chapter forty four.

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"amelia! fred! wake up!" george's loud voice projected throughout the small house as he banged on the guest bedroom in which the couple was sleeping in. 

"merlin. is it morning already?" fred groaned, nuzzling himself further into the back of amelia's neck. it seemed like the pair had just gone to sleep, as they had stayed up half the night talking with george, daisy, bill, and fleur.

"coming, george!" amelia yelled as loudly as she could that early in the morning. she threw her arm over her eyes, attempting to block out the sunlight that was streaming in through the large bedroom windows. she and fred were entangled in a mess of white bed sheets, and the last thing that she wanted to do right now was get up, but george was relentless in his pursuits. 

"now!" george said, refusing to stop banging on the door.

with a deep sigh, amelia threw the covers off of her and fred and stomped over to the bedroom door, throwing it open. "happy now?" she crossed her arms in front of her chest as she faced george, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"very." he smiled sweetly before swiftly pivoting and heading down the stairs.

"c'mon, fred." amelia turned back to her boyfriend who was still strewn across the bed. "you heard george, they need us downstairs. wake up!" she jumped onto the bed on her knees and crawled over to fred. "wake up." she repeated, placing small kisses on the side of his face. "wake up, wake up, wake up."

"if you're going to keep kissing me, i'm going to stay here all day." fred smirked as he turned to face amelia, laying on his back.

"you're the worst. i'm leaving." amelia rolled her eyes, but before she could get up, fred grabbed her by the wrist and pinned her down on the bed.

"you're not going anywhere." he grinned, hovering on top of her. 

amelia broke out into a fit of giggles as fred kissed her all over, from her lips to the collarbone that was poking out of her pajama shirt. "fredddd," amelia smiled.

before fred could get too carried away, another loud noise outside their room caught the pair's attention as george burst in, this time without knocking.

"i thought you said that you were coming." george stood in the doorway, disapprovingly. 

"well, good morning to you too." fred smiled at his brother, still on top of amelia. "yes, we will be right down."

amelia was trying her best to contain her laughter, but it wasn't working very well. she bit her lip as george kept his position in the doorway.

"i'm waiting." he said, still staring at fred.

"merlin! can't get a second alone with my bloody girlfriend without you barging in, can i?" fred huffed as he pushed himself off of amelia and threw on a sweater that he picked up off of the floor. he pushed his way past george, who was still blocking the exit, and headed down the stairs without another word.

"someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." george huffed once he and amelia were alone.

amelia laughed silently as she got out of bed. "i love you, georgie, but you can be a bit much sometimes." she patted him gently on the shoulder as she headed to the kitchen.


"amelia! good morning my love." daisy greeted her with a hug. "i'm glad that you're awake. you won't believe what bill just told us!" 

"what?" amelia asked, letting go of daisy. george had apparently followed her down the stairs and was now talking to a still annoyed fred.

"tonks is pregnant!" daisy exclaimed.

"no way! now lupin really is a dilf." amelia exclaimed, a little too loudly.

"i'm really a what now?" an all too familiar voice called out from behind her. amelia heard a familiar redhead burst out into laughter as she slowly turned to come face to face with remus lupin.

"professor! hi! i didn't realize that you were here!" amelia felt her face turning red as she tried her best to avoid eye contact with fred, who was standing right behind lupin. "congratulations on the baby! tell tonks that i said congratulations too! that's so exciting." she rambled on as she fiddled with her hair. 

"thank you. and you don't have to call me professor anymore, amelia. i haven't worked at hogwarts for a long time." lupin smiled sweetly at her. 

right when amelia thought that the coast was clear, he turned slowly towards bill. "bill, what does it mean to be a dilf?"

fred burst out into controllable laughter, forcing amelia to turn even more red than she was before. 

"i'll tell you later, remus." bill gave lupin a pat on the shoulder as he excused himself from the room. lupin turned to follow him, awkwardly passing fred on the way out.

"oh for merlin's sake!" amelia cried out when she was finally alone with daisy and the twins.

"i don't think i've ever seen fred laugh so hard." daisy giggled.

"i did kind of have this one coming to you, ams. if i'm being honest." fred said, finally getting ahold of himself.

"you guys are the worst!" amelia yelled in a whisper. "i'm literally going to go drown myself in the ocean."

"it's okay amelia! really, it could have been worse!" daisy said, trying to comfort her friend.

"really? how could it have been worse?" amelia took a deep breath, as she turned to face daisy.

daisy paused for a moment. "actually, nevermind. i don't think that it could have been any worse." 

the twins burst out into laughter yet again, and amelia couldn't help but to laugh as well. times had seemed so dark and uncertain recently, amelia thought that it was nice to laugh for a while. even if it did come at her own expense.

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