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"Well okay, I suppose you're allowed to be rude considering your position in the mafia," I shrug my shoulders at a smirking Xavier, taking a sip of the steaming coffee in my hand. 

He crosses his muscular arms in front of his chest, leaning back against the countertop in the kitchen of the mansion. We're the only ones in here and he just said a rude comment about one of his members, "Did you just give me a free pass to be rude whenever I feel like it?"

"I most definitely did not, it would be a suicide mission to tell you that," My words fall upon deaf ears when he pours himself a cup of coffee, whistling a cheerful tune. "Happy to see I have your undivided attention, bitch."

This makes him chuckle, "Bitch, huh?"

"Yeah, you're acting like one," I tease him.

"You're something else entirely, Eloisa," His words have me surprised and a familiar warmth spreads throughout my body. 

Sitting down on one of the chairs by the kitchen island, I move the cup between my fingers, "How was your day?"

His black eyes seem shocked by such a natural question between us, "My day was nice. Nobody died at least."

I laugh at this, "Setting the standard high here, Mr. Romano."

"Indeed I am, Miss Martinelli," He smiles and sits down next to me, placing an affectionate hand on my thigh. "How was your day, my love?"

Smiling, "It was great. After visiting Rocco, I spent most of it teaching Oriana self-defense and improving Santi's skills in archery, he's good."

"Yeah, he told me some of it yesterday. You've been helping him a lot, I appreciate it," The honesty on his tone is incredibly endearing. "Santi is a good kid. He hasn't always had it the easiest with Oriana trying to get by with the little they had, but he's such an empathetic person and so intelligent. He actually reminds me a lot of my Nonna." (grandma).

"What was your Nonna like? I've heard you mention her a couple of times," My question feels natural and a bright glint shines in his eyes instantly. 

"She was a person that everyone would feel enthralled to be around and to love. Her laugh was the most infectious shit I've ever heard, it's my mom's mom, the two of them spread such a light into our home while I grew up," A deep look flashes upon his features, I know he must be considering how perfect his Nonna and his mom were together. 

"What happened to them, Xavier?" I ask him boldly, feeling confident we're alone in the house since the mafia is underground with the rink searching for new evidence. 

"My father happened to them," He states ruefully. "My mom was abused by him for years before her death, she took every attack because she wanted to stay with me. I've overheard him finding her stash of hidden money on more than one occasion, he would always beat her up if he found it. She never got to escape."

"Your mom must've been a strong person," Not knowing exactly what to say to him. 

"She was," He recognizes instantly. "A rival managed to intrude on our grounds, he had my mother in a grip in the front yard and my dad and I saw everything. The rival wanted money in return for my mom, the smallest amount of money and my father was filthy rich, but Carlos decided not to go for it. He didn't want to lose face. That man killed my mother in front of me that day, slitting her throat and leaving the premises right after. I found him a year ago and tortured him to the point of dying."

It doesn't shock me that Xavier took it upon himself to seek out the monster. 

"After the incident my Nonna came into my room in the middle of the night, leaving me with a kiss and I haven't seen her since. With me being the leader now I sought her out, turns out she was killed two years after escaping. My father ordered the kill," His words have a cold shiver running down my spine. 

Carlos Romano destroyed Xavier's family. 

"Why did you allow me to kill him then?" The question has been bothering me. "If you hated him as much as you do, why didn't you slaughter him yourself?"

It takes him a while to answer, the pause seemingly too long, "Because no matter the shit people believe about me, I don't want to be like him. I will never murder my own blood, not even a monster such as Carlos."

The respect I have for Xavier only grows, and I squeeze the hand he has on my thigh. Without a second doubt, he interlaces our fingers, and a flutter dances into my gut. He knows what he's doing to me and I love it. 

"What was your family like, Eloisa?" He asks me, caressing my thumb with his other hand. 

"You already asked me that," I chuckle.

"I want to know more," The smile on his face is earnest and beautiful.

"My family was amazing. It was only my parents, my brother and me. My parents were supportive, both of them always there for Giovanni and me. Gio was the light of my fucking existence, but I'd never tell him that. He was such a fire and his attitude always amazed and humored me, it seems to run in the family," Our chuckles are in sync and Xavier shakes his head with a smile playing on his lips. 

"Hai ragione," (You're right) He teases me. 

After a comfortable beat of silence, I finally gather the courage to speak these next words, "I found them that night."

Xavier squeezes my hand in silent comfort, it means more to me than I'd ever want to admit. 

"It was my 22nd birthday celebration when Gio called me. He told me how a certain Mr. Romano was shouting at my parents downstairs, when he heard the gunshots he panicked completely. He tried to hide from your father, but I was on the phone still when Carlos found Gio and killed him. I sprinted home and found my family on the ground outside in the rain, murdered. Ever since that day I made it my mission to kill the monster who did it," Finally allowing myself to tell someone else about that traumatizing night feels relieving. 

"I'm so sorry, Eloisa," He speaks in sorrow. "I'm glad you got to kill him after all."

"It was my life's mission," I nod at him, trying to hide the pain in my voice and failing miserably. 

"There's more to you than that," He tries to convince me, conveying through his black eyes how much he means his words. "You're more than that."

"Yeah," I simply say, not wanting to dwell on my insecure thoughts. 

"You want to cuddle?" He suddenly asks and my eyes widen in surprise. 

"You want to cuddle?" I retaliate with a humored smile. 

"Sì," He nods his head and scoops me into his strong arms, carrying me upstairs and throwing me onto the bed. Not a second later he pulls me into his secure hold, allowing me to relax against the one person I feel incredibly close to. 


Okay, my dearest lovelies.
The user that stole my books and sold them on Amazon has now been removed, so I can finally update with a good conscience! <33

- Emma

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