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My father leaves me on the ground, my stomach bleeding extensively and the want to close my eyes is overwhelming. Everything pushes me further away from reality. I want to die, right now, in this instance, I wish to die. Especially when the predator squats down in front of me, clutching my chin in his forceful and sweaty hands. 

"I'm Jason," He smirks, his brown eyes settling on my lips. "Thought an introduction would be in order."

"Vaffanculo," (fuck off) I mutter to him, my weakened body swaying to the right. 

"What?" He laughs sinisterly, tightening his grasp on my chin.

"I said," The discomfort on my chin distracts me from my stomach, which is why I match his gaze with a piercing stare. "Fuck off."

"You're upfront," He says and harshly shoves my face away. 

Glowering up at him through my eyelashes, "I'm not afraid to make enemies."

This has him smirking and he creeps closer to me, my knees are bleeding from the fall earlier, but I don't want to pull away and appear vulnerable. These types of people feast on power, they taste the smallest bit of superiority and they indulge in it. I refuse to give into them, I'm not the character to allow anyone to control me. 

I need to think. 

If Marc couldn't make it, I'm completely alone in here and this rodent will rape me eventually. 

My soul can't handle being overpowered and forced like that again. 

I'm heavily armed, but opening fire in an open space like this might alert people, I don't know how many are in here. The only opportunity is to get him close enough to murder him in silence, then I'll hunt down my father and kill him for what he did to the people I love and care about. 

He won't get away with it. 

"Please don't touch me," I feign a weep, his eyes ignite immediately. The mere performance has my mind reeling, the knife lodged in my stomach really is messing with my consciousness. "I don't know what you want from me, but I'm not worth it."

"Oh, honey," He tuts menacingly, cupping my cheeks in his reeking hands. "You'll enjoy this at some point, I promise. Just don't pass out, I'm not into the whole necrophilia thing."

Without another word, he pulls my head closer to his and forces his revolting lips onto mine. Moving brutally and forcibly, but I refuse to reciprocate which has him drilling his nails into the back of my head. I'm appalled, completely nauseated, I didn't think he would go for it this fast. 

Without another thought, I grab a knife from my holster. The silver blade is long and sharp, which is why I bite down on his lip with every ounce of force in my jaw. He screams when I successfully bite off his lower lip, I smirk at him and stab the weapon into his throat. Blood splatters from the wound and worsens when I pull the knife out of him again, he drops to the floor, gagging on his own blood. 

"Oh, darling," I impersonate him darkly, a smirk playing across my features. "You'll die at some point, I promise."

Leaving him there, I crawl across the cold floor of the warehouse, rubbing my legs raw from the burning friction. The knife in my stomach makes it difficult for me to move, but I need to locate my father. I need him to die. He isn't entitled to live another day, not with the knowledge of what he's done to Giovanni and my mom. 

Coughing, I cover my mouth with my hand and instantly see the splatters of blood on the top of my skin. 

Coughing up blood then, I'm more fucked than I thought was possible. 

Deciding then and there what to do, I stand onto my feet and wail out in the strain against the knife. My skin stretches and moves against the object lodged into my stomach, worsening the injury and increasing the pain. My knees almost want to give out underneath me, but I refuse to give up on this. 

Grabbing my gun, I shoot in a random direction and shriek at the top of my lungs. Within a second, three men barge into the room from a door down to the left, I shoot all of them dead. Screaming again, the pain worsens and I whimper at the agony in my body, cradling my bleeding stomach. 

This time the only one appearing in the darkness is my father, he notices the three dead men on the floor and raises an eyebrow at me. The pain in my body diminishes, it's temporary anyway and I want my father to die so badly.

"What the fuck are you doing, Eloi?" He roars in anger. 

"Collecting," I tell him and shoot his other leg, he collapses to the ground on impact. 

"You've shot me twice since meeting me again, what the hell is your problem?" He yells at me, hatred flashing in his familiar emerald eyes. 

Tilting my head to the side, "Was that an honest fucking question, idiota?"

The blood flows from his wound, the color gradually evaporating from his face and it has me disturbingly satisfied with myself. I hate this version of who I've become, I hate being this monster. Xavier refused to kill his own blood, yet here I am, doing it, and with the added pleasure of being the one behind the anguish on my father's face.

"Call some of your men in here, Dracona," I taunt him, trying not to cough again. "Get them in here and allow me to slaughter each and every single one in front of your inadequate soul."

He mumbles something under his breath and tries to crawl away from me, my instinct takes over when I shoot his foot and he cries in pain. 

"What was that? Couldn't hear you over the sound of me killing you," I grin wickedly at him and tilt my head to the side. 

"I don't have anyone!" He screams. "You and your pathetic boyfriend killed almost everyone underground. I don't have anyone, okay? Does that make you happy?" 

"Let me see," I speak and inch closer to his vulnerable frame, grabbing a knife from my thigh holster. "The monster who was behind the slaughter of my entire family, the feeble bastard who has been chasing me down for weeks, the fool who went against the Italian mafia leader, that motherfucker dying by the hands of his own daughter while he is a nobody in this world. Does that make me happy?"

He glares at me with such intensity, the only thing I can manage is a humorous scoff. 

"It doesn't," I state indifferently, aiming my knife at his startled frame on the ground. Throwing it and appreciating how it pierces his thigh, followed by his screams of torture. "There is nothing in regards to you that brings me any emotion because that would mean I care about you."

I step closer to him, the tilt to my head is happy and satisfied with the sight of what I've done to him. Blood leaks from the multiple wounds on his body. I grab the knife from his thigh and rip it out mercilessly, stabbing it into his shoulder not even a second later. 

He wails in pain and fights to crawl away from me; his own daughter.

"You already know how this will end, Maxon," I sing in mockery at his crawling form, slowly draining from energy. "It's a bit unfortunate, all of this, don't you think?"

"You will still fear me, Eloisa. For the rest of your life," He chokes through the blood spluttering from his lips, despairingly pulling his body across the cemented floor that's covered in red by now. 

"I didn't choose fear, I chose control," Pulling the trigger, the bullet pierces his skull and he flies onto the ground by the collision. 

I just killed my own father. 

Officially turning into the monstrosity I never wanted to be. 

In order to destroy a monster, you will become one yourself. 

I suppose that saying is completely accurate.

And yet, I don't care. 

Not even one fucking bit. 

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