Chapter 23

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The next time Damian woke up he found himself in his bedroom, bandages around his stomach. He grunted in pain as he sat up. He looked around his large bedroom. He snapped  his head toward the door as he heard it open. His mother had entered with a serious look on her face. "It's time to get up Damian. Your grandfather would like a word." She says

Damian only nodded and answered, "yes mother." He knew exactly what his grandfather was going to say. His mother left and he got changed before quickly running out of his room to catch up to her. Once he caught up he walked at her paste to the room his grandfather was in.

Once the young boy entered, he went and stood in front of his grandfather before kneeling down to him.

"My grandson. You have grown weak since living with those bats. You have lost years of training and refuse to kill. I am terribly disappointed. You were my greatest masterpiece. Now you just a weak little boy. All my years of training you have gone to waste." Ra's speaks as he walked in front of his kneeling grandson.

"I am sorry grandfather." Is all Damian said.

"Sorry is not enough my boy. You have wasted my time. I do not want to waste more time on you. Think of the fight as a test and you failed. I really don't see the need to keep you alive any more. You may be the original but we can always replace you. So.....goodbye Damian." Ra's pulled out a blade and made a move to stab Damian in the back as he kept kneeling.

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