chapter twenty five.

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hi love
i need u :c

hi baby! what's up?
oh shit, are you pregnant?

oh thank merlin.

draco texted me today.

what did the ferret want?

well, he was just being an asshole

like always

and then he was talking about our little fight
and he asked if i knew who told him
that i wasn't a pureblood

oh no

well apparently fred was the one who told him

and you believe him?
do you think fred would do that?

i mean...
at first no
but the more i thought about it,
the more sense it made
i mean fred was one of the only people who knew
and he hates malfoy

don't we all
have you talked to fred yet?

no, not yet.
i'm lowkey nervous fkdfjsdfjk

just don't be too hard on him, yeah?
i mean he shouldn't have gone behind your back,
but he would never hurt you on purpose.

i know, it's just like
i don't know why he would talk to
malfoy n tell him that

oh i do
because he was madly in love with you
and he was so jealous of malfoy LMAO
i thought he was going to internally
combust when you two went on your date

okay, i'm going to talk to him now

let me know how it goes!
i'm always here if you need me <3
& don't let draco get to you. he's a douchebag.
you know all that bleach has
probably gone to his head.

thank you for your help <3

amelia took a deep breath before heading out of ginny's bedroom. her heart felt as though it was pounding out of her chest as she made her way to fred's bedroom door.

she stood outside his door for what felt like an eternity before she finally worked up the courage to softly knock on her boyfriend's door. after a couple knocks, she gently opened the door and peaked her head in.

"hi, it's me." she announced her presence to the red-haired boy who sat on his bed, soaking wet as he had just gotten out of the shower.

"oh, hi ams. come in," he said scooting over and patting the bed, signaling for her to come and sit next to him. "are you okay?"

fred knew her too well, he could sense that something was wrong. she didn't have any time to stall.

"not really." she said, sitting next to him, carefully avoiding his gaze. "malfoy texted me." fred seemed to tense up at these words as he readjusted himself.

"and?" fred wanted her to continue on, he was nervous now.

"he told me that you were the one who told him that i wasn't a pureblood, the reason why we had that fight. is that true, fred?" she looked him in the eyes, looking for a sign that this fact wasn't true.

fred let out a sigh as he turned to properly face amelia. "it's true. but-" he started as amelia held back tears that threatened to pour out of her eyes. "i feel horrible about it, i know that it wasn't right of me to interfere in your relationship like that. it's just-just i know how malfoy is. i knew that he was going to hurt you, and i just hoped that if i got to him first it wouldn't hurt you as badly."

fred grabbed her hands in his. "i'm sorry, ams. i don't know what came over me, seeing you with him just-"

"you were jealous?" amelia smirked at the flustered boy who sat in front of her.

"no, i-" fred paused. "yeah i was...really fucking jealous." he laughed. "are you mad?" he asked, rubbing amelia's hands with his thumbs.

"no." amelia smiled. "i just wish that you would have told me."

"i know," he placed a small kiss on her forehead. "i'm sorry, love."

amelia couldn't help but to forgive fred. she knew deep down that what happened with malfoy was for the best, because it got her to fred. and fred made her happy, so insanely happy.

and not even draco malfoy could ruin that.

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