chapter forty one.

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"well, what do you think?" amelia asked, twirling around to show fred the dress that she had chosen to wear for the wedding. it was a light shade of pastel pink, amelia's favorite color, with large puffy sleeves. 

"wow." fred said, taking in amelia's appearance. 

"do you like it?" amelia smiled, posing while trying her hardest to contain her laughter. 

"you look beautiful, ams. really." fred smiled, reaching out and taking amelia's hands in his. "i'm the luckiest boy in the world."

"you don't look half bad yourself." amelia pulled fred by his tie, placing a soft kiss on his lips. 

suddenly, the door burst open with a very flustered looking ron weasley standing in the door frame. "fred! everyone's been looking for you. we're about to get started." he said before quickly turning, sighing and making his way back down the stairs.

"duty calls!" amelia let go of fred's tie, grabbing his hand instead and pulling him after her. fred giggled, happily following the girl outside and into the tent that was going to hold the reception.

"bill!" amelia let go of fred and hugged his brother. "you look very handsome. i can't wait to see fleur's dress. i bet she looks absolutely magnificent." 

"i'm so glad that you could make it, amelia. i know that fleur is excited to see you too." bill smiled as fred tapped his girlfriend on the shoulder.

"come on, love. we have to get in our places." fred said as he gestured to two empty seats right next to daisy and george.

"good luck, bill!" amelia said her goodbyes as she followed fred to their seats. 

"amelia! you look stunning!" daisy stood up to hug her friend. "seriously, where did you get this dress? it looks so good on you."

"thank you, dais. you look like you came straight out of a renaissance painting and i'm living for it." amelia admired her friend. 

george coughed, still sitting down in between the two girls. "oh hello, amelia. didn't see you there." he scoffed with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"shut it, george." amelia rolled her eyes as she took her seat next to him.


the reception was beautiful, and it went by fairly quickly. amelia was right about fleur, she looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress. she and bill were a beautiful couple, and amelia couldn't help but to wonder if she would ever get the chance to stand at the alter across from fred.

the party began as soon as the reception ended. amelia was already a drink or two in when the music began blasting, and she couldn't help but dance. 

"fred!" amelia yelled. "come dance with me!"

"whatever you say, love." he laughed, taking her hands in his and spinning her around. "you're quite bad at dancing, you know?" 

"i am not! i am a very good dancer, actually." amelia stumbled over her own feet, holding onto fred for dear life. "okay, maybe you're right." she joked.

the music slowly began to fade out, and a slower song began to play in its place. 

"may i have this dance?" fred asked, gesturing for amelia to take his hand.

"of course." amelia smiled, taking fred's hand in hers as he lead her to the center of the dance floor. she wrapped her arms around his neck as he placed his around her waist. as the pair swayed back and forth to the music, amelia's head filled with the memories that she and fred had shared over the years. he truly was her best friend and the love of her life. she just couldn't get enough of him, and she couldn't imagine what her life would be like without him in it. "i love you." she whispered, just so that he could hear.

he pulled her into him, as close as physically possible. "i love you, amelia. i have since the day that i met you, and i-"

loud gasps from all over the room snapped the couple out of their bliss. a bright light appeared in the middle of the room; everyone gathered around, interested to see what would happen next. 

"ams." fred gently grabbed amelia's arm, pulling her back behind him. 

amelia could hardly comprehend what was happening. the patronus light began speaking about how the ministry of magic had fallen, how the minster was dead, how deatheaters were on the way to the burrow at this very minute. amelia couldn't believe what was happening. everyone began running and screaming as death eaters swarmed all around.

"daisy!" amelia saw daisy across the room, george grabbing onto her and pulling her away from the crowd. she went to run after them, but was very quickly stopped by fred.

"amelia, no!" he yelled, holding her back. "we have to get out of here." he said, turning her to face him.

"but daisy and george! i see them, i just need to-" 

"there's no time!" fred yelled over the crowd. a death eater flew into the chandelier, causing it to crash to the ground, shattering into a million pieces. "we will find them later."

"i can't just leave them!" tears were streaming down amelia's face as death eaters began attacking those who had attended the wedding.

"do you trust me?" fred asked.

"what?" amelia questioned, flustered and confused.

"i said, do you trust me?" fred repeated.

amelia nodded frantically, wiping the tears off of her face. fred held out her arm for her to take. 

amelia took one final breath as she grabbed his arm, feeling the world shift and fade to darkness. 

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