chapter four.

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"amelia, love, wake up." amelia opened her tired eyes to see her best friend, daisy, looking down at her. "it's the first day of class!"

"daisy!" amelia screamed, wrapping her hands around her friend's neck, hugging her. "i missed you! i wish that i could have seen you yesterday!"

"i know, my train didn't get in until late, everyone was already asleep." daisy replied, hugging her friend. other than fred, daisy was the only person that amelia could rely on. the two had been basically inseparable since they met in first year.

the two chatted, catching up as they began getting ready for class. amelia hadn't seen daisy since before summer, as the two lived on completely opposite sides of the city. daisy lived with both of her wizard parents, and she was constantly busy.

amelia slipped on her gryffindor robes and began preparing for the busy day ahead. "honestly, its amazing how you slip in here all the time, even though you're a slytherin." amelia laughed, turning to daisy.

"slipping in and out of the gryffindor dorms and common room is my only talent." daisy giggled in response. although the pair were sorted into different houses during their first year at hogwarts, they still remained the best of friends. "i'll meet you in the great hall!" daisy yelled as she slipped out of the gryffindor common room.

amelia finished getting ready, nervous for her first day of school. she straightened her hair, put on a little makeup, and gathered her wand and school books before heading downstairs to the great hall for breakfast.

hogwarts had a magical aura that amelia could feel as soon as she stepped foot off of the train. there was something special about wandering down the empty corridors in the morning, something that amelia absolutely adored.

eventually, amelia made her way into the great hall for breakfast. she stood at the entrance, scanning the faces that were scattered among the various tables throughout the lage room. suddenly, she saw a familiar red haired boy smiling at her and waving his hand in her direction. it was fred. he signaled for her to come to where he and george were sitting, and she happily obliged.

"amelia!" george pulled her into a hug as soon as she walked into arms reach.

"hi, georgie!" she hugged him back, standing on her toes in order to reach his neck. he and fred were incredibly tall, especially compared to amelia who was just a little over five feet tall. "hi, fred." she smiled at her best friend as she sat down next to him.

"you were late, so i grabbed you some breakfast." fred said, gesturing towards a plate that sat in front of her. "you know, before all the good stuff was gone." he let out a small smile as he avoided her gaze.

"thanks, fred." amelia replied, beginning ot eat her breakfast. "so, how do you guys feel about our first day back?" she asked, looking at her friends who sat around her. besides the twins, she was joined by neville, harry, ron, and hermoine. the group of them all seemed to get along well, even though the golden trio were two years younger than the rest of them.

"i think that this year will be our year when it comes to pranks." fred said, nudging george.

"we already have a fair bit of them planned. prepare to have your mind BLOWN." george laughed.

the weasley twins were known for the mischief that they constantly caused. amelia enjoyed it, as she was often involved in their pranks. they always seemed to bring light to the often dark halls of hogwarts. that ability was one of the many that she loved about them.

after eating breakfast and listening to dumbledore's annual 'welcome back to school' speech, the group split up to head to their respective classes.

"hey, freddie, what's your first class?" amelia asked, jogging to catch up to fred in the halls.

"potions, you?" he responded, slowing down to match her strides.

"me too." amelia responded, shuffling her books in her arms.

"i'm telling you, ams, this is our year." fred replied, draping his open arm around her shoulders. with his free hand, he gestured to the packed hall of hogwarts. "you and me against the world." he laughed.

amelia leaned into his grip as the pair walked to their first class of the year. she couldn't help but to feel nothing but happiness in that moment, as she was in her favorite place with her favorite person.

they walked into potions together, sitting next to each other at one of the open tables. a few moments later, snape dramatically opened the doors and walked into his classroom.

"welcome to potions. let us begin," he announced before beginning his first lecture of the year.

amelia tried to focus on snape's teaching, but this was proven difficult as she felt someone's eyes on her from the other side of the room. after a moment, she glanced over in that general direction only to see draco malfoy.

amelia and draco didn't exactly get along. he tended to make snark, rude comments about the weasleys who she practically considered family. anyone who was an enemy to the weasleys was an enemy to her. however, she couldn't help but wonder what caused him to look at her with eyes that practically burned through her skin.

her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a nudge from her partner in crime, fred. she looked down and realized that he was slowly passing a piece of parchment into her hands. he didn't look at her, remaining focused on snape's current lecture.

she curiously picked up the small piece of paper which revealed a small note which read:

the ravenclaws are throwing a back to school party tonite.

want to go with me?

she smiled at her friend's kind gesture. she grabbed her quill and began to scribble a quick response.

wouldn't want it any other way, weasley. :)

she passed the note back to him. she watched his eyes, looking for a reaction as he opened the small piece of parchment. after a moment of reading the note, he gave her a sly nod and the pair went back to their studies.

amelia couldn't help but wonder what was in store for her that night at the party. after all, nothing at hogwarts seemed to ever go according to plan.

enchanted | fred weasleyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora