Chapter 5

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Sitting amid the ladies and girls from the neighborhood in a simple plain yellow saree, her hands and feet adorned with heena, Nandini looked nothing but goddess Parvati herself as described in Shiva Puran.

While deja vu was hitting her, Nandini couldn't find herself concentrarting when whole lot of things were going inside her.

And being seated among with the outrageous in their mid forties and fifties ladies with their advices about the do's and don'ts in between a husband and wife's first night, Nandini was having difficulties to cope up with them.

"I still remember my first night after marriage. It was really not something I expected" Mamta, a lady in early forties started giggling underneath "He didn't looked but was so desperate behind doors that even after I protested, he somehow managed to convince that it wouldn't hurt but Shiva, I nearly passed out when it happened. But it was all worth the pain."

"Oh didi! Mine was totally horrible." Interrupted Rita from beside Mamta while coating the mixture of lemon juice and sugar in Nandini's Heena cladded palm "I totally remember how I was begging him to stop. I was literally bleeding profusely. But he was totally in different world while I thought I would soon find myself near to god."

"Even I felt like I would die when he did it." said Asha who was in her early fifties "But you have to know one thing Nandu, these all male caste are same. They all are passionate in their respective way. Some are aggressively passionate, while some are romantically passionate. However, being their wife we are responsible to satisfy each of their needs. Be it in the bed or the responsibility of their family."

Unresponsive and totally flushed with all the details and advices, Nandini just only could nod head when someone from beside poked her side "Don't just nod your head like a cow and spill some juicy content of your own. Tell us how passionate is Manik with you? And dare you feed us with lies because I have seen you guys once sneaking here and there before your gauna."

Tongue tied and embarrassed, Nandini kept her eyes casted down when she heard Poonam, a chubby lady in her late fifties commenting haughtily "Knowing Manik and his intimidating aura, I'm sure he must be very intense. Isn't it, Nandu? And anyways we won't be surprised if you kids have already consummated. Afterall this is how the kids of these generation have turned. Shameless and irresponsible."

With that being said, whole ladies broke into a bout of laughter leaving Nandini awkward and uneased until someone rescued her "It won't make much difference even if they had done it. Afterall they are already married and are two adults."

A smile sparked up on Nandini's face when Navya sat beside her making the lady scoot away from her with a scowl before she looked at Poonam "But it would really be a subject of concern if two unmarried young duo are doing it, just like I saw the girl in pink salwar and the boy in blue shirt behind the narrow alley. They looked really close. Like really- really close."

Red- faced and unsettled, Poonam and the other lady who were keen about the whole thing between Manik and Nandini found themselves unresponsive while the murmur started erupting around them.

Soon enough the ladies started slipping out of the situation leaving Navya all smug and triumph until Nandini poked her "That was totally unnecessary."

"If I were you I would rather thanked myself so shut up and let's go to your room before they all come up with something more embarrassing." Navya suggested helping Nandini by holding her saree away from her henna on her feet.

Gesturing to Sadhna about leaving for her room, Nandini along with Navya moved upstairs. Closing the door behind Nandini smiled looking toward Navya before hugging her carefully with her yet to dry Heena.

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