had made it this far. it didn't make sense to give up only a few short months from graduation.

"yeah, to start their joke shop together. i'm really sorry, i thought that they had told you guys."

"i mean george told me about the shop, but i didn't think that he would be dropping out because of it!" daisy threw her hands up in the air.

"i didn't know any of this." amelia was confused. she and fred were always together, they shared everything with one another. so, it didn't make any sense to her as to why he would keep such a big secret from her.  "i'm sorry, i'm going to go find fred." amelia said her goodbyes to her friends as she headed back towards the castle, her mind spinning.

she could barely focus her thoughts as she approached the boy's dorm and knocked. a million different scenarios were running through her mind, but none of them made sense. her knock was answered by a weasley, but not the one she was looking for.

"hey george," amelia smiled. "have you seen fred?" 

"yeah, come in ams." he opened the door and let her in, softly closing it behind her. "fred! amelia is here for you."

"hi, love." a very smiley fred turned the corner and opened his arms for a hug, which amelia swiftly declined. 

"you're dropping out of school?" amelia asked, arms crossed in front of her. she could feel the anger and sadness course through her veins. 

"well, i'll leave you two to it, um see you guys later!" george dashed out of the room, visibly uncomfortable.

fred stood in front of her, avoiding eye contact. he had planned to tell amelia eventually, but he didn't know how. he knew that she would disapprove. 

"i was going to tell you." fred started. 

"when? as you were packing up your bags to leave?" amelia was fighting back tears. "what are you doing fred? what about us?" 

"what about us? i'm doing this for us, amelia." fred raised his voice. "look, i didn't realize that i had to get your approval first."

"this isn't about me approving or disapproving your decision. it's about you keeping this from me. i mean, this is a huge deal, fred! i mean did you even think about how this would affect me?

"this isn't about you, amelia! not everything has to be about you. why can't you just support me?"

"that is bullshit fred and you know it. when have i not supported you? maybe it would be a little bit easier if you hadn't waited the week that you're leaving to tell me." the two were practically screaming at this point. "and you didn't even tell me! your fucking sister did." 

the two stood in silence as tears streamed down amelia's face. they had never had a fight like this.

"goodbye fred." amelia stormed out of the dorm, slamming the door behind her as she dashed out into the hallway. she didn't want to see anyone. all she wanted was to be alone. she leaned her back up against the cold, rock wall as she slid down to the floor, laying her head in her hands.

"trouble in paradise, belle?" an all too familiar voice rang throughout her ears.

"oh piss off malfoy." 

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