Damian and Jason Moment (chapter 4)

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Damian slowly starts to wake up. He groans in pain as he sat up. He looked around to find himself in someone's room. He could smell something coming from the kitchen, and it smelled good. He got out of bed and felt pain in his sore legs. He ignored it and walked out of the room and headed towards a kitchen. He sees Jason have earphones in listening to music. He was dancing and singing as he cooked.

"What is the meaning of this Todd?" Damian ask watching him. Jason jumped and took his earphones out, "holy shit! Damian! You almost gave me a heart attack!"  He yelled. Damian rolls his eyes. "Why am I here?"

"The real question is why are you out of bed. You need to rest. I found you outside last night. You were passed out and had hypothermia." Jason explained. Damian watched as Jason continued to cook a egg. "I'm fine." Damian says. Jayson gave him a suspicious look, "you are sure insane. You need help. Maybe you should go to a mental asylum. Your clearly not fine." Jason says. Damian frowned and slowly backed away. Jason noticed but decided not to say anything yet. He finished cooking and placed the egg on a plate with other food. There was only one plate, "you selfish bitch." Damian said with a glare as Jason sat the plate down on the table. He looked up confused, "excuse me?" I glare harder at him. "Your selfish! You only made breakfast for yourself. I'm starving and you don't even bother to cook for me?!" Damian yelled. Jason was still a bit confused, "dude.....this IS for YOU." He says.

Damian lightened up on the glare and looked confused. "Then where's your breakfast?" He ask

Jason shrugged, "I think I'll go get a breakfast bar or something."

Damian sat down at the table and stared at his food for a few moments before looking up to Jason. "Sit down." Jason did so. Damian pushed the plate in the middle of them, "we'll share." Jason was shocked, he stayed silent for a bit before giving a nod and started to eat with Damian.

Damian stops eating and looked to Jason with a frown, "Todd....can you please not send me to a mental hospital like you said earlier. I promise i'll behave. Can I stay with you for a while? I don't want to go home or to the hospital." He says in a bit of a scared tone.

Jason looked up from the food, at Damian. "What? Kid I was joking. I wouldn't send you to one. And why don't you want to go back home? Did something happen? I will allow you to stay with me if you tell me what's going on."

"I'll tell you after." Damian continued to eat. Jason did the same.

After they ate they sat on the couch. Jason stared at Damian waiting for him to tell. Damian sighs, "father and I got into a fight."

Jason raised a eyebrow, "is that it? Kid it'll be ok. It'll blow over. It's just a small fight."

Damian frowns and looked down, "he says he never wanted me, he wished I wasn't born, and he says he doesn't love me. He told me to get packing cause I would've been sent to a mental hospital by morning."

Jason sits up a bit when he hears this, "what? For real? Damian what else did he do?"

"He.....He hurt me." Damian says quietly.

Jason started to get angry, "where?"

Damian rolls up his sleeve and shows the big bruise on his arm and points to the handprint on his face. "I...I don't want to go back..."

"That bitch." Jason says squeezing his hands into a fist. He gently grabs Damian and pulled him into a hug. "There's no way your going back. I won't allow it. Your Safe here Damian. That bitch doesn't deserve you. He'll pay for what he did." Damian smiles a little and hugs Jason back.

Jason pulls away and checks the areas, "It'll be sore for a bit but should be ok." Damian nods ok. "Let's watch a movie." Jason says and turns on a movie that's ok for kids. It had some fighting sense. Damian snuggled up to Jason with a blanket.

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