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The coldness nips at my cheeks on my way home from the talk with Rocco, the feeling brings me back to reality if only for a minute. Grabbing my phone, I find myself calling the number before I realise what I'm doing. This is stupid and I should keep my distance, but I haven't heard his voice since that day in the warehouse and I find myself needing to ground myself. 

The tone beeps twice before it's picked up by some unfamiliar voice, "The Romano mansion. Security, who am I talking to?" 

"Martinelli," I tell him and he forwards me instantly. Xavier must have allowed them to forward me every time, with no questions asked. For some reason it makes me feel stuff I shouldn't, especially not when his own father is on the hunt to kill me. He wants me dead and I don't know what to do about it. 

"Romano," He barks through the phone and my body relaxes. 

"Xavier," I say. 

"Eloisa, is everything okay?" His voice is slightly startled. Why can't I be as calm and collected around him? In a fight I'm fucking lethal, but around him it seems like I'm melting. 

"Sure," I lie. Suddenly it feels like I might be dead at any point, the thought of death has me scared for the first time since I lost my family. "Apparently I don't want to die though."

His pause speaks volumes, "Why should you die?" 

"Do you know how many people are after me at this very moment? I didn't truly understand or comprehend that fact, but people are literally roaming the streets simply to kill me. Have you heard of the ridiculous sum of money that's offered in return for me dead or alive?" My voice speaks and I can't seem to control it. The need to open up to someone has me like this. 

Ever since he comforted me that one night at the club, I've needed this type of reassurance again. He's the only person who wouldn't judge me for what or who I am. 

"I've heard of it, sì. Why do you think I urged you to stay home or stay with me? It drives me fucking crazy that I have no clue where you live, I can't just call you. To me, you're like wiped off the face of the earth for literal days, and then suddenly you reach out to me and I finally feel like I can-" He stops himself, although his words are making my heart pound roughly in my chest. "Why are you calling me, Eloisa?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"That's exactly what I just said, yes."

"Don't be such a smart ass," His voice takes on a teasing tone and I find myself wanting to smile. "Sai esattamente perché mi hai chiamato, Eloisa." (You know exactly why you called me, Eloisa).

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'd like to share," I tell him in honesty, the feeling of being watched suddenly creeps down my spine. My eyes scan the empty streets and I will myself to walk faster, I should be home in about two minutes. If someone is out here watching me, then I can't walk into my apartment. 

They would know. 

"Hey," He suddenly says. "What's going on? I can hear your breathing."

"Nothing's going on," I state in a hurry. "Just me being out of shape and walking, it's a tough life really."

"Would you tell me if something was happening to you?" His question throws me off and I glance around once again, the feeling isn't fucking going away. Someone is here, I'm certain of it. They must be. Either that or I'm going crazy with paranoia, but I truly do believe someone has found me roaming the streets. How perfect, this is the perfect fucking timing while I'm on the phone with Xavier. "Eloisa?"

"Hm," I answer distractedly. 

"Would you tell me if something happened?" He repeats his question. 



"Non ho bisogno di te," (I don't need you) My voice is sharp and honest, I don't need him. The true issue here is that I want him, I want him in my life, I want to hear his voice and relax to it. I'm fucked. "I've been alone in this game for so long, Xavier. You learn how to get by without having anyone to share it with. You probably know that feeling, don't you?"

"I have an entire mafia of loyal men under me," He says with confidence. 

"But that isn't the same, Xavier. Don't you miss someone being there for you, not having to sign a contract to have someone on your side. Do you not miss being comforted?" I have no clue why I'm putting him on the spot like this, but I'm intrigued by the man that is Xavier Romano. 

"Eloisa," He sighs ruefully. "I was born into this world. Had my first kill at eleven. Brought up with the idea that love was a waste of time, no fucking person in my family knew how to comfort or hold anyone. That isn't the type of person I am," He states these words with such conviction, and yet I don't truly believe that he doesn't need the intimacy of being comforted. 

"You say that isn't the type of person you are, and yet you held me that one night at the club. You made sure I felt better and you comforted me, that surely must count for something," I don't get to hear his reply, because I'm now standing in front of my apartment building and by the end of the street is a group of six men who are staring intensely me. 

"Fuck," Falls from my lips, a shaky breath leaves my lips when they inch closer to me. "This isn't good."

"Eloisa," He warns through the phone. "What the fuck is going on?" 

"All that shit I said about not needing you, maybe I have to rephrase that," I chuckle with no humor. "If I die, then please write that I have a good ass on my tombstone."

"Where are you?" 

"175C Applewood Dr," I tell him, not holding back on giving him my address. He is the first person to know, but I can't bring myself to care when the group of men sprint in my direction. I run into my apartment building and up the stairs, unlocking the door to my home I hurry to lock it behind me and push a bookcase in front of it. "The door is probably smashed by the time you get here though."

"My fucking Eloisa, I'm on my way."

"Gotta go though, probably can't talk over the phone when they get inside," I say and grab a gun from the closet in my bedroom, hiding my torture room I close the door to the closet again. "See you here, Xavier."

Hanging up the phone, I hope for some type of strength to envelop me as these broad guys will attack. 

Have mercy on my fucked up soul, and let's add a please to that. 

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