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"Eloisa! Look at this," His happy voice carries through the nightly air. Giovanni is standing in front of the newly bought flower pot in front of our house, I bought it as a surprise to my little brother. He enjoys flowers and it was such a small gesture for me. "Have you seen them? Oh god, they're stunning!"

I walk closer to him and throw an arm around his shoulders, deciding to play innocent in all of this, "Do you think mom and dad got it as a gift for you? They really are pretty, Gio."

"Sono felice, Eloisa," (I'm happy) He says to me and I tighten my hold on him. He has been struggling in school and I hoped this would bring him some hope again, I absolutely despise seeing my brother fight with a depressive state. It kills me. "I know I've been a depressed little shit of a brother, but I actually feel better. It's coming back to me. Slowly, but surely."

"Oh, Gio. You're only eleven, please don't worry so much about me," I sigh and pull him into a full hug, my nose is instantly attacked by the vile smell of my brother's post-training stench. "Odori di culo." (You smell like ass).

"At least I get out of my bed, you ragazza pigra," (Lazy girl) His humored tone has me pushing him away from me, grabbing the hose I turn it on and instantly spray my baby brother down with water. His humoreed scream carries through the air and our parents' car pulls into the driveway, both of them stepping out to some show in their front yard. 

Mom gives me a playful glare, "Eloisa, are you attacking your brother again?"

"He started it, mamma! He spat some nasty words at me," I try to explain my actions. 

"Did not!" He screams.

"Yes, in fact, you did!"

Gio sticks his tongue out at me.

Dad joins her side and pulls her closer to him by her waist, his emerald eyes pierce my own and he shakes his head with a smile. "We're forced to give up on them and their antics at some point, Denise," He speaks to my mom with such adoration in his stare.

"Maxon," She tuts and shakes her head. "One does not simply give up on babies, I can't give up on them at least."

My dad comes closer to us, "Fine, apparently your mother and I decided to still try to raise you guys. Eloisa, drop the hose."

My eyes fall from the hose to my unknowing parents, before I give my brother a smirk and he returns with a huge smile on his face. 

Oh, dearest parentals, you won't know what hit you. 

Aiming the hose at them, I spray them down as well and laugh loudly when my mom tackles me to the ground. All of our laughter fills the nightly air, my heart longs for them even though they're right here in front of me. 

A certain sadness settles within and my mom notices, "Baby, are you upset?"

"I don't know, mom," Shaking my head, the confusion settles in my mind. Mom seems anxious and I deliver her my best smile, "Sorry, sorry, I'm just being dramatic and I missed you guys."

"We'll always be right here, Eloi," My dad speaks with love in his voice. 

His voice saying that nickname has me sobbing roughly, I clutch my stomach painfully and jump up in my lonely bed. The pain of being utterly alone in my cold apartment hits me, this was a perfect dream. I dreamt of them again. Sobs shake my entire frame and I snuggle closer to my pillow. 

Fuck, I miss them. 

None of them were ready to die, none of them deserved to suffer like they did. Giovanni was just a child. 

I remember that memory as well; mom and dad left for their weekly date night, while Gio and I would be hanging out together. I bought the flowers on my way home, his reaction was exactly what I'd hoped for. He was so happy, he even admitted to feeling better after being depressed for a while. Slowly, but surely, he told me. 

My mom and dad were as perfect as always, dealing with Gio and I was never easy. We were quite the handful. But I believe they enjoyed those moments with us, the ones where we sprayed them down with water, the ones where we included them in our food fight in the kitchen. 

My parents were so open and lighthearted in everything they did. Their love for each other shone through and overruled anything else. 

This dream is reoccurring, the ending varies from night to night. This time it ended up with me telling them how much I miss them, my mind clearly needed the reminder of my humanity right now. Other times I've had to suffer through the ending, with their dead bodies sprawled across the very same front yard. 

The yard that held so many powerful memories. 

My mind refuses to relax and I leave the bed. I haven't been out of this apartment for days, the thoughts of someone attacking me has somehow caught up to me. 

I don't fucking know who's out there looking for me, it would be reckless to roam the streets. 

David Matthews didn't know who the person behind was exactly, he told me it was a man who has an insane amount of power in the gangs throughout the city. He has even more power now than he did when he released the warrant, because people agree with him and his intentions with me. 

He clearly has it out for me, but I don't fucking understand why. The possibilities are endless, I've pissed a lot of people off during my years here. 

Grabbing a bottle of water, I swallow everything and it clears the haze behind my eyes slightly. These nights are the fucking worst, the ones where I'm tortured with the memories, the ones where I'm forced to relive the happy moments, feel the love in my heart again only for it to break again. 

This is an endless cycle. 

I need someone, I don't have anyone. 

In a world full of people, I'm completely and utterly alone. No one to turn to, nowhere to go, no safe space to simply exist. This is the bittersweet reality of wanting revenge, I gave up on feeling human a while ago. 

These consequences were set in stone before I commited my first murder, I knew of them and yet I allowed myself to go through with it. 

This is all on me and I need to stop this pathetic pity party, it won't get me anywhere in the long run. 

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