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Walking down to the basement, I spot Xavier standing in front of the familiar door in the back. That door is currently hiding Zanto, who's tied up to a chair. Our goal today is to get some information out of him, whether that being about their target against me or where Dracona lives, simply anything. 

"You ready?" Xavier asks when I reach his side. 

"Sempre," (Always) I say and tilt my head to the side, admiring him in this authoritative mindset. "Who will be performing the act in there today?"

"I'll start off, it'll frustrate him that he won't get to have you torture him at the very least. My members told me he's obsessed with you," He tells me this and I find it humorous. 

Xavier opens the door and changes attitude instantly, his person fills up the entire room without having said anything. It suddenly becomes obvious to me why he is such a feared leader, his methods are efficient and he can change on a dime. My eyes follow his every move as the door is shut behind us. 

He inches closer to the bruised man hanging from the chair, all signs of strength has left Zanto and I find it strange. Shouldn't he be a bit more willing to fight for survival?

Xavier steps closer to him and delivers such a hard blow to his face, it knocks the breath out of me. The rings on his fingers must be painful against the skin with such force. Zanto flies back into the chair with a grunt, now bleeding even worse from his nose. 

"Always a delight seeing you down here," Xavier speaks, his voice dangerous and thick with authority. "Crossing the Italian Mafia was the biggest mistake you've ever made, would you agree?"

"They'll come for me, you know?" Zanto whispers, the pain on his voice is obvious. 

"Give me answers, then I'll try not to cut your tongue out and force you to choke on it," He states this with such ignorance it humors me. Clearly Xavier and I approach torture differently, but I'm sure both methods work, as long as we get to inflict pain. 

Zanto's eyes drop, "Your mafia never did anything for me, all of them were too consumed with the idea of living under this exact roof. I hated their obsession, it was a sign of weakness and I'm not weak."

"And yet you search for Martinelli with a warrant instead of grabbing her yourself," Xavier spits, the straight facts to his words intrigue me. 

"We didn't know how powerful she is, her entire home is filled with weapons and I would've been dead if I walked into that trap," His explanation contradicts his previous statement of not being weak, once again, humoring me. 

These dudes be funny as hell. 

Xavier walks towards me and the tool table in the corner of the room, he gives me a smirk and wipes it off instantly after. The sight has my mouth running dry, especially when he grabs the corkscrew from the table. 

Are we seriously into the same form of torture?

He inches closer to Zanto again, walking behind his chair and I see the fear crossing in our victim's eyes. There is something there. Zanto must be aware of the extent Xavier is willing to go to, none of us are messing around with this. 

Xavier suddenly stabs the corkscrew into his shoulder from behind, Zanto's screams fill up the air and I lean against the wall behind me. 

"Give me answers," He repeats himself. 

"I won't."

Another stab, this time to the upper arm, it still makes him scream.

"I told my members not to pierce your skin during their time with you, glad it gets to be me who does that," The sinister smirk on his lips screams dominance. 

He drags the sharp end of the corkscrew against his cheek, the delicate skin ruptures underneath the force and Zanto whimpers. He continues to the other cheek and does the exact same, the stench from the blood is heavy in the air. 

Zanto's eyes flash sinisterly and he turns to my direction, the only light in the room is on him and I know he can't see me, "Is your whore hiding back there in the darkness, huh?"

Xavier places the corkscrew over Zanto's hand, "Do you wish to be immobilized from the waist down or waist up?"

"Don't, Romano!" He yells at him, the suddenly panicked eyes of his cut to his hand. 

My eyes follow the intriguing scene in front of me. Xavier removes the pressure off Zanto's hand, instead clenching his fist around the corkscrew with the sharp end pointing out between his fingers and rings. Delivering an earth shattering punch to Zanto's face, the victim screams out in pain. Xavier doesn't stop there, stabbing the corkscrew into his hand, piercing the limb all the way through. 


A stab in the thigh. 

"Please stop!"

Another gut wrenching punch to the face, followed by a stab to the other hand. 

"Fuck!" Zanto screams in absolute horror, the painful sounds coming from him do nothing to me. He did this to himself, this is one of the men who are the reason behind the warrant that's out for me. "Let me tell you, I can give you answers!"

"Your answers don't mean shit to me anymore, you had your chance," Xavier states with such indifference it must hurt. This is a way of ruining him mentally, making him believe he can't bring himself out of this pain anymore. 

He positions the corkscrew against his abdomen and Zanto screams in agony when pressure is applied, the pain truly must be unexplainable. The tool is pushed through his gut and Xavier twists it, making Zanto scream out again. 

"I'll tell you anything! Please allow me to give you some answers," The begging has me smirking, he's losing against his will. 

Xavier stands up to his full height again, towering with his 6'6 frame, "If you don't give me all the answers in first fucking attempt, I'll use this tool to rip out your tongue. Capire?" (Understand?).

"Dracona is a shadow name, I don't know what his real name is since he refuses to tell anyone. He lives underneath the city, from the entrance in the alley downtown, around 2 miles from Rixta in the southern direction. There will be a pipe that goes to the right, it's always lit up with blue colors. Carlos is there with him, the two of them never leave each other, don't ask me why," His explanation has me hungry for blood, now I know where they live and stay.

His exhausted eyes cut in my direction, he can't see me but I'm sure he knows of my presence in the room. "They won't stop until they kill you, Martinelli. At first I thought it was only Carlos who was interested in killing you, but Dracona has his own secret agenda. I still don't know why he's after you, but he truly despises you and wants you gone."

Those words don't sit right with me, Dracona knows me from somewhere, he must. It doesn't make any sense that he attacks me otherwise. 

This just got a whole lot more complicated. 

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