chapter thirteen.

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since the two had met, amelia and fred had always been two peas in a pod. it was impossible to find one without the other. they had always been very touchy feely especially when it came to each other. however, they seemed to be all over each other a little more recently, and it was getting on george's nerves.

george sat with the other two in the gryffindor common room, amelia sitting with her legs on fred's lap as he gently rubbed them.

"can you two lay it off for just a minute?" george finally called out.

"hm?" fred asked.

"oh are you jealous, georgie?" amelia smirked, getting up from her seated position.

"i didn't say that i just meant-" before he could finish his sentence amelia had sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"don't be jealous, george. i still love you." she laughed, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before getting up.

"well, i'll see you two losers later. i've got plans with dais." amelia announced to the two weasleys.

"alright, see you later." the boys responded in unison.

once amelia had exited the room, george leaned in to speak to his brother.

"so, when are you going to tell her?" he asked.

"tell her what?" fred said, oblivious.

"i don't know..." george started. "maybe about the fact that you're madly in love with her and have been since you were both like 10 years old?" he said sarcastically.

"i-i don't know what you're talking about." fred said, smugly.

"everyone knows it."

"everyone?" fred was beginning to get nervous.

"everyone, except her that is." george winked at his twin. he had always known that fred had a thing for amelia. he made it quite obvious, although she never seemed to notice. "so, when are you going to tell her?"

"um...never?" fred let out a forced laugh.

"oh c'mon. everyone knows that she feels the same way about you."

"she does?"

"freddie can i sit in your lap while we study pleaseeee. can we go to hogsmeade? i miss you even though i just saw you 20 minutes ago." george mocked amelia. "shall i say more?"

fred still doubted his brother. he knew that amelia would never go for a guy like him, even though they were best friends. he was perfectly content with keeping his little secret safe. at least, he thought that he was.

at dinner, fred sat next to george at the gryffindor table when he heard his phone buzz.

𝐚𝐦𝐬 <𝟑


fredddd >:c

is there a certain reason why you're blowing up my phone?

i have a reason.
the yule ball!


did you know that hogwarts is hosting the yule ball this year?


sooo, are you going to go??

i'm not sure???
maybe i can convince george to go with me lol.

sounds fun!

where are you anyways?

out w daisy
see u soon :)

fred felt completely stupid as he reread their exchange. of course he wanted amelia to accompany him to the dance, but he knew that she wouldn't want to go with him. she was probably waiting for someone else to ask her, like malfoy.

amelia, in the meantime, felt as if she had been rejected. she had hoped that fred would ask her if she started the conversation, but of course he didn't. she couldn't believe that she had hoped that he would so badly.

"hey, don't give your hopes up, love! i'm sure he'll ask you later, he's probably just nervous. and if he doesn't ask, it's his loss!" daisy comforted her friend.

"yeah, i'm sure you're right." amelia smiled weakly at her best friend.

"have you ever thought about talking to him? telling him how you feel? how you've felt for basically forever?"

amelia couldn't stand the thought of revealing her secret to fred. they were best friends, and they shared everything with each other. well, almost everything. but just the thought of being so vulnerable with her feelings made her nervous. 

although she knew that she cared for fred, she was too afraid that the feeling wouldn't be mutual. she knew that a possible rejection would break her.

amelia had loved fred long before draco came into the picture. and after draco, her feelings seemed to swell even more.

"hey, remember what i said and relax! i'll see you later, babe." daisy said as she wandered down the hallway to her next class, leaving amelia alone with her thoughts yet again.

amelia decided that the best way to figure out what she was going to do was to avoid fred. however, he made this quite difficult.

"amelia!!" he ran up behind her in the hallway as soon as daisy was out of sight. "amelia, being without you is torturous. george was just telling me about-"

"i'm sorry fred, but can this wait until later?" her heart broke a little each time she spoke. "i just- i have somewhere that i need to be."

"oh, yeah. sure, i mean-"

"thanks, fred!" she turned away from him and walked as quickly as humanly possible away. she hated having to face him, each time it seemed to hurt her heart a little more.

because she knew that she would never be able to be with him.

hi loves! to whoever is reading this u are loved and appreciated and i am glad that u are here!!!
i have never had many people read my stories, and i wrote this one just for myself, but i'm glad that others are hopefully enjoying it as much as i am!!
if ur still reading this, comment something so that we can chat!!!!!!
xoxo see u for the next part!! it's about to get good ladies and gents.

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