chapter forty six.

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the end was coming. no one knew when, but the air around the cottage had shifted. 

this night, amelia found herself sitting in the window sill on the far wall of the bedroom that she and fred were sharing. the cool ocean breeze flooded the room as amelia breathed it in. being in the middle of an impending war suddenly made the mundane parts of earth seem so much more beautiful. 

the salty air blew amelia's dark hair to the side as the leaned her head back against the side of the window, closing her eyes for a brief moment. 

in that instant, fred stood in the doorway, silently admiring his girlfriend. he leaned up against the doorframe, running a free hand through his hair. it was nearly impossible to not admire amelia, she was absolutely gorgeous in the moonlight. she seemed to almost be glowing, a small smile imprinted on her face. it was like he was falling in love with her all over again. he remembered all of the sleepless nights that the pair had spent together in the astronomy tower or their weekend getaways to hogsmeade. he treasured each and every moment that he had shared with her over the years, and he felt a pit in his stomach grow when he realized that there may not be many more of those moments left for them to share.

it was then that amelia opened her eyes to see fred staring at her with kind eyes. "hi." she said, almost in a whisper.

"hi." he replied, smiling. he stepped in the room, closing the door behind him as he made his way over to the girl. he sat on the window sill across from her, one of his long legs dangling out into the darkness. 

"what are you doing?" amelia asked, nudging fred with the tip of one of her shoes.

"thinking about you." he answered honestly, causing a light blush to grow on amelia's face. even after all these years, he still managed to give her butterflies.

"you're insufferable." she laughed, looking back out at the horizon, the ocean tides growing and falling as the seconds passed.

"i'm serious." fred replied, refusing to take his eyes off of her. he wanted to take in every detail of her in this moment. "i really love you, ams."

she shifted her gaze back onto him now. "i really love you too, fred." she bit her lip to stop from smiling.

"i mean, i really love you. i just want you to know that. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. i know that we joke around a lot, but it's true. my life is better just because you're in it." he smiled, squeezing her ankle with his hand. 

she scooted closer to him, so that they were face to face now. she combed a stray piece of hair back that had fallen onto his forehead.

"i know that things have been really...scary lately. and i know that we don't really know what's happening, but i want you to know that i want to be with you until the end. i don't know how much longer we have together, but i want to spend every single moment with you, for the rest of my life. whether its just one more week or fifty more years. i want you, amelia. i want you and only you. until the end."

amelia tilted her head slightly to the side, her eyes trailing down to his hands as he fumbled around in the pocket of his jacket.

"i know this is crazy." he scoffed as he pulled his hand out of his pocket, a small black box in his hand. 

"fred-" amelia gasped, she couldn't manage any other words.

"amelia," he repeated her name, opening the box. a small diamond ring stared back at her. "you're everything that i've ever wanted, and you're the only thing that i want for the rest of my life. i promise you that i will be here, by your side, until the very end. i want to spend the rest of my life with you, that is, if you'll have me." a small smirk escaped from his mouth. "what i'm trying to say is - amelia belle, will you marry me?"

the entire world seemed to stop in that very moment. fred appeared to absolutely glow in the moonlight, and his eyes refused to leave her's. for her, this wasn't a decision that she had to make. the answer was clearly in front of her, in the form of a lovestruck boy with red hair.

"amelia weasley does have a nice ring to it, don't you think?" she whispered, tears forming in her eyes as she smiled at fred. 

"does that mean yes?"

"of course it means yes." she laughed, cupping fred's face in her hands and placing a kiss on his lips. she pulled back and stared into the eyes of the boy that she loved, his face still in her hands.

"i believe this belongs to you now." he smiled, gesturing towards the ring. amelia simply laughed as he took her hand in his, placing the ring on her left hand.

"amelia weasley." she whispered.

"amelia weasley." fred repeated, her hand still in his.

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