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Xavier's POV

"How was the meeting?" Her soft voice sounds through the phone. 

"It was fine, the gang hadn't truly set out their bad intentions towards us. One of the women we freed was the wife to one of them, they actually ended up praising the mafia," I answer Eloisa with contentment. We're finally getting back on track with everyone, gaining their trust again. 

Walking down the sidewalk, Joseph is texting on his phone next to me. Probably informing Marc how everything went. We were successful today, which is a reason to celebrate. I called Eloisa instantly, wanting to know what she has been doing through today. 

We haven't seen each other much these past few days, so I pull her attention whenever an opportunity presents itself. 

Her presence is something I need in my life, she does something to me. It's probably how I finally feel the capability to breathe, she gives me a chance to breathe in the turmoil that is my life. Something about her pulled me in from the first day I met her in that dark hotel room, now we're here and I couldn't envision this without her. 

"That's great to hear, Xavier," Her happiness radiates through the phone. 

It astounds me how much she's changed, and how much I've changed because of her. In the beginning, I rarely saw emotions in her, yet here she is being happy in regards to the Italian mafia. She makes me proud. 

"What have you been doing today?" I finally ask, wanting to hear her voice again. 

"It's been quite an eventful day in the Romano mansion. Oriana and I made some pancakes this morning, Santi ate almost every last one of them. Now he's sleeping in a food coma, completely out after completely devouring the food," She chuckles and I have to resist a smile at the sound, my eyes visualizing her beautiful smile and dimples. 

Fuck, I miss her. 

"I could only imagine," I shake my head humorously. 

"I'm sure you could," She agrees. "When are you coming home again?"

My shoulders drop in weariness, "We have three more meetings for the day."

"Boss," Joseph speaks from next to me, pointing towards an alleyway down the street. 

The sight that meets me has me concerned and angry, the woman is fighting against two men and they're dragging her into the alley. I harden my grip on the phone, "I need to go, Eloisa. Looking forward to seeing you tonight."

"Likewise," She responds with a smile on her voice, hanging up on the phone. 

"What the hell was that?" I say as we push in the direction, both of us preparing our guns. 

When we turn into the alley, the grip on my gun tightens in pure and blinding anger. The bastards are groping her with such raw intensity and she screams, hopelessly trying to squirm away from them. 

"No!" She whimpers, the sound slicing at my heart. "Don't touch me!"

"Get the fuck away from her!" My voice roars through the alley, bouncing off the walls and resounding with the boys as they take a step back. My eyes cut to her terrified ones, "Close your eyes."

When she does we move on instinct, I shoot the first one and Joseph kills the next one. Both of them dropping to the floor instantly. Joseph hurries in her direction, careful to touch her he moves her away from them. She reaches me and opens her eyes at me, the regret lurking behind them has me shocked. 

"I'm sorry, but I had to," She whispers in sadness. 

I turn around and the sight that meets me has a lump rising in my throat, a whole group of masked people is standing with aimed guns in our direction. Joseph's eyes are widened, presumably realizing the predicament we're in as well. 

This was a setup, they fooled us. 

I would give anything to be with Eloisa at home right now.

"Drop the guns!" One of the men yells.

Joseph and I aren't stupid, we need to discard the weapons since there's no way we can kill them alone. We're outnumbered by extremes. Placing my gun on the ground, I boot it in their direction and they pick it up, doing the same with Joseph's.

They inch closer and grab us by our arms. Out of instinct, I fight against their hold, releasing my right arm I uppercut the guy to my left. He falls to the ground and I attack the next one, kicking him and pushing his unbalanced frame onto the ground. A person jumps on my back and I fling them over my body, slamming them down in front of me. 

Another one inches closer and I throat punch him, he clutches the area and pulls for oxygen instantly. My eyes are sharp and cut to every slight movement around me. A guy punches my face fiercely, I can feel how my skin splits in my eyebrow. Slamming his head against the wall, he falls down to the ground. 

"You'll die before we release you, Romano," One of them speaks to me from a distance. 

"Preferirei morire," (I would rather die) I speak darkly, inching closer to him. 

An unexpected movement behind me registers too late, a stinging in my side has me gripping the knife lodged into the side of my frame. Pulling it out and stabbing the guy who did it to me, cutting his throat open. Another sharp pain erupts in my back, immobilizing me momentarily, forcing me onto my knees. Dizziness hits me and I shake my head hopelessly. 

They see their opportunity and place a cloth on top of my mouth, I fight against them and hold my breath. The need to breathe oxygen tears at me, my head beating and my throat constricting. My eyes struggle against their tight hold before my mouth opens and I inhale the poisonous air. 

Instantly a cloud looms over my head, pulling my conscious mind with it. Familiar darkness surrounding every part of my frame, making me oblivious to everything around me. 

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