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Searching through the information they found on the rink of dealers, my feet suffer from yet another round of pins and needles. Stomping them against the ground, the sound carries through the empty bedroom. Xavier constantly has his eyes on me these days, only wanting the best for my healing process. 

It's endearing, but I'm tired of being in here with nothing to do. 

The mafia is spending my healing time to figure out everything they can, they're even planning the attack and I can't wait anymore. It has been three weeks since the discharge at the hospital, officially five weeks since I was shot and underwent surgery. My body feels much better, although I still need to take it easy. 

The healing process has been easier than expected. Doctors told me it's because of my medically induced coma, it sheltered me from the first two excruciating and painful weeks. The pain medication has been quite helpful as well, sono fortunato (I'm lucky). 

In about two weeks I'm getting the green light to move my body again, which opens the opportunity of attacking the rink of dealers. 

In the midst of getting to know Xavier, of practicing with Oriana and Santi, all of it, it made me ignorant to the reality. The true threat is still out there and wanting me dead, the true reason as to why I'm hiding behind these walls. I'm not okay the minute I step outside of this gate, they'll be there and waiting. 

The door to my bedroom opens and Xavier steps inside, a cup of something steaming in his hand. He smiles at me slightly, the action making me happy and I close the laptop. 

"Visiting again? I thought the leader was busier than that," Smirking at him. 

He shakes his head and closes the door behind him, coming closer and placing the cup next to the bed, "Brought some tea, thought it might do something."

"Do something?" I push. 

"Yeah," He shrugs, sitting down next to me on the bed. "I don't fucking know, it was an attempt of doing something nice to you."

"Thank you," I'm tempted to laugh at him, he's really trying here. 

Xavier and I have grown closer during these past few weeks, he has been great and truly has tried his best to make me as comfortable as possible. The Eloisa I was four months ago would've killed herself before growing fond of a Romano, but I can't seem to help it. 

I easily melt into him, he allows me to relax for a while. 

It gets exhausting being so strong and wired all the time, I've been like that for a little too long. Letting go in his company actually makes me happy, I'm entitled to feel this way and I won't destroy this for myself. 

"Rocco stopped by at the hospital while you were out," He suddenly speaks, his dark voice carries through the room and I can't help but wonder how that went down. 

"You know who he is now then?"

"Sì," He says to me and leans his weight onto his hands behind him, the broad stance in his legs has me staring and I tear my gaze away. "Nice of you to formally introduce me to him that day at the club."

"I didn't trust you back then. Rocco is important to me," My words seem to annoy him slightly, but he hides it instantly. "It wouldn't be right for me to introduce him to a Romano."

"Understandable," He nods his head. 

"You can be quite rational when you feel like it."

"I'm always rational."

I chuckle before I can stop myself and his widened eyes cut to mine, "Now that's a lie."

He smirks at me and raises an eyebrow, "Yeah?"


"Well, I suppose you're right. But I respect you and your views, I can understand why you would keep it a secret from me," His words make me smile at him slightly, possibly without wanting to. 

"You are nothing like I expected you to be," Telling him this he inches closer to me, grips the back of my neck with his hands and allowing our lips to meet. 

The shock running through my body has me clutching his shirt and pulling him closer, our lips move in a perfectly delicious symphony. The sensations leave me wanting more and I sigh against our kiss, he deepens it at the sound and a shiver tortures my body. 

His hand grows rougher and more dominant, it instantly has me wet. So disgustingly wet for him. I'm horny, needy and deprived, a horrible mix while this beast of a man is kissing me with such passion. 

As if answering a silent question, I open up to the more intense side of our kiss, our tongues fight for dominance and the thrilling play has me needing more. My thighs clench together in desperate need for some release. 

Without thinking about it, I push his broad frame against the bed and straddle his hips before continuing our kiss. His hand grips my uninjured hip, the groan leaving him has me needing more. 

"Eloisa," He breathes and reluctantly pulls away from me. "We can't."

"Shut up," I say and refrain from rolling my eyes. 

"Stop tempting me," The strain on his voice doesn't help my situation. 

"I haven't been fucked in literal weeks, Xavier," The annoyance seeps through. 

"I haven't fucked you in weeks, this is an issue on both sides. I have to respect what the doctor said about your healing process," The rational side of him irritates me. 

"You're infuriating," I say and throw myself on my back, away from his tempting body and lips. 

"Likewise," He smiles at me, my eyes cut to him and the sight has me breathless. 

As if reading my mind, he rolls onto his side and places his huge hand on my stomach lightly. His eyes are searching my own with no emotion, "I'll give you some release if you promise to stay still, I won't have you squirming and ruining something in your stomach."

Looking up at him, "What does this entail then?"

He smirks and walks over to lock the door, his powerful strides are sexy and I find myself staring at the sight of him. He comes closer and leans over my frame, kissing down my neck and leaving a hot fire on my skin, "You'll see."

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