Chapter 4.

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Rounding around, her arms up in the air with her finger drawn into a mudras, Nandini stare back the reflection in the wall mirror while doing the steps and smiling to the round rimmed spectacle spectator who was by the door all this while.

"I missed you dancing in here."

Throwing her hands up and bringing it back from around her shoulder, Nandini chuckled "Just my dancing?"

Lips pressed in amused, Aryaman nodded "Mhmm."

"Well, I'm very offended." Commented Nandini doing taps of her steps, her eyes dancing cheerily "However, I did missed you, Shaktiman."

"Not that again." He groaned until a small smile settled on his face "I missed you too."

Smiling back at him through the reflector, Nandini sat down on the floor to undo the ties of the ghungroo when a finger momentarily brushed against her "May I?"

Craning her head a bit, Nandini pressed her lips with a little smile and nodded gaining a heart- melting smile from him.
Sitting beside her, Aryaman carefully undid the ghungroo off her ankle until he heard himself murmuring "You know right that I still love you?"

Humming in response, Nandini stared at him "You say that every time we talk. But I'm glad you found someone whom you really love by heart, not just in a platonic way."

Looking down then back to her, Aryaman chuckled shortly "It wasn't platonic, Nandini. It was never."

Silence fell in between until a clearing of throat snapped them out of their reverie. Standing by the door was Yasmeen herself, all flushed and visibly offended by what she heard a moment early.

Awkward and hesitant, Nandini smiled softly "Yasmeen."

"Gurvi ji." Yasmeen started, her voice breaking slightly which perked Aryaman's ear "The workshop for today is completed. If you allow shall I call it a day out there for the students?"

"Yea- I mean-" dazed and stupefied, Nandini hurriedly got up on her feets "No, actually I would like to first meet them. Meanwhile you can wrap it up here and leave for your home with Aryaman."

Giving a fleeting glance toward Aryaman, a concern look forming over her face, Nandini hurried her pace out and sighed praying to God to give them strength.

An hour or two later, while seeing off the last student Nandini beamed brightly when her gaze found her man pulling his motorcycle at the side of the building.

Donned in formal and his hair a bit tousled, Manik looked nothing but a man of every girl's dream, which made her feel nothing but him to be exclusively hers.

With an affectionate smile, Nandini soon found herself cooconed in his manly warmth feeling him inhaling deeply in the crook of her neck.

"Manik." Trying to pull out of him, Nandini instead felt him tightening his arm around her a little with a worn out sigh "Stay."

Staying just like that, Nandini let her hand caress the broad frame of his back softly "Tough day?"

"Very." He grunted nuzzling more into her hair "The clients today where hard to convince-"

"But you made it." She praised softly earning a chuckle from him "So confident about me."

Pulling her face back, his face towering over her, Nandini murmured softly "I know you. You can never fail."

Faltering with his smile, his senses striking him with the past days with his said vows, Manik shook his head "I do fail, Nandini."

Gazing deep into his honey-brown specs, his own gaze peering through hers, he later smiled "But yes, I did made it. We are now going to trade in foreign as well."

"I'm really glad to hear that." Nandini complimented, her palm pressing against his cheek as he dipped his face to fuse the longing with a much needed kiss.

Finger digging into her waist over her kameez made him earn a pleasurable moan out her mouth while her hands crippled and creased his shirt.
Breaking apart just to lean his forehead with her, Manik gruffed breathlessly "I want you, Nandini. I want you so much."

Hastened with breath, her own eyes lascivious-ly staring up with no distance in between, Nandini softly incited "Take me."

Gaze affixed and dilated, Manik let out breathed sigh while pecking over her slightly puckered lips "Your gauna is impending."

"It's just a ritual." She reasoned with now her gentle merry voice, her eyes momentarily closing over his lips doing wonder over her exposed skin "And it wouldn't be our..first."

"You're provoking me." He grunted yanking her flush against him, his eyes tough and dark "But trust me I'm just on the verge of breaking through the goddamned rituals. So stop teasing unless you mean it. And just in case you forgot we are outside your studio."

Smiling confidently, Nandini bite her lips "I would still say..take me."

Provoked to no extent, a deep rumble was what Nandini could only figure out before he dragged her inside the studio and latched the door shut with an impatient thud.

Later that night, sprawled against the cool floor of the studio, an arm beneath his head, Manik heard Nandini snicker who laid her head over his clothed chest, while she herself was very much clothed with just her dupatta tossed somewhere far from her reach.

"Stop laughing." He grunted holding her hand and entwining it over her abdomen "I just had to stop and you know that I gave my word to your mother that we would behave until your gauna."

"Mhmm." Shifting over, Nandini reached up over him and laid her head just to hear his heart beat erratically "I'm glad that you kept your words. I'm touched."

Breathing calmly, Manik embraced her petite frame over him and closed his eyes "I'm counting days to be with you. To have you beside me always. To love you forever. And-"


"And have kids." He completed, his tone light and affectionate "I want to extend my family and grow old together with you, Nandini."

Looking faraway to nowhere, Nandini gulped "kids?"

"Yeah, kids." He confirmed before clicking his tongue "No. Let's make dozen of them."

Hearing him enthusiast, a tear ran down and soaked his shirt much to his own awareness until she heard him call "What do you say? Dozen are nice, no?"

Eyes flickering and subdued, Nandini got up and sat facing him her back. Her eyes gleaming with unshed tears as she held her voice from breaking "Yes. Dozen..are good."

"I know right." Sitting up and beckoning her from behind, he kept his chin on her shoulder while she tried putting up on a smile on her face "I'm eager to have that day with you."

Smiling gloomily, Nandini let her gaze fall on her lap, her hand discreetly laying flat against her abdomen before she found herself wishper reply "Me too."

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