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Stepping into the conference room that's hiding in a corner of this big ass mansion; I spot three unfamiliar faces, all of which are staring at me with clear interest. They won't be able to read shit on my face, but if they keep it up with the obvious staring I might have to cut out a tongue to prove a point. Marc is sitting next to the unfamiliar men as well, staring down at his computer. 

Sitting down across from Marc he finally looks up, settling on a simple smile in my direction, "Nice of you to join us."

"Yeah," I say and my cold eyes stare at the men, none of them have looked away yet. "Don't make me regret it."

The door opens again and Xavier steps inside, his suit is covering his beastly frame and I look away again. He asked me to join them for this meeting today, but I'm already regretting my decision. Maybe I should settle on finding Carlos Romano on my own. No need for all of this bullshit, it's unnecessary. 

The men all stand up in respect and I scoff at the sight, "Unreal."

A man to my right looks down at me, his red hair is slicked backwards, "You should stand up for boss."

Tilting my head at him, I lean even more into the back of the chair, "I know damn well you ain't talking about my actions as if you matter shit to me."

"Owen," Xavier speaks darkly. "Sit the fuck down and shut the hell up."

He does with no complaint and once again I scoff in humor. These weak ass men. No wonder Xavier has this huge issue with his own self image, his ego is too big already, no need for all of this drama. 

"Eloisa," He addresses me. 

Looking into his dark eyes, he sits down next to me by the head of the table. Not giving him an answer, I raise my brow at him in question. 

"This group is what I refer to as my most trusted ones," He nods towards Owen, "That's an investigator of ours, Owen Puls, he is the one searching out every last bit of information we need for our work."

"And that's Joseph Brakido," He gestures to a dark-haired man with facial tattoos, there isn't a sliver of emotion on his face and I decide that I like him. "He has the knowledge of every weapon we have access to, which might be necessary in this exact case."

"Lastly, there is Roman Sullivan," A man with blond hair smiles at me, there is a deep scar running down his neck which distracts me slightly from his blue eyes. "He works together with a member named Bastien Reyes, they manage every type of communication with others outside the mafia and are often the help behind how we execute our plans."

"I won't necessarily remember your names or your positions tomorrow," I say to them and shrug my shoulders, making Marc laugh. 

"Guys," Xavier says to them, there is a vibe of power in his voice. "This is Eloisa-"

"Yeah," I cut him off, not needing him to introduce me to them. I'm right here after all. "Eloisa Martinelli, thirsty for revenge, has a weakness for torturing others, loves bourbon."

Marc laughs again and removes his eyes from his computer, "That's actually a very accurate description."

"May I start the information we have on this case, Mr. Romano?" Owen speaks up, his red hair distracts me again. 

Xavier nods to his question and Owen's blue eyes meet mine. 

"We are currently trying to locate where Carlos is staying. Rumors are that he's at Dracona's side constantly, but we have yet to see them together which seems suspicious. Zanto is running around the underground like a lost puppy, he's an easy target in case we want information and are confident that we can torture it out of him," He's still staring at me and I nod my head. 

"Although," Roman cuts in with his finger raised. "If we go with that plan and target Zanto, we need proof that he is an easy target. It would be stupid of us to walk right into a trap, they're smart and we need to be smarter."

Xavier stands up and looks out of the panorama windows before his eyes meet mine, "Eloisa will be able to get him to speak, he's after her because of how she shot him. It would drive him crazy if she was assigned to getting information from him. Roman, you and Bastien need to figure out how we could approach a kidnapping. Owen, get some insiders in the underground, they will tell us about their plans."

"Mr. Romano," Roman cuts in again with an apologetic look. "With all due respect, placing watchers down there will be their deaths. They won't return because of how the rink of dealers investigates everyone down there, not allowing them to leave the underground before they're confident in who they are."

Xavier scoffs darkly at him, placing his strong palms on the table and leaning over it, "Do you think I fucking care?"

"Don't question him, Roman," Joseph cuts in, the darkness in his tone has me believing he is more than just the guy who knows about weapons. 

"Did all of you hear what I just said?" He questions with heavy authority, all of them nod instantly and I detect fear on their faces. Xavier is more powerful than I thought. "Then what the fuck are you still sitting here for?"

They scurry from the room, leaving me in here with Marc and Xavier. The two of them are staring at each other, "I will kill them one day."

"No, you won't," Marc says with finality. "The base in Brea is struggling with someone giving out insider information to the surrounding gangs."

"My mafia can't be threatened by some irrelevant gang," He states. "Get the situation under control, Marc. I don't want to be leaving during these days, we have more important matters to attend."

Marc nods his head in respect before leaving the conference room. 

Looking at the frustrated man in front of me, I tilt my head to the side, "You aren't as emotionless as I thought you were."

His black eyes cut to mine, "I struggle with hiding my annoyance towards stupidity, indeed."

"Sure," I say and attempt to hide the smirk that threatens to play on my lips. Standing up from the chair, "I'll give you some time to scold your mafia."

He smirks at me and crosses his arms across his broad chest, "Much appreciated, Eloisa."

"Not a fucking problem, your majesty," I say and leave the room.

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