chapter thirty nine.

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"fred!" amelia yelled from across the empty storeroom floor. "what do you think? does this look okay?"

amelia and daisy had spent the weeks since graduation helping the twins set up their new storefront in diagon alley. weasleys' wizard wheezes was a dream come true for fred and george, and amelia was glad that she was able to be a part of it.

"yes, love." fred walked up behind amelia, wrapping his arms around her waist as he admired the display that amelia had put together. "it looks perfect." he placed a quick kiss on her head before turning back to his brother.

"i can't believe that the grand opening is tomorrow!" daisy smiled as she carried the last few remaining boxes of product across the room. 

"i know, i just hope that everything goes well." george tweaked with the products on the shelves, making sure that everything was absolutely perfect for tomorrow.

"it will! you boys need to have a little more faith in yourselves." amelia walked over to fred, grabbing his hand in hers. "everyone is going to love you both." she smiled up at her boyfriend. 

"we couldn't have done all this without you." he smiled back down at her, a small smile plastered on his face.


"are you nervous?" amelia asked her boyfriend the next morning as they prepared to open the weasleys' store for the very first time.

"what if no one shows up?" he asked as amelia tied his tie for him.

"there's already people waiting outside." she smiled at him as she adjusted his collar. "daisy and i saw them earlier."

"you ready, fred?" george peaked his head in amelia and fred's room. he was already ready for the opening, dressed in a suit that matched fred's perfectly. fred nodded in response, grabbing amelia's hand as they walked out of their room and headed downstairs to the shop.

the twins along with daisy and amelia had spent the last couple weeks living in the twin's new apartment above their store. although it was pretty small, it was very convenient as the four had spent almost all of their time in the shop downstairs, preparing for this very day when the store would open for the first time.

the store looked perfect, the twins' products lined the shelves and an air of magic spread throughout the crowded shop. 

"well, here goes nothing." george took a deep breath as he opened the shop, letting all of the customers in.

"welcome welcome welcome to weasleys' wizard wheezes!" fred smiled as he greeted all of the wizards and witches who entered. the line seemed never ending, one person entering one after another. amelia knew that the store would be a hit, but she could have never imagined that it would be this big.

"amelia!" a familiar voice called out to her. 

"luna!" amelia made eye contact with her friend as she entered with the sea of customers. "it's so good to see you! i've missed you so much." amelia pulled luna in for a hug. this was the first time that she had seen her since graduation, which seemed like a lifetime ago. 

"nev is here too, i think that he got lost on the way in though." luna laughed. "i've missed you too, ams."

"can you believe this?" amelia asked as she gestured to the packed store. items seemed to be literally flying off of the shelves. 

"it doesn't surprise me. the twins always had their way with their customers." 

even during their time at hogwarts, fred and george were always creating new products and selling them to the other students. they had always dreamed of owning their own jokes shop, but amelia had never dreamed of it being such a success.

amelia and daisy, along with neville and luna, spent the rest of the day helping the twins out around the shop. amelia was glad that she was able to be reunited with her friends; it almost felt like they were back at the castle, except without the tremendous amounts of schoolwork. 

after what felt like years, the final customer of the day exited the building. the shelves were almost empty now, a stark contrast from their appearance that morning. 

"it was so good to see you both. we need to get together soon, and do something that isn't working all day." amelia laughed as she pulled neville and luna into a big hug.

"thank you both for coming." george smiled at his friends.

"we really appreciate it." fred added.

"of course. we wouldn't miss it for the world." luna and neville said goodbye to fred, george, and daisy before heading out for the night, only after promising that they would come by again soon.

george and daisy headed back up to the apartment as amelia helped fred with some last minute closing tasks for the store.

"thank you for all your help today, ams." fred wrapped his arms around amelia's waist, twirling her to face him. "i appreciate you more than you know. none of this would be possible without you." he said as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"i love you, fred. we're in this together. don't forget that." she cupped his face in her hands, placing a small kiss on his lips.

"and i love you." he pulled her close, grateful that he had her by his side through everything. he truly didn't know what he would do without her. 

as the two stood in the empty store, a sense of peace washed over them. the streetlights outside slowly began to dim as the world seemed to quiet down for the night. in that very moment, amelia felt as though everything was right in the world. she was living her dream life with the love of her life, it felt as though nothing could ever go wrong. 

if only she knew how wrong she was.

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