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My senses return and I pull my arm away from his tight grip, my heart is pounding in my chest from the intense dance with Xavier to now standing here. The man turns around, his light hair a contrast to his darker skin, he stares at me with his dark brown eyes. My glare hardens when a smile stretches across his lips, "Boss said you'd be a fighter."

"Which way of dying is a preference of yours; gun or knife?" My hard voice cuts through the tense atmosphere. The music has stopped and every eye in here is on us, my mind briefly wonders where Xavier is now. I have a hard time believing he would leave, but I don't understand why; he doesn't owe me anything and should feel free to leave. 

"I find it cute how you truly believe you have a chance, people are here to celebrate the upcoming death of yours. Why would you ever show yourself?" The disbelief in his tone lets me know how unprofessional he is. Never show your emotions. Amateur

"I find it cute how you actually think you're scary. I've seen scary, and you definitely ain't it," My spiteful words leave him glaring. 

He points his finger at me, "You can never survive the storm that's coming."

"You fucking idiot, I am the storm."

Grabbing the gun from my band, I cock it and shoot him between his eyes. Ducking away from everyone and hurrying towards the exit, a man comes in my direction and I shoot him as well. He instantly drops to the floor in front of me. My heart is racing and I enjoy the thrill of adrenaline, this is exactly what I hoped would happen. 

They can't know I'm afraid, if they do, they will continue with this little hunt. 

My arm is grabbed from behind and I clutch the knife from my bra, slicing the hand that has a tight grip on me. He yells out in pain and glares at me, my feet move away from him and suddenly he drops dead to the cold floor. 

I didn't even try to kill him though?

My eyes meet the familiar man standing behind him with a raised gun and he has me feeling lightheaded. My skin shivers with the dangerous look in his eyes. 

"Nice of you to join the party, Xavier," I smirk at him and shoot a woman who creeps up on us in the hallway we're in. 

"I told you we needed to leave, but of course, Eloisa Martinelli is too stubborn to do that. Will you allow me to escort you out now?" He means business, his tone is icier than usual. 

"I can't really pinpoint if that was a jackass move or gentlemanly of you," I say and he gently places a hand on the small of my back, leading me to an emergency exit down the hallway. "How did you know this was here?"

"Because I'm the most feared mafia leader, as you say. I never enter a building without knowing every crevice," The explanation makes a lot of sense. 

We crawl down a flight of stairs where a black SUV is pulled up, Xavier opens the passenger door and urges me to enter the car. Sitting down in the rich leather seat, he sits down in front of the wheel and a sigh leaves his body when he pulls onto the road. 

"You seem tired?" I ask. 

His black eyes pierce mine, "You need to stop endangering yourself, Eloisa. I don't have the time to run around and keep an eye on you at all times."

"I never asked you to."

"No," He states simply.

"So let me live my life, Xavier. You haven't been here the past few years, and as you can see, I'm very much alive still. I don't need anyone," My words fill up the entirety of the otherwise silent car. 

"It isn't until now where you've had a bounty out for you either. You must have messed with someone too powerful, but who the hell could it be?" The frustration is clear in his voice, he allows me to see some emotion on him and I can't help but stare. 

He is so beautiful. With the cowboy hat discarded, his black hair is slicked backward, except for the few strands that always seem to fall effortlessly down his forehead. 

His side profile is perfect, I find myself envious. His sharp jaw, the way his nose dips, his lips are full and accentuate the feeling in my gut. This man is too fucking perfect and I hate myself for feeling this way! 

He should be on my hit list, I should kill him right here and right now. His father did kill my entire family after all. 

"Eloisa?" His deep voice carries through the air, my eyes cut to his and he briefly holds my gaze before looking at the road again. "We need to figure out who's targeting you."

"This is none of your business. My life is my life, it's none of your fucking business. I don't care who's after me, I have more urgent matters to attend to. If anyone wants me dead, then they must square up to me, but they don't. I simply can't be afraid of some nameless and faceless coward," He doesn't seem too pleased with my answer. Looking out the window I see the unfamiliar roads, "Do you even know where I live?"

"No, you're coming home with me."

"The fuck I am."

"You are."

"I'm really not."

"You don't have a choice," He spits at me, the anger surprises me and turns my idiotic body on. 

"Are you sure you want to challenge me? I have nothing to lose here, Xavier," My voice is on edge, I don't want to go to his house. 

He roughly pulls the car to the side of the road, in the middle of a dark forest and I give him my hardest glare. Fuck emotionless, this idiot deserves the stare I'm giving him. I roughly pull at the door to no avail, "Unlock the damn thing!"

He leans closer and my breath hitches, the mint falls on my lips as a shiver dances down my spine. 

"Fuck no," He states in his Italian tongue, too close to my lips. 

My eyes focus on his lips and I lick my own, the tightening in my gut is unmistakably my first fault here. I shouldn't want to do this with him, but I'll be damned if I'm not eager as hell to feel his lips on mine. His rough hand tangles itself into my curls, the feeling of his dominating grip has me turning soft. My body betrays me when I lean in closer, not a second later our lips collide in a fiery attempt at discarding the tension. 

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