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Xavier's POV

Driving down the empty streets of the dark city, my hands grip the steering wheel tighter and my eyes constantly scan the alleyways. Four minutes have passed since she hung up on me and with the speed I'm driving, it won't be long before I can bust in there and crush their fucking skulls. Anger rages through my tense frame and I glare into the air, not knowing how to control myself. 

For the first time, I heard her slightly panicked. She was nervous about them and I question how many of them were there. The mere fact that she gave me her address is enough to know how fearful she was of them coming after her. 

Eloisa Martinelli is a dangerous woman, she sliced at me the first time we met, her body count is probably getting up there as well. A woman as dark and dangerous as her shouldn't be scared like that. 

But then again, she let me in a week ago. Her body gave in to the temptation of being comforted, and I knew at that moment that she's more human than she lets on. A lot of it is a fucking act and I despise that she feels the need to act like that. 

Everything comes down to revenge after all, she is out for someone. My investigation team can't seem to figure her out, none of her intentions seem valid and it drives me mad.

These frustrations aren't reason enough not to help her though, she was nervous and my anger from someone placing her in that situation is unreal. These pigs out here are after her, even men from my own mafia has opened the idea of snatching her. I killed them on the spot and haven't heard a word about it ever since. 

In no fucking way will I ever harm Eloisa. I won't, it's as simple as that.

Parking the car in front of her building, I grab the gun from the passenger seat and sprint up the stairs. Her door is smashed and I glare at the sight, hurrying into the apartment which is completely trashed from the fight. Bullets have pierced the walls and dead bodies are scattered across the floor. 

I hear talking behind a door and walk in the direction, the need to know if she's okay overpowers every single fucking thing. My hand pushes the door open and I step into her bedroom, two guys are standing above her, pinning her to the floor with a tight grip. Her brown hair is matted with blood, her face has been beaten and the sight leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. 

When her emerald eyes cut to mine, I breathe in relief at knowing that she's conscious. Grabbing my gun, I close the door behind us and stare at the two pigs standing above her, "Let her go."

"Or what, big boy?" The one who's pinning her down spits at me, a smirk grows on his disgusting face and I charge in his direction. Pulling his hand from the tight grip he has on her, I break three of his fingers before kicking his knee roughly, ensuring it bends backwards. 

He screams in pure terror when he falls to the floor in front of me, I slam my gun against his temple knocking him out on the spot. Kicking him away from her direction, his unconscious body flings against the floor. 

Turning to the other guy, he holds his hands up in surrender, "Hey man. Don't worry about me, I was just here to make sure the girl was okay."

A sinister chuckle leaves my lips and I inch closer to him, "Credi che sia stupido?" (Do you think I'm stupid?)

"I don't speak Greek, dude," His dumb voice states and I'm tempted to scoff.

A smaller frame suddenly stands in front of him, a knife pressed against his neck and she tilts her head to the side. "That was Italian, stronzo."

He pushes himself desperately against the wall, trying to get away from her deathly grip, "Don't kill me! They made me go along with it, do you know how many things I could do with that amount of money?"

Allowing Eloisa to finish the job she shakes her head, "You could've made enough to buy yourself a prostitute instead of trying to force yourself on me."

"That wasn't what we did," He tries to defend himself. 

My blood is fucking boiling at this point, they were about to rape her?

"Oh, but it was," Once again her head tilts to the side, her knife slowly drags across his neck and his blood spurts out from every inch. Every emotion crosses his face; pain, confusion, anger, sadness. Eloisa keeps it up, killing him with so little pace it makes me proud. His body drops to the floor in front of her and she stares at him for a couple of seconds before turning around to face me. 

Her eyes are tired and as soon as I see her like that, my feet carry themselves towards her where she throws her arms around my waist. Hugging her around her head, she places it against my chest and I relax in her grip. Knowing she's okay for now is everything that matters. 

"You're bleeding," I state in an attempt to get her to move, we need to fix her wounds. 

"It's not only my blood," She answers. 

"I saw your living room, so I know."

Her head shakes against my chest, "I think I took four of them down, these two came up from behind me and got the gun away from my grip."

"No surprise there, you could easily take down these dudes. This was an overpower," I truly do believe this. Eloisa is fucking insane with a gun, her hands are made to grip a knife, everything about her is so dangerously beautiful. "Will you stay at the mansion? Only for a few days."

I'm disgusting, begging her to stay with me. It's fucking pathetic. 

"Fine," She sighs and pulls away from me. Her eyes scan the bedroom, "What about the bodies? And what will we do about him? You only knocked him out, he's still alive."

"That's what I was aiming for," I smirk at her and her emerald eyes zone in on my lips. "You shouldn't be bored while staying at the mansion, I'll place him in your very own torture room. If you wish, you can even grab your own tools."

She chuckles lightly and I can't help but stare at her dimples, it does surprise me that she has such deep set dimples. She's fucking beautiful. 

"What about the bodies, Xavier?" Her voice speaks my name in such a delicate manner. 

"Let me call Marc, he'll handle it," That man is my most trusted member, he knows what he's doing and who to call for what. "Come with me, let's go home."

"You know this is my home, right?" She teases and I pull her to my body while we walk out of her apartment. 

"Allow me to be nice to you for a second here," I smirk down at her smiling face, my heart starts pounding.

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