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The first bite of the food was absolutely delicious, the second bite was just as delicious, funnily enough, the third was even better. Food orgasm is definitely on the table, quite literally, even when I tell Xavier this, he simply shakes his head with a chuckle. Taking a fourth bite, I look towards him with widened eyes, "I knew it would be a great call to order this exact dish, it's so appetizing!"

"You were the one deciding on this one, yeah?" He asks with a humored smirk, knowing perfectly well that I followed his lead and ordered the same as him. 

"Give credit where credit is due, Xavier. Not everything is about you," My teasing doesn't go unnoticed and he shakes his head at me again. "You seem to be doing that quite a lot, don't you?" 

"Shaking my head?" He asks. 


"I suppose so. Would you like to know why?" 

My eyes carry his and I nod my head, "When you ask like that; then most definitely."

"Because you are somewhat intriguing, Eloisa," My breath hitches. 

"Somewhat? Personally, I would prefer wholly intriguing, but I'll settle this time," My humored voice carries through the air, Xavier stares at me with such a soft look in his eyes, I have to check twice in order to ensure I'm seeing this. 

That isn't what I was expecting for this night and I'm sure he will go down to business, easing into things seems like the better option right now. 

Our conversation flows freely after that, from some of the idiots of his mafia, to me mentioning the topic of my family briefly. I hate talking about them, it brings back all the horrific sights, but being this carefree with a man has me sharing a little bit about myself. I need to be careful though. Our food is devoured with vigor and the bottle of wine is emptied into my glass, letting us know how much I drank of it already. 

"I don't even feel slightly tipsy," I tell him with a shrug. 

He eyes the bottle and then me, "You probably should feel a little tipsy. High tolerance?"

"Not necessarily," I tell him and then it hits me; I can't feel it because he makes me feel tipsy. His presence tonight has made me weirdly carefree, clearly that must be the reason behind me not feeling any buzz from the wine. Shaking off the weird feelings from that conclusion, he smiles at me through the light from the candle and I reciprocate it on instinct. Looking towards the dancefloor, "I want to dance."

Mason, the waiter, suddenly returns to our table with his ever-so-present wolfish grin, throwing me away from my wish of dancing. I hate how he's looking at me, "Did you enjoy your food?"

"It was fine," I tell him, not giving him more of my time before turning to Xavier. His eyes are emotionless again, the front is up in front of strangers and I wonder what he must be feeling underneath all of that. That is exactly my reaction as well and it's only now that I truly realise it; My smile was wiped off my face when Mason came, turning into this cold being again. 

Xavier and I both do that. 

"Excuse me, miss," He suddenly speaks again, his eyes burning into my own. "I need to know, will you be free tonight? I don't mean to overstep any boundaries, but I can't seem to get your lips and eyes out of my mind."

The shock from his insane words has me speechless, did he really ask that in front of me being here with another man? What is wrong with the world today?

"Excuse the fuck out of your delusional little brain," I say to him, placing my napkin onto the table. My eyes cut to Xavier's, his grip on the fork in his hand is tight and I smirk at the sight, gesturing to Mason's hand and Xavier catches on easily. 

Turning to Mason with a smirk, "Give me your hand, I'll just write my number for you."

He eagerly places his hand onto the table, Xavier doesn't waste a second, piercing his skin with the fork he meets his eyes head-on with a dark stare. Mason whimpers in pain and the sight would be horrific for anyone who doesn't know what we do. 

Xavier leans in close, "Next time, I suggest you show some fucking human decency towards women. Now, apologize to her," His voice is dark and threatening. 

Mason turns to me, "I'm sorry!"

"Debole bastardo," (weak bastard) Xavier growls and twists the fork slightly, letting go of it he comes to me and helps me out of the seat. Guiding me through the restaurant, people are staring at us in absolute horror, some of them are already on the phone with police. 

Xavier doesn't seem to care and the fresh air nips at my flushed cheeks, he opens the door for me to the car before calling someone on the phone, I can't hear what they're saying. He hangs up and walks confidently to his own side of the vehicle. 

Pulling onto the street we drive with no care of what just happened, "I enjoyed tonight, Xavier."

He smiles lightly at me, "We aren't done yet."

And we weren't.

Returning to the mansion, we walk into a living room filled with candles everywhere, soft tunes are playing in the background and I remove my heels in awe. This is like a scene taken out of a movie, absolutely breathtaking. 

"What the hell is this?" I find myself muttering in surprise. 

Xavier grabs my hand and leads me into the middle of the room, "You wanted to dance, no?"

"Wait," I say, looking around the room. "Are we really doing this?" Asking him this, he smiles at me and nods his head.

His right hand grabs around my waist and pulls me in close, every muscle of his pressed up against my own frame. His left hand swallows my smaller one and rests it on top of his strong chest, the position feels so intimate and yet I relax in his hold completely. He starts swaying us to the music, my heart racing by the intimacy of the situation.

I haven't experienced anything like this in years. 

Having sex and leaving was the easiest choice during this part of my life, no one as much as tried to do something like this with me. Not that I think Xavier wants anything from me, he simply hated that Mason ruined our chance of dancing. My eyes glance into the black ones, the ones that slowly are entering my mind on a daily basis. 

His soft stare makes me weak in the knees, and I'm very happy for his strong arm around my waist. The gentle sway in our dance lulls me into relaxation, enjoying the way his hands are molding me and my curves. 

My breasts pressed up against him and his dark eyes searching mine, "What the fuck was tonight even?"

He smiles at me, "It was lovely."

Smiling at him and his vague answer, "Indeed it is."

"Shall we settle for that then?" His question feels rhetorical and I decide to let it go. No reason to ruin the way we're feeling at this exact moment, right here, with each other. 

He supports my lower back and guides my body backwards, the dip in my waist feels secure because of his strong hand. My world is quite literally turned upside down, before he slowly guides me up again, our noses touching as a shiver dances down my spine. 

His minty breath fans across my heated face, the feeling overpowers me and I meet his eyes. They're gazing into mine with such intensity I almost forget how to breathe. My gut tightens and an even more intense shudder dances down my spine. A smile tugs at his lips and he leaves a simple kiss on my cheek, before twirling my body around by our hands. 

The twirl makes me chuckle and my chuckle only grows when he dips me dramatically across his thigh, before pulling me up again, a carefree smile spreads across his lips. 

"Thank you for tonight, amore," He says and gently kisses my hand this time, the fire it provokes down my arm is almost unreal. "We better get to bed, no?"

"Probably should," I breathe with a smile and part from him, walking towards the stairs I turn in his direction one last time. His dark eyes are glinting with some happy emotion, it makes me relieved to see him like that, "Thank you for tonight, Xavier."

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