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Wandering around the mansion for an hour or so has me tired, it feels impossible to memorize every crevice and corner in a mansion this big. I enter the kitchen and grab myself a bottle of water from the fridge, sitting down by the dining table, my mind enjoys the quiet for once. In a house filled with men it's unusual for it to be so peaceful. 

I haven't seen Xavier since the meeting this morning, hours ago. As I'd expected, he is a busy man with running an entire mafia and such. I still can't believe I slept with him again, he is a warm body and somehow knows how to move it as well. The offer is too tempting and as long as it's pure sex; it can't be too harmful. 

A woman steps into the kitchen, she isn't the kitchen help based on her casual clothes. Her brown eyes cut to me and I nod my head at her, she seems to light up at this. "Hello," She speaks. 


She sits down in front of me after grabbing a bottle of water, removing a strand of brown hair that fell in front of her face. Her attitude resembles someone of my age, around 24 or 25 years old, "Allow me a lucky guess here, Eloisa is it?" 

"Indeed it is. Who are you?" I find myself asking, her smile widens by me answering. 

"Oriana, you probably haven't heard of me, Xavier likes to keep me a secret," Her words surprise me slightly, she seems too sweet to sleep with such a cold man. She must see my reaction as she laughs, "I'm his cousin! A member of the Romano family, Oriana Romano."

"You don't strike me as the type," I say to her, not caring how judgmental that sounds. 

"No," She laughs again, does she always laugh? "I'm not really brooding, or cold, or ignorant, or a killer, nor do I take enjoyment in torturing others. That's not me."

"It's very much Xavier though," I tell her and she nods. 

"That's his worst side, yes. He is much more than that though," She tries to assure me, I have no clue why. "Enough about me, tell me about yourself, Eloisa!"

"Oh," I say, growing slightly uncomfortable. Usually I tell people to fuck off, but I don't want to throw her off here. "Well, I'm Eloisa."

"And?" She pushes. 

"Non lo so." (I don't know).

"There must be something you can tell me. What do you like to eat?" She questions again, her persistence is admirable, but not while it's targeted at me. 

"Food, mostly."

She nods humorously, "That's a start."

"My weakness must be churros with hot chocolate," I finally give in, allowing her the smallest insight in who I am. It's strange to share even the simplest thing, especially when I'm used to keeping everything to myself. 

Oriana smiles at me, her tan skin almost resembles mine, "I have to make you some then! You'd love my grandma's recipe."

"Is this grandma the same one that Xavier has then?" I can't help but ask. 

"It is," She nods. "Grandma was the best at cooking and created her own unique recipes for everything. Xavier loved to join her in the kitchen, he would always listen to her rambling about those damn recipes. Never once interrupting her or changing the subject, she loved it."

I try to hide my smile to no avail, my lips turn upwards which makes Oriana grin at me. "Gosh, those dimples! How old are you?" She asks. 

"I'm 24, and you?"

"25, I had the feeling we were close in age," Her head nods and I have to agree with her, that thought hit me as well. 

"You and Xavier must have a few years between your ages then?"

She nods and is about to answer before a smaller voice cuts in, "Uncle Xavi is old! Mamma isn't too old, but Xavier is almost 30!"

My eyes cut to the kid standing next to the door, his brown eyes are staring into my emerald ones with curiosity. He comes closer and snuggles up to Oriana's side, she gives me a smile, "Xavier is 28. Oh, and this is my son, Santi."

"Hi Santi, I'm Eloisa," Santi smiles at me and hides his head behind his mother, the action warms me heart as he reminds me too much of Giovanni, my little brother. "How old are you?" I ask him, not knowing how to stop myself. 

"I'm nine," He answers lowly. 

"He's also quite shy," She tells me with a sheepish smile. 

"Cosa ti piace fare, Santi?" (What do you like to do) I ask him, hoping his mother has taught him some Italian. 

His head shoots up by hearing me, "Mi piace leggere." (I like to read).

"Oh yeah?" I ask him with surprise. 

"Sì," He nods his head. "Mom gave me the Harry Potter series and I like them a lot."

"They don't scare you?" I ask him with raised eyebrows, some scenes can be quite scary. 

"No," Santi's accent is more obvious now. "Uncle Xavier has told me not to fear fictional things, non è necessario." (It's unnecessary). 

Looking at the proud look on Oriana's face, I smile at the sight and turn to the boy again. His black hair has the same length as Gio's and it messes with me slightly, "Xavier isn't the wisest man, but I guess he can give some advice after all."

Santi laughs at this but stops when his eyes spot something behind me, I already know Xavier's here. His presence demands attention, it's too powerful. 

"I thought we were getting along for once, no?" He speaks in his dark voice, turning around to meet his intense stare I tilt my head to the side. 

"You and I won't ever get to that point. Now, allow me to get to know your family without you meddling," I tell him and ignore the smile in his eyes. "They're great company."

"I know they are," He tells me and sits down on the chair next to me, Santi runs up to him and cuddles into his side. The sight has me warm and it disgusts me, I can't let go of myself completely. This man is dangerous and ruthless. It matters shit to me that he has a weak spot for his family. 

"Eloisa knows Italian!" Santi speaks excitedly to his uncle. 

Xavier nods his head and meets my eyes momentarily before looking at the boy again, "She does, and she has a bigger vocabulary than simply curse words."

Santi gasps dramatically, "I don't curse, uncle Xavi! At least not around you because you get mad."

A chuckle escapes my lips at their interaction, Oriana is looking at them with adoration in her eyes. This situation is probably the most precious one I've witnessed in years. 

Although, I need to stop being soft for him and Santi, their interactions are lovely, but I need to be in control of this. If I allow him to get too close it will become dangerous for me, that's the one aspect where I need to keep myself in place. 

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