Chapter 36

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Jason was driving down the street on his motorcycle when he pulled over and pulled up to an apartment building. He jumped off his bike and headed in. He walked up the stairs going to an apartment, knocking on the door.

A certain red head opened the door, "oh, hey man, everything good after that whole fiasco?"

"Yeah- well somewhat. The kid is getting fixed up." Jason said

"Ah ok. Well what are you doing here? Wanna come in?" He ask opening the door more.

"Yeah." Jason entered the apartment.

"So what's up?" Roy ask shutting the door.

Jason closed the door behind him and took off his helmet, "I need a favor. Do you think you can help me track down the Joker?"

"Well I don't know I'm kinda busy with another mis-"

"Roy. Ugh....please?" Jason asked.

"Woah that's new, well Alright! Yeah sure man! Just dont go looking for jokes alone again, ok?" Roy said

"Alright good, let's go." Jason started walking when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Hang on. Maybe not tonight. Today was crazy enough." Roy said

"Well what am I supposed to do now. I need something to keep me distracted if I cant go looking for the Joker." Jason ask

"Well, you said the kid was getting fixed up right? Why don't we go out in the morning and get some stuff for the kid, kids love it, trust me. It makes them feel better. You can just sleep on the couch for the night if you want." Roy said

"Uh...maybe sure. And Damian is not a normal ki-" Jason was cut off.

"Aye, he may not act like it but he's still a normal kid on the inside." Roy said.

Jason sighed, "fine, but nothing sappy. He'll just burn it."

"Figured. But anyways let's do that in the morning, it's pretty damn late. The kid will be sleeping after he's fixed up." Roy said

"Alright, I guess." Jason said.

"Welp, would love to hangout buuutt I'm tired as hell so night." Roy said before walking away to his room.

Jason went ahead and sat down on the couch. He pulled out his phone and tried to figure out Jokers location from there. But that wasn't really helpful. He needed to go out, get some fresh air....and maybe keep an eye out for Joker or his stupid goons. Jason stood up and put his helmet back on before leaving through a window. He would be just fine.

Jason left and used his grapple to fly to another building before he started hopping from roof to roof. He knew no one would be out because of what happened so he was in the clear.

Jason ran around for a bit before taking a break. He sat down on a edge corner of a roof top. He reached into his pocket pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He lit the cigarette as it was in his mouth. He started smoking, puffing out smoke after inhaling. He sighed, "god dammit. Bruce is right..." he mumbled. He was still mad out the whole incident and the way Damian has been treated but he couldn't just cut Bruce off completely, he knew Damian didn't want that. His mom however....yeah, hell no. He may have had a thing with Talia back in the past but he hated her so no. But Bruce...yeah he hated him too but whatever is best for Damian. Jason honestly didn't understand why he cared for the kid a lot but it didn't really matter. Damian needs someone who actually cares for him....Dick doesn't cou- actually why couldn't Dick take care of Damian? He's perfect for hi- hm nevermind last time Jason checked Dick had his reasons and he knew Dick thought it would do him and Damian some good. He would be there to help just in case. Jason rubbed his head, he shouldn't be thinking of this stuff. Yes, yes! Dick and Bruce were right, now shut up brain!

Jason shook his head and continued to smoke. He looked around the area and saw something that caught his eye there was a guy lugging a bunch of stuff around. He was in a hurry to get away from somewhere. He likely robbed some place and didn't have a get away car. But what caught his eye was a get well basket. What a coincidence! And it looked like a pretty good and new one. He needed to have it.

Jason grappled his way over and landed right in front of the man, frightening him.

"Hey!" Jason shouted good scare him more

"I um uh- I'm sor-" the man started to shout

"I want that." Jason said pointing at the gift basket

"H..huh?" The man ask

"Did I stutter? Hand it over." Jason commanded.

" ok." The man did so.

Jason looked at it closely. "Yeah, perfect for the brat." He said and started to walks over when he stopped and looked back at the man. "Oh can I have that Nintendo switch too?" He ask

"Um yeah sure..." he handed it to him. It was new and unopened.

"Great!" Jason took it and ran off.

The man was left there confused.


Jason made his way back to Roy's and jumped through the window. He set the stuff down and took off his helmet. He was about to collapsed on the couch when the lights were turned on.

Roy was standing there arms crossed. He was about to lecture his friend when he was interrupted

"I didn't go looking for the Joker so don't start. I went out for air." Jason said.

" didn't rob a store did you?" Roy ask pointing to the stuff.

"No. I took them from a man who took it from someone else." Jason said sitting down.

Roy sighed, "ok whatever. They for Damian?" He ask.

"Yeah. Thought it was perfect for the kid." Jason said.

"Alright welp, I'm off to bed. Shut the window this time. It got cold." Roy said before leaving back to his room.

"Whatever, it's hot to me." Jason said before laying down and going to sleep.

((1032 words total 👌 it's kinda short so I'ma post the next chapter right after))

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