chapter forty five.

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for being caught in the middle of a great wizarding war, amelia's days seemed strangely mundane.

her days usually consisted of waking up in the early morning hours next to fred. after exchanging some good morning kisses, the pair would head to the kitchen and eat breakfast with their housemates. members of the order would then drop in throughout the day to inform the gang of any news regarding harry or the ministry. remus and kingsley would sometimes stop by to record a radio show that the twins and lee jordan had started in order to try and gather more members of dumbledore's army. amelia spent most of her day with daisy, trying to do all that she could to help those around her and prepare for what was inevitable, a battle.

everyone stayed hidden and anxiously awaited any news regarding harry. remus had informed everyone that he was on a secret mission that dumbledore had given him before his untimely death. everyone was forced to put all of their trust in harry, as the state of the wizarding world rested solely on his shoulders.

after a long day of worrying and planning, amelia would end her days right where she started them, next to fred in bed. the pair would talk into the late hours of the night about anything and everything. it was her absolute favorite part of everyday. although it seemed like the world was ending, laying there next to the love of her life, amelia felt like maybe everything would be okay.

the months had all blended together, each day morphing into the next. no one knew how long they would have to remain in hiding. first they celebrated christmas together, then new years, and finally the twins' birthday. 

the spring air infiltrated the seaside cottage, and amelia took as much of it in as she could. she stood on the sandy beach, breathing in the salty air, feeling as though she was in paradise. she was shaken out of her thoughts by a crashing sound near the oceanside.

"bill?" amelia said, turning back to the house to the weasley who was standing in the door frame. it seemed like he enjoyed the salty air almost as much as amelia did. "did you hear that?" 

he nodded, looking out into the horizon to see what had caused the commotion, and suddenly both him and amelia saw it -- harry potter himself on the sand. he was accompanied by hermoine, ron, luna, and some others that amelia couldn't quite make out. before she could even realize what she was doing, amelia found herself running across the sand.

"harry?" she asked, approaching him. her white sundress flapped in the wind as she saw him holding dobby the house elf in his arms.

"hello amelia. it's lovely to see you again." luna smiled sweetly, approaching her cautiously. amelia had always admired how composed and gracious luna could be even in the most stressful situations, and this time was no different.

"luna! thank merlin you're okay." ameila said wrapping her arms around her friend. by this time bill and fleur had joined their guests on the beach. 

amelia was shocked to see that dobby was now dead in harry's arms, harry's eyes full of tears as he rubbed the elf's head. amelia couldn't even process what was happening, she was just so glad to see that her friends were alive. it was hard to remain hopeful after not hearing from them in so long. the ministry had made it so hard for anyone to keep in contact, especially with the very sought after harry potter.

harry, hermoine, and ron - along with luna and griphook - made their way to the cottage. fred looked at amelia with wide eyes as she reentered the house with her friends, hoping that she could offer a plausible explanation as to what was happening.

harry, hermoine, and ron kept all of their actions a secret as they recovered at the cottage. any information that they gave to their friends only put them all in more danger, so it was better for everyone to remain oblivious. amelia spent extra time with luna as she recovered from her time at malfoy manor. as luna told amelia about what she endured at the malfoy residence, amelia couldn't help but wonder how someone like draco malfoy could be so involved with the deatheaters. after all, he had been so kind to her at one point in time.

by the time that everyone departed the cottage, amelia knew the war was coming to it's breaking point. a battle was coming, whether she was ready or not, and it was coming soon.

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