chapter ten.

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one week had passed since draco and amelia had met on the astronomy tower. since then, the two had been working on finishing their potions project. each day they spent together, they grew closer. they began to trust each other in ways that even they didn't understand.

"well, i think this is it!" amelia exclaimed on their last project work day. "we did it!"

"thank merlin!" draco laughed. "i didn't think we would ever finish this ridiculous project."

the two sat at a small table in the library on a friday afternoon.

"let me take you out, celebratory drinks at hog's head." draco said, smirking at amelia.

"i don't know.." amelia tried to come up with an excuse to blow draco off. the pair had grown closer over the past weeks, and she wasn't fond of the way that she felt around him. he made her nervous, her stomach always fluttering around him.

"cmon, belle! just give me a chance." he said, flashing puppy dog eyes at her.

"alright! fine. just one drink!" she laughed.

"you won't regret this! i'll meet you outside your common room at 7." he said, placing a quick kiss on her cheek before he ran off.

amelia's heart was beating a million miles a minute. she could feel her cheeks glow red as she thought about their exchange.

she found herself lost in thought as she walked back to her dorm. "amelia!" she heard footsteps approaching as she turned to see fred running towards her.

"hi, freddie." she said, waiting for him to catch up to her. "what are you up to today?"

"you know, the usual." he said, panting as he reached her location in the hallway. "you know, you're the only person who i would run through hogwarts for." he said, laughing. "where are you off to?"

"um, hogsmeade. well to my dorm first to change, then to hogsmeade. um- draco is taking me to celebrate us finishing our potions project." she explained as the two walked side by side.

"ohhhh, nice." he said, trying to act unbothered. "well, i hope that you have a good time! i'll catch you later?"

"yeah, of course!" she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. she loved his hugs. being in his arms was her favorite thing in the word. he wrapped his arms around her waist and embraced her, before heading off back down the hallway.

an hour had passed, and amelia had spent the entire time getting ready. she wore a sweater, black jeans, and boots. she hoped that she wasn't too dressed up, but she couldn't help but feel nervous. she looked up at the clock to see that it was almost 7, so she decided to head down to the common room.

"hey, amelia!" she saw george sitting alone on the couch in the common room; he stood to greet her. "have fun tonight! fred told me about your date with malfoy." he said, hugging her.

"thanks, georgie! ill catch you later!" she said as she headed out the door that lead to the hallway of hogwarts. upon entering the hallway, she saw a certain blonde-haired boy waiting for her. draco was dressed in all black, and amelia couldn't help but to notice how nice he looked.

"hey, draco!" she said, giving him a quick hug.

"hello, beautiful." he said, hugging her back. amelia softly hit his forearm, "you don't look too bad yourself, malfoy."

the two walked side by side to hogsmeade, before arriving at hog's head. draco opened the door for her and lead her to a small table under a window that was placed in the back of the establishment.

"i haven't been here in forever," she said, sitting down across from draco.

"me either," he laughed in response. he bought her a drink, as promised, and the two spent the evening chatting and laughing over the years they had spent at hogwarts.

"do you remember that time, in 3rd year, when moody turned you into a ferret?" amelia, laughed as she recalled the memory.

"oh, merlin." draco shook his head. "you remember that?"

"how could i forget? i mean you were a ferret for merlin's sake!"

"my father had a field day after that incident," he laughed. "but, between you and i, i did kind of deserve it!" amelia liked seeing this side of draco. she liked it a lot more than the bad boy persona that he usually demonstrated.

hours must have passed because before the two knew it, the inn was being closed for the night and they were forced to leave.

draco opened the door and lead amelia out into the empty streets of hogsmeade. "i can't believe that we've been here for so long, everyone's gone home!" amelia laughed, standing with her back against the brick walls of hog's head.

"me either, i cant remember the last time i spent this much time with one person!" draco laughed, and amelia couldn't help but blush. "i guess i just fancy you more than most people."

draco was standing directly in front of amelia now, with one hand propped next to the side of her head. her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest as she stared into draco's silver eyes.

he continued leaning closer to her until they were almost touching, and then, in one swift motion, their lips collided. he pushed her further back against the wall as he kissed her like his life depended on it. she ran her fingers through his blonde hair as she pulled him into her.

she could feel herself melting into him, and she didn't want it to stop. after a minute, he pulled back, keeping eye contact with her as he cupped her cheek with one hand.

"i guess, you could say, i fancy you more than most people." amelia blushed, mocking him. he gently rubbed her face with his thumb, placing another soft kiss on her lips.

"cmon, love. we better be getting back." he said, grabbing her hand in his.

the two walked hand in hand back to the castle, amelia blushing the entire way home.

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