chapter forty two.

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"where are we?" amelia asked once she had found her footing again. she looked around at her surroundings, but refused to let go of fred's arm. they were in a small alley in what looked like to be the middle of london.

"london." fred muttered, checking to make sure that no one had managed to follow them. "it was the first place that came to mind." he said, shifting amelia's grip from his arm to his hand.

"why?" amelia asked, trying to see if there was a familiar landmark that she recognized. as the two walked out of the alley, she found that they were next to a jewelry store, diamonds lining the window displays.

"i've been here, uh, recently." fred ran his free hand through his hair as though he was deep in thought. "come on, let's go this way." he pulled amelia behind him as they walked down the crowded streets of london.

amelia wondered what had brought fred to london, to a jewelry store of all places. she hadn't been with him, she had never even seen this part of london. however, she pushed her thoughts aside as she practically jogged to keep up with fred's walking pace.

"we should try and send a message to george and daisy to make sure that they're okay. you can still conjure your patrons, right?" amelia asked.

"mhm," fred turned at the corner and headed down a less busy side street. "i think it's better if we let things die down a bit first though. i'm sure that they're okay, i think they were apparating right as we did."

after checking that no one was around, the pair finally stopped to collect themselves.

"i cant believe that the death eaters showed up at the wedding! how could they have broken all of the protection spells at the burrow?" amelia was pacing back and forth, her hands shaking.

"what if they find us? or what if they try to go after george and daisy? or what if they didn't make it out in time? what about your parents? i mean your dad works for the ministry and what about ginny? what if they go after her while they're looking for harry? i mean there were so many people there, and i couldn't tell where everyone went and i-"

amelia's mind was running at a million miles an hour. she couldn't even force her mind to focus on one thought before it would switch to another. it felt like her entire world was tumbling down, and she was absolutely terrified.

"hey," fred snapped her out of her thoughts. she hadn't even noticed that she was still pacing until fred had grabbed her by her shoulders, forcing her to stop. "amelia." fred grabbed amelia by her hands, trying to stabilize them as they were still shaking. "look, everything's okay right now. the death eaters are looking for harry, but he's smart. i'm sure that he, ron, and hermoine got away just fine. the entire order was there, and they wouldn't have left until they had made sure that everyone else was safe. i'm sure that someone from the order will let us know what to do soon, but we just need to stay calm until then. okay?"

just being with fred helped to make amelia feel better. he had always been her safe place, ever since they were 11 years old. it was the same now, even if the world was crumbling down, fred made it feel like everything would be okay in the end. she couldn't have been more grateful for him in that moment.

"well," amelia took a deep breath, her eyes locking with fred's. "if a member from the order ends up looking for us...i really hope that it's lupin." she bit her lip trying not to laugh as fred burst out in laughter.

"amelia! i'm literally right here. if you're going to simp for lupin, can you at least do it when i'm not around?" fred was almost crying from laughter at this point.

"i had to! you literally set up the perfect opportunity." amelia giggled as fred simply rolled his eyes, grinning as the pair walked down the dark street.

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