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"I can help, Eloisa," Rocco states from the ground, the bullets haven't ceased and I was seconds from being hit a minute ago. Xavier is killing most of the men by himself, while I fight with the idiot here. "Maybe act as bait. They want you, after all, and I can lure them into the light so you can shoot them."

"You won't even move as much as one single muscle, I'll have your fucking head if you do," My voice leaves no room for discussion, the seriousness of this situation flying over his micro brain. "Do you understand, Rocco?"

"Once again, I can't fucking breathe in your presence," He states with a playful smile. "But yes, I understand and I won't move, it's a promise."

"Now, shut your annoying trap and let me help Xavier."

Aiming my gun again, I spot the head of a person hiding behind the bar, pulling the trigger his lifeless body falls onto the floor. A smirk lands on my lips from the action, these morons truly believe they have a chance here.

Such amateurs. 

Looking towards the strong mafia leader, he steps out from the wall and inches closer to the entrance where they came from. I do as well, but not before strictly ordering Rocco to stay in his place. He promises to do so and I'm on my way, my gun raised in front of my face to protect us from these idiots. 

Gunshots are heard from outside the bar, Xavier and I look at each other before hurrying out of the building. His mafia is murdering every last one of them on the open street, the darkness of the night makes it hard to tell where all of them are. I walk down the sidewalk and into the alleyway where the entrance to the rink is, dealers are coming up from the stairs and I shoot them dead instantly. 

Xavier is right by my side in seconds, killing them with such ease it's painfully tempting to stop and stare at him in his dangerous element. 

"When the hell did they get so many fucking members?" I yell over the sound of gunshots. 

"Non lo so," (I don't know) He answers darkly. "But getting to kill them is a good thing for us in the long run."

"Eloisa?" A voice in front of us suddenly speaks. 

I don't know the man and I tilt my head to the side, "What?"

"I'm one of the dealers. I know you'll kill me, but can I just say it's quite a sight seeing you here when we've been searching you out for so long. Especially knowing that you were hospitalized mere weeks ago," I have no clue who he is and I simply don't care. 

Aiming my gun, I shoot him between the eyes and he falls down. 

The last murder of the alleyway and Xavier turns to me with a smirk, the danger hiding in his stare is fucking alluring, "You didn't care enough to hear the rest of his story, no?"

"No," I shake my head, trying to control the pounding in my chest. 

His dark eyes trail down my body, a rough shiver hits me under his attention, "Are you okay? I saw you throw yourself at Rocco, that must've hurt."

"It's fine, barely felt it," I tell him and mean it, tucking the gun away again. 

The gunshots have ceased and we step into the open street again, multiple dead bodies are scattered everywhere. It's impossible to tell ally from enemy, but I'm certain some of the casualties are from the Italian Mafia. The only ones standing are from the mafia though, we managed to kill every member from the rink that came at us tonight. 

Although they have more, I'm not stupid. 

Xavier steps forward instantly with a straightened back and a stoic expression on his face, he meets his mafia as the leader, "Owen, call the security at the mansion and ensure that everything is as it should be. Get the Smiths down here to clean and clear the streets, all of you will help them. Our deceased members need to be cremated as usual, I don't want them in a ditch somewhere. If I get the news of any of you even suggesting to throw them in a ditch, I'll kill you myself."

A chorus of agreements and "Yes, boss" is heard, all of them getting to work instantly and somehow knowing exactly what needs to be done. Owen is on the phone with the security and comes closer to Xavier, "Boss. The base is fine, they haven't had any attempt of intrusion."

"Great," He says. "Help the others."

Owen scurries off and helps with the work of identifying the men on the ground, I look away from the sight and I'm suddenly reminded of my deal with Rocco. Stepping into The Dungeon, I find him on the floor behind the table still. 

He stares up at me with his familiar blue eyes, scanning my body for any injuries, "I've told you on multiple occasions not to kill anyone in my club, these fucking dickheads just forced you to."

"That's your main concern?" I ask him with humor on my voice.

"Yes, Eloisa! Because that was the only spot where you were decent enough to respect my order, you hate me setting rules and this rule you were willing to follow. I'm fucking pissed at them," The prissy tone of his has me entertained, I know he isn't upset with me either way. 

He's doing what he is great at, which is changing the subject whenever something like this happens. Making it one big joke and hoping for me to join in on the fun, but I rarely do. Especially not with how messed up his club is at the moment. 

"Do you need a ride home?" I ask him, changing the subject once again. 

"No," He smiles at me. "I drove here and refuse to abandon my car."

"Fine, but I'll take you to your car either way."

He smirks at me and easily throws his arm around my shoulders. 

My body shudders in disgust, "Do you have to touch me?"

"Yeah," He nods playfully and leads me out of the club, turning to an emotionless Xavier. "Your girl is willing to follow me to the safety of my car, I'll leave the door to the club unlocked for you to get the bodies out. Is that okay?"

Xavier looks at Rocco's hand around my shoulder and a deep frown settles on his lips, it has me feeling some type of way that he's reacting like this. Although, Rocco flings his hand away from me with fear on his face, "Well, I guess she can follow me over there without me having to be affectionate. No worries, my guy!"

His stupid answer has me laughing and I push him away from me, he starts walking in the direction of his car. I linger and deliver a smile to Xavier before following my friend, my body is shivering under the gaze of his dark eyes and I need a break from the intensity. 

Rocco patiently waits for me and I finally reach his side, "He is stupidly protective of you."

"You're challenging it as well," I tell him and bump my shoulder to his. "No need to rile him up."

"Are you two serious with each other?" He asks me with an edge of seriousness to his voice. 

My eyes cut to his instantly, I hate these questions, "I mean, no."

"That really didn't convince me, you'll get another try though," He smiles playfully. 

"I don't know what we're doing, it's just fun to be around him."

"Fun?" He chokes with widened eyes. 

"Yes, fun," I roll my eyes.

"Because he's a good lay?"

"You're an ass. Maybe I should punch some sense into you after all," I tell him and he takes a step away from me with surrendered hands. "It's fun to be around him because he's exciting, I guess. Fuck, I sound so stupid right now. Xavier is fun, he's interesting and actually quite the gentleman."

"Who d'you think you're kidding? He's the earth and heaven to you," He starts belting the song from Hercules and I try to hush him instantly. He runs around the side of his car and keeps it up with a smirk. "Try to keep it hidden. Honey, we can see right through you-"

"Shut the fuck up, Rocco!" I screech at him and charge in his direction. 

He squeals and keeps singing while running, "Girl, you can't conceal it, we know how you feel and who you're thinking of!"

Finally reaching him I push him onto the ground and slap his chest roughly, he yells at me while laughing and I can't help but join in. Such a stupid prick.

Smiling at him, I appreciate who he is in my life, "I fucking hate you."

"Oh, Eloisa," He smirks and pushes me off him. "I love you, too."

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