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Xavier's POV

Stepping into room number 316 again, I despise the blistering rage I feel at the sight of her motionless body on the bed. She hasn't woken up yet, the doctors started easing her out of the medically induced coma, but she isn't responding the way they want her to. Eloisa has been gone for one whole week by now and I'm slowly losing my fucking mind. 

Anxious nerves are settling within me as I occupy the chair next to her, my eyes falling upon her peaceful features once more. Santi visited yesterday and he took it better than I imagined he would, simply talking to her and clutching her hand in his. The scene he witnessed with her lifeless body must still be etched into his mind, but he's strong. 

Joseph went through everything that happened that night, showing me exactly where they were in the house. The mafia members haven't touched anything since the incident, her blood was still in my office when he told me how she was assaulted in there. I was two seconds away from throwing up at the sight. Oriana informed me of how Eloisa was inside Santi's room, trying to persuade him to go to sleep when everything went down.

I have never experienced this type of guilt before. 

In a desperate attempt at regaining some composure, I have my entire mafia on the case with Dracona and my father. Eloisa needs to wake up to some answers, I want to be the one giving them to her. Then, once she's well enough, both of us will take them down with no mercy for any of the pricks. 

I would prefer doing it myself, but she would kill me if I ever tried going behind her back like that. I respect her too much for that either way. 

Caressing her unmoving hand on the bed, the well known and frustrating lump grows in my throat again. I close my eyes tightly, pinching the bridge of my nose and trying to breathe through the stabbing in my gut. 

Looking down at her beautifully familiar features, I sigh uneasily.

"Abbiamo bisogno che ti svegli," (We need you to wake up) I whisper into the sterile room. "Oriana and Santi are too attached, Eloisa. You can't leave any of us."

Her eyes are closed in a steady slumber, the sight of her chest moving with every breath. My gut tightens by seeing her so destroyed, "Restare per me, amore." (Stay for me, love).

There's something about seeing her like this that makes me feel absolutely powerless. I can't help her in this state, none of my members can do anything for her. We're completely powerless and it's the most frustrating feeling I've ever encountered. 

The doctor informed me of her state this morning. The swelling has gone down tremendously after the attacker assaulted her abdomen, her bruises are fading and that alone is enough to give them hope. Her body is reacting the way they need it to in regards to her wounds. The gunshot wound is hidden behind a medical dressing they change every once in a while, they even removed the stitches this morning. 

She's getting better and her body is growing stronger. 

A door opening tears my attention from her to the man stepping inside, his frightened eyes cut to her and I immediately zero in on the scar running down his face. I've seen him before, at The Dungeon, he invited Eloisa to dance. 

Standing up, I block his intense stare on her with my own body, "Who the fuck are you?"

His eyes widen in alarm and he lifts his hands in surrender, "The closest thing she has to a family, Mr. Romano. My name is Rocco."

"I've never heard her mention you," I state. 

"No," Rocco shakes his head. "She wanted to keep me a secret. Something about the mafia being too dangerous for me, Eloisa never wanted me involved in any of this."

"Why are you suddenly here now? You haven't been here for the past week."

My comment visually hurts him and he winces, "We had a falling out recently, I thought she was fine at the Romano mansion with your mafia. I'm the owner of The Dungeon, overheard some of the guys down there talking about the attack and how they finally got to Eloisa."

"So you just had to go see her, right?" I ask, there is a protective tint to my voice. I can't fucking help it with her. 

"Yes, sir," He nods desperately. "I'm not the one you have to worry about. My intentions with her are and have always been pure, she's like a sister to me, a very demanding one at that."

After some time of debating whether or not I believe him, the time is running out and I step to the side. His eyes widen at the sight of her like this, he slowly inches closer to the bed and grabs her hand in his. 

She's like a sister to him. 

"Fuck, Eloisa," He sighs, his voice is heavy with emotion. "I told you to stay away from all of this, this world isn't for you."

Looking at the broken man in front of me, I realise he must really be someone for Eloisa. I'm glad she had someone on her side, my impression was that she had been all alone in this. Rocco seems like he truly cares about her and her wellbeing. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I'm frustratingly conflicted, Rocco looks at me and nods his head. 

"You seriously don't have to worry about me being in here," He tells me with conviction. "I would never do anything against her will or anything that could potentially hurt her."

"I fucking hope not for you. Now that I have your workplace and your name it would be pure suicide," Telling him this I leave the room and answer the phone. 


"Boss," Joseph speaks. "We have some news on Dracona and I refuse to believe it, you probably should come to the base so we can tell you."

"What's so goddamn urgent that you can't tell me here?" I ask, my patience is unnecessarily thin these days. 

"I think Owen found the identity behind the name, you won't believe it until I show you," He starts, the panic on his voice is unusual. "This is a truth that will ruin a whole fucking lot if we're right, which I really hope we aren't."

"I need a quick check on the owner of The Dungeon, his name is Rocco, blue eyes, scar running down his face," Telling him this I look at the time on my watch. 

The background noise is Joseph and Marc discussing Rocco and who he is, this is why they're my first responders and most trusted members. They know their shit. 

"He's lived in this city all his life, 30 years old, owner of The Dungeon. There is nothing here that indicates him being a threat, boss," He comes back to me.

"Fine, I'll leave the hospital soon."

Hanging up on the phone I enter her room again, Rocco looks towards me instantly. "You will stay here with her until I return, if anything happens call this number."

Handing him a card with one of my numbers written, he nods his head in shock, "Yes, Mr. Romano. I'll stay with her."

Leaving a lingering gaze on her peaceful frame, I have to physically rip myself away from her. Walking out of the room with no emotion passing on my features. This secret has to be fucking worth it. 

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