Chapter 33

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Moaning and grunting were the only sound that reverbed in the cabin for the following few moments.

If only Nandini knew his way of punishment would be such, she would have better hung around in the room than come out.

Lips pursed, she snapped her head away from being cooped up in the confinement of his legs for Manik to click his tongue on her stubbornness as he exhorted her to turn her face to him, his forbearance at the brim as he grumbled under his breath "Nandini! Look at me."

"No! You're one cruel husband." She quibbled still ducking his advances "Who punishes their beautiful wife like this on a special day?"

"Mm-hmm, so you think this is cruelty, huh?" Daring her to argue, her obstinacy already at its peak as her lips protruded, he sighed until wheedling her towards somewhere "Alright, look there at least."

Being a nosy soul, she craned her head to where he honed "Where?"

And with that, a spoonful of the last morsel of rice mixed with paneer curry was shoved forthright into her mouth.

Mouth puffed while eyes widen in betrayal, her chin wobbled to berate the traitor of her husband who victoriously smirked given her astonishment "You cheater! That was supposed to be your morsel."

"I was done eating my share while you were taking forever to chew that one morsel." He retorted with a tone of matter of fact, however, if it wasn't enough, he riled her up more by commenting "I don't know how hard is it to chew one small spoon of morsel. Even sloths can easily eat quicker than you."

Mouth despite being stuffed was ready to fall, her face hollering offence as she seethed " just didn't compare me with a sloth."

Howbeit, all she got was an indifferent shrug from him, his lips pulled out into a lop-sided smirk.

"The revenge will be served." She warned grumpily whilst struggling to get up from his lap as he cracked up at her endearing self while allowing her off "Well if having your stomach sufficed will make me your enemy, I'll be more than happy to be at the receiving end of your revenge. "

"Shiva, he is so frustrating." Annoyed at him for bowing before her dramatically while enjoying at her expense, she stomped away to stand before the fireplace to get its warmth.

Rubbing her palm, she pressed them to her puffed cheeks until his arm wound around her petite rim while gradually swaying her with him, as he muttered against her ear "I have something to show you."

"Probably a sloth?" She thwarted, her lips pursed giving him a side glance for him to chuckle huskily over her shoulder "That's for some other time. For now, I have something else."

Gauging the length of her arm, his touch gradually sinking until attaining her hand, he tugged her "Come."

Slightly intrigued, her feet obeyed along with his to the room leading towards the backyard, as they came across a blank canvas standing tall on the canvas stand with a colour pallet and shades of paint kept along "A canvas?"

MaNan ff: Tera Ban Gya ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin