chapter nine.

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𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞


hi babyyyy
i know ur avoiding me :(
freddie, please.


come talk to me.

i'm talking to you now.

i don't like it when you're upset with me
i'm sorry.

about what?

daisy told me
that you were upset about me talking to malfoy


you know that i love you
more than anything in this world
i never meant to hurt u, fred.

i just-
i know what he's going to do
he's going to break your heart

i appreciate the concern
i really do

i know.
i'm sorry.

me too.
meet me in the common room? 
i'll braid ur hair :)

you've got yourself a deal

fred couldn't figure out why his blood seemed to boil at the thought of draco being around amelia. he and amelia had been inseparable since first year. nothing, no one, had ever come between them. whenever you would see one of them, the other wouldn't be far behind.

still, after all this time, he still got butterflies being around her. his heart would beat twice as fast when she was around. as an extrovert, he was never nervous around people. but she seemed to have an effect on him that no one else did.

nevertheless, he would never even think of revealing these feelings to her. he knew that his secret could have tremendous repercussions.

and still he couldn't help but to wonder.

when amelia walked out of the girls dorm after a few moments, she immediately saw fred sitting alone on the couch that was placed in the center of the empty room.

"where is everyone?" she asked, making her way next to him.

"slytherin common room. some party i assume. you can go if you would like and we can just-" he started.

"no, i'm good. more freddie-amelia time." she interrupted, nudging him with her arm.

he smiled, his stomach fluttering at the sound of her voice.

"come on, sit in front of me." she said, gesturing to the ground below her. "you know, if only you weren't so tall..."

"oh, shut it!" he said, laughing. he sat cross-legged on the carpet in front of her. she remained on the couch, placing one leg under her and the other next to fred.

she used her fingers to brush through his hair, gently untangling the red-tangled mess that lay on this boy's head.

fred loved it when amelia braided his hair. the simple gesture always seemed to comfort him. she had started braiding his hair in order to practice, but it had quickly became one of his favorite activities.

after she had untangled his messy hair, she began braiding it. she started from the front, sectioning off portions of his hair as she went.

"hey, fred?" she said, after a moment of silence.

"yeah?" he responded, wondering what she was going to say.

"do you remember the first time we went to hogsmeade?" she asked as she continued to braid his hair.

"yeah," he chuckled at the idea of the memory. "in third year."

"we spent hours in honeydukes," she smiled at the thought of the memory. "while george was out chasing some girls around,"

"that's george for you," fred laughed. "i don't think i've ever ate so many sweets at once in my entire life!"

"me either. we were both so sick after; it was miserable." she was able to laugh at the memory now, but at the time it was truly a horrible experience. being able to experience it with fred made it more enjoyable though.

the pair continued to chat about different memories that they had shared throughout their time at hogwarts. since they were always together, some of their most fond memories involved each other.

"alright, all done." amelia said, putting an elastic in fred's hair in order to hold the braid. "now, tell me what you think." she said, releasing him from her grasp.

fred made his way to the gold mirror that hung on one of the walls of the gryffindor common room and observed his hair carefully.

"do you like it?" amelia asked, walking beside him.

"i love it." he said, abruptly turning and picking amelia up by the waist. he spun her around in the air, causing her to break out into a fit of laughter.

"fred! fred weasley put me down right now!" she screamed as he threw her over his shoulder. "fred!" she laughed as fred dashed out of the common room and headed towards the boys' dorm room.

"i'm kidnapping you. sorry, i don't make the rules!" fred laughed, carrying her towards his bed in their dorm.

with one swift motion, he threw her off of his shoulder and plopped her down onto his bed.

"fred!" amelia continued to laugh as fred began to tickle her, almost on top of her now.

the pair continued to laugh until they realized how close they were to each other. fred was holding amelia down by her wrists and their faces were mere inches apart.

fred had never seen amelia this close up before, and he couldn't help but to admire all of her features. he absolutely adored everything about her, the way that her hazel eyes sparkled in the light, the freckles that were scattered throughout her skin, the way that her hair seemed to effortlessly fall across her face. he loved everything about her. no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of one single flaw that lie within her.

he loved the way that her nose scrunched when she laughed, the way that she looked when she wore his sweaters, the way that her face would light up when she walked into a room that he was in, the way that she would close her eyes and softly hum when she heard her favorite song, the way that she would cling to him when she was nervous, the way she would never leave without giving him a hug, the way that she would always ask him to dance with her. he loved the way their hands perfectly fit together, the way that they could communicate without saying any words.

he loved everything about her. and that's when he realized. he realized that over the course of 5 years, he had fallen completely, head over heels in love with her.

suddenly he understood why he felt so upset when he discovered that she was talking to draco. it wasn't because of draco's reputation, but rather, because he was jealous.

he wanted it to be him.
he wanted her to feel the same way that he did.

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