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"I'll bring the hose in here and spray you down with water, Santi," I warn him and smile. 

He crosses his arms across his chest, "Uncle Xavi would stop you before you made his house wet."

"Uncle Xavi isn't here right now," I laugh at him and he joins in. 

The fight between us happened because of him stealing some of the food I'm cooking, hence me threatening him with water. He's too spoiled though and knows that Xavier would stop me. 

Oriana steps into the kitchen with an easy smile on her face, "He steals your food too?"

"I didn't, mamma!" He exclaims with a laugh and walks up to her. "She's making the food for all of us, I was only hungry now and couldn't really wait."

"I still don't believe you," She tells him and ruffles his hair. 

He smiles at her and then at me, "She knows me too much."

"Eloisa," Oriana speaks and I turn to her. "Xavier wants to see you in his office, he's with the five others."

Nodding my head, I remove the pan from the stove and remind myself to get back to it. When I leave the kitchen, I overhear Santi speaking to his mom, "Eloisa likes to play all tough with the others, but she loves me and I get to steal her food."

His words humor me when I walk upstairs and I hide it while entering the office, the six guys are staring at me and I nod my head. 

"You wanted to see me," I state to Xavier who's sitting behind his desk. 

He nods and asks the others to take a break, it weirds me out how he wants them out of the room for this conversation. Looking at Marc while he passes me, he delivers a small smile and once again I'm weirded out. 

They close the door after them and I stand behind a chair in front of him, "Okay, what the hell was that?"

"You and I need to talk," He speaks in such a serious tone it brings me back to the old Xavier. 




Xavier interlaces his hands on the desk in front of him, "While you were out, we searched his history and Marc believes he shares last name with you. The true identity of Dracona is someone from the Martinelli family."

My gut tightens with these news, I'm related to a monster. I know I have a living relative out there, but that person wants me dead. He has a fucking bounty on my head and it disgusts me. Xavier has known about this since I was in a coma, he hasn't felt the need to tell me before. 

"You've known this for weeks without telling me?" I spit at him, anger coursing through my body. 

His eyes are emotionless, "Yes."

"I don't want to dwell on that, simply because we have more urgent matters to tend to. But fuck you, Xavier. That's fucking disgusting when you promised we would work all of this out together," Telling him this he nods his head, accepting the hatred I'm spitting at him. 

"I should have told you, sì."

"Fucking stronzo," I say and throw myself into the chair. "You're an annoying piece of shit."

His eyes slice through mine, "Are you done now or do you need to release some more?"

"Sei ignorante," (You're ignorant) Not being able to control myself. "I'm done now, you pig."

"Okay," He says slowly and tries to hide the humor on his face. "We don't know who he is to you yet, that's what we're struggling with at the moment. It would be best if we knew what to expect before the attack on the rink."

Shrugging my shoulders, "You're going in there knowing we'll kill your father, I can deal with someone from my family dying as well. A Martinelli is willing to pay to have me dead, it doesn't matter who Dracona is to me. I don't care about it. If anything, it makes me more hungry to attack."

"Well, this was unproblematic," He states with a smile playing on his lips. 

"What did you expect?" I ask him. 

"Possibly you killing me with those knives between your legs," He tells me, I enjoy the playful side of him. 

"I don't have the weapons on me," I lie.

"That's a lie."


"I'm glad you took it so well."

"You're still a lying dick," Standing my ground. 

"That's nice of you," He nods his head. 

"I know, I'm lovely."

"Go on a date with me after all of this is over?" He suddenly asks, the question and absolute nonchalance has me shocked. 

"You're making moves on me while I'm annoyed?" 

He tilts his head to the side with a smirk, "You're always annoyed, Eloisa."

"Fair enough," I say with a nod. "Then yes."

"That means you have to survive the attack, you know?" He asks, the smirk playing on his lips has my gut tightening for him. The memories of him eating me out the other day are still fresh in my mind.  

"I was counting on it," Nodding. 

"You're vague."

"And you're a dickhead."

"This was a lovely conversation," He says and stands up, grabbing my hand he pulls me from the chair and against his firm body. 

My stomach flutters pathetically, "It really wasn't."

"No," He says and his finger urges my head up by my chin, our eyes are locked in an intense gaze. 

I take the initiative this time and place my lips against his, he smiles at the reaction of mine and kisses me with such gentleness it makes me breathless. Our kiss doesn't deepen or grow in intensity, both of us are simply enjoying the simplicity of making out in a slow pace. 

My hands land on his waist and I pull him closer, enjoying how he makes me feel weightless by simply kissing me like this. Smiling against his lips, the euphoria suddenly enters my mind. I have no clue what we're doing, but it feels too good to stop. 

My phone buzzes against my body, and I groan when I pull away from him. Grabbing the device, I see Rocco's name flashing across it. 

Looking at Xavier he seems to be annoyed at the interruption, "It's Rocco."

He nods his head and sits down behind his desk again. 

I answer the phone, "Rocco?"

"Thank fuck you answered," He says in a panic. "The Dungeon just had some very polite visitors, they managed to wreck everything in here and killed one of my fucking employees. Apparently, they know I visited you at the hospital."

"What the fuck?" I say without stopping myself. "Are you there still?"

"Yeah, I had to call the cops, Eloisa. They took the body and brought me in for questioning, I don't know who the fuck did this, but I definitely have an idea."

"I'll come down there," I state in a hurry.

"No, are you completely mental? They know who I am, they came here to find you."

"I don't care if it's a plot to lure me out, Rocco," I tell him with finality. "I'm coming down there."

Hanging up on the phone I turn to Xavier, "They attacked The Dungeon and killed one of his employees, I'm going down there."

"Not alone you aren't," He states and grabs his jacket from the hanger, opening the door for me we hurry down the hallway. 

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