Chapter 5

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Damian was leaning on Jason as he slept. *oh shit! I forgot. I have to go take care of something.* Jason thought in his head. He carefully got up and laid Damian down all the way. He writes a note and puts it on the coffee table before leaving.

A while later Damian wakes up. He looks around for Jason then saw the note. He picked it up. It read, "gone". Damian groaned in annoyance, "Really Todd. Couldn't write any explanation?" He crumpled the paper up and looked out the window. Damian decided to go out for a bit. 

He opened the window and jumped out.


Later Jason returned home. He found the apartment empty and started to freak out. Damian was gone. He ran around the Safe house looking for Damian. He tried calling out his name. Jason quickly grabbed his mask and helmet and was about to put it on when suddenly he spotted Damian entering through the window. Jason sets his mask and helmet down and crossed his arms, glaring at Damian.

Damian turns and sees Jason. He remains quiet.

"Where the hell were you?! And why don't you have a jacket." Jason ask madly.

"Out and I don't have one." Damian says.

"And you didn't tell me, leave a note, or something?! I left you a note why not leave one for me so I know your out?!" Jason asked.

Damian rolled his eyes, "all you wrote was 'gone.' How does that help?!"

"At least I wasn't lazy and wrote a note!" Jason says.

"Well I don't feel you need to know my business Todd! I was looking around is all." Damian says.

"I'm your care taker now! You must tell me where you are at all time or else I'll just put a chip in you!" Jason says.

"I'm not a thing that needs to be tracked! I'm human!" Damian yelled.

Jason sighed in annoyance, "Damian I care about you! I care about your safety!"

"Why?!" Damian asked.

Jason sits sown on the couch, "sit down." He says patting the spot next to him. Damian does as he's told. "You remind me a lot like me when I was little. Sure sometimes your a bit spoiled....but who wasn't. I sometimes think of you as a younger brother or maybe even like a son. Your pretty amazing Damian. I worry about you when you fight villains sometimes. I know you can handle yourself but sometimes things happen. I don't want you to die. Your way to young for that crap. I died when I was in my teens but I was lucky enough to come back alive. That opportunity might not happen to you. I want you to live a happy childhood and be safe. Now that I spend a little more time with you I want to protect you more then anything. I don't know what I would do now if you were gone for good."

Damian listens to Jason and stayed silent.

"Damn. Now you got me saying all this true cheesy stuff." Jason mumbled making Damian crack a small smile. "Whatcha smiling about kid? Think this is entertaining?"

Damian shrugs, "your speech was really cheesy Todd and a bit much."

"I'll have you know my speech was such a masterpiece though your right it was cheesy." Jason says with a small smile. "But seriously. How about if either of us go out we tell each other or write a real note from now on?"

"That works I guess. Deal."

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