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"Don't be dicks to the lady, idiots," William, one of the mafia members, says to the other two he's currently playing against. All three of them were sitting in the living room when I came down a few hours ago, now I've been sitting here for all that time and I'm kind of having fun with them. 

André snorts at him, "We aren't being dicks. If you acted like a dick towards Eloisa she wouldn't let you leave the room again, not alive at least."

Shrugging carelessly, "I won't kill you guys."

William doesn't necessarily look convinced, but shakes his head nonetheless and continues playing the game. I haven't even noticed what they're playing because their stupid comments have distracted me, the three of them truly are work to be around. 

"That's fucking cheating, you son of a bitch!" Oscar suddenly exclaims, his long brown hair flies with the point of his finger aiming at André on the other couch. 

André smiles at him with his charmingly crooked teeth, "I see that attitude didn't go away."

Oscar gives him a fake smile in return, "I see your girlfriend did."

"Wow, guys," William cuts in. "Why we getting heated over this shit?"

"Eloisa!" A familiar voice screams from the front door, Santi is standing there with a bright smile on his face. I leave the members to their game and walk in his direction, he doesn't waste a second before flinging himself at me. Hugging my body close to his, "Uncle Xavier bought the bows and arrows for us, will you teach me now please?"

"Of course," I nod my head at him and Oriana steps into the hallway, carrying a lot of bags in her hands. Grabbing some of them from her, "Let me help you, where do you want me to place them?"

"Thank you, Eloisa," She smiles at me. "In the kitchen will be good."

Placing them where she guides I smile discreetly down at Santi, "Where do you want to practice?"

He looks towards his mother with an expectant stare and she chuckles, "Xavier is arranging everything in the backyard, he bought this unnecessarily big wooden plane with a huge center in the middle. It doesn't really show how much faith we have in Santi, but it'll do."

Finding my chance, "If I ask you a question, will you be open to the idea?"

Oriana smiles at me in confusion, "I'll try."

"I work on my self defense skills from time to time, but I need a partner for some of it. I was wondering if you wanted to work on it with me?" It isn't a lie, I do need a partner for some specific aspects of the training. 

"Okay, I'll play along and pretend as if Xavi didn't put you up to this," She laughs and I have to hide my smile. "If you feel like it's necessary, then I'll join you."

Shrugging my shoulders, "It's never a bad thing to know a little bit of self defense. It might even surprise you how fun it is to train."

"Mom!" Santi cuts in with a huge grin playing on his lips. "It would be so cool if you knew how to ninja kick someone's ass."

"Yeah," Nodding my head. "You should listen to your son."

"Fine," She gives in and throws her hands into the air. "Can you manage both Santi and I out there though?"

"Definitely. I'll give him some techniques to practice while we work out."

She gives me a once over, looking at my black tank top and black tights. "Do I have to change?"

Her red dress isn't really appropriate for the workouts I'll put her through, "Yeah, you probably should."

She leaves to go change her clothes and I follow Santi into the huge backyard. Green grass is covering every inch of it, a pool hiding in the back and multiple beautiful roses lining the tall white fence. The fence truly is only for show, the ground stretches far beyond and is surrounded by a tall iron fence. 

I spot Xavier to the right, his muscles are straining deliciously against his black t-shirt with the big wooden board he's carrying. 

A huge circle is drawn onto it, the red center in the middle of the board is unnecessarily wide, but that's probably what Oriana meant. Shaking my head in humor, I grab Santi's shoulder lightly and urge him to go down the stairs towards his uncle.

"Uncle Xavi!" Santi exclaims when we reach him, the man in question turns around and gives me a once-over. My body is on fire by the momentary attention, but I hide it since we're in the presence of a child. 

"Everything is set up," He says to us and points towards the arrows and bows on the grass. "I have some work to do though, but have fun with it."

"This is so cool!" Santi says in pure excitement. 

Xavier crouches down in front of him and gives him a fist bump, "Show them what us Romanos have, capire?" (Understand?).

"You got it, uncle Xavi," He smiles at him. "Oh! And mamma is coming down to work out with Eloisa."

Xavier's surprised eyes cut to me and he stands up again, Santi runs off to check out the arrows while the shocked man steps closer to me. "You got her to agree?" 

"Yeah," I nod my head. "Wasn't really that hard, perhaps your constant attitude threw her off, happens to the best of us, you know?"

He takes a step closer to me and grabs my chin between his pointy finger and thumb, tilting my head upwards he smirks down at me. "Why in the world am I allowing you to speak to me like that?"

"You tell me," I retaliate with a smirk of my own. 

"Your energy is challenging me, Eloisa," He says with a sexy smirk and inches closer, whispering against my lips. "It was inevitable for the two of us to fuck."

"Likewise. You're difficult to deal with," Saying this against his lips with a humored glance, I push against his chest and he moves a step away from me. "Now, I gotta go teach Santi some tricks to archery."

The door to the house opens and Oriana runs outside, now in appropriate clothing for working out. She points her finger at us, "Thank god! I thought you were about to fuck each other in front of my innocent son."

"I'm surrounded by people who love to test me," Xavier speaks under his breath and leaves for his office, probably to work his ass off for the rest of the day. 

"Eloisa, am I doing it right?" Santi yells from his position, having the bow in a tight grip and aiming the arrow towards the wooden board. 

"Feet shoulder width apart, the center line needs to be right in the middle of your feet," He does as adviced and I approach him. "Keep both eyes open, but aim with your dominant one. Now, pull the string to your nose and chest, position your shoulders low, and shoot."

He shoots and the arrow flies through the air, landing in the yellow spot on the wood. "Did you see that, mamma?" Santi asks in excitement. 

"Sure did, honey. You're great!" She answers with an excited smile of her own. 

"Keep practicing how to work the string to get enough momentum, remember your feet's stance and to keep your shoulders low," I tell him and turn towards Oriana with a smirk. "Now, let's do ten push ups for starters."

"You'll kill me today, won't you?" She laughs and gets onto the ground with me. 

"I definitely hope not," Telling her this with humor in my eyes, she shakes her head and laughs. 

The day is spent on Santi's skills of archery, he grew better and better, each time hitting the huge red mark with a smile on his face. His pride made me happy and I found myself enjoying it a little too much, he reminded me of Gio.

Oriana proved to be stronger than what Xavier had made her out to be, she took all my challenges with hunger in her eyes. Even though she put up a good fight, I was still able to overpower her every time. What made me the most relieved, was hearing that she wanted to do it again. It gives me an opportunity of improving her and readying her for any type of situation. 

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