Chapter 18

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Jason skated towards them. He was about to jump up in the air but the tip of his blades got stuck in the ice. Before he could do anything he fell flat on his face.

The brothers burst out in laughter.

"oh my god that was hilarious! So glad I got it on camera!" Tim says laughing.

" ok?" Dick says laughing.

Damian chuckled at Jason. "That's gotta hurt." He mumbled.

"Leave me here to die." Jason groans.

"Aw come on Jay, it's fine." Dick says

"Uuuuuuuugggggghhhhh!!!!" Jason groaned.

"Maybe we should help you out of the ring and you should sit and rest...." dick say.

Jason flipped over to his back and slowly sat up, "no, no, it's fine. I'll just it here for a bit, go have fun or whatever."

"If you say so." Dick says and skated away.

Tim also skated away.

Damian skated over to Jason. He holds a hand out to help in up, even though he wasn't looking at him. "Come on, get up."

Jason wasn't going to protest. He grabbed Damian's hand and was pulled up by the little boy. Before Jason could say or do anything Damian started skating pulling Jason along. "woah, what are you doing?" Jason ask.

"Helping you learn." Damian simply answers.

"I'm fine. I don't need to learn." Jason says sounding a bit annoyed.

"What if the villain your fighting is using ice against you. How are you supposed to make your way towards them when there's ice all over the ground?" Damian ask.

"You know what I would do. guns and explosions." Jason says.

"Sure. That won't really work but whatever." Damian mumbled

Jason rolled his eyes and shrugged

Damian sped up and turned a corner. Jason slipped from his grip and the older brother ran right into the wall. "Aw dammit!" He says hosing his face as he hit the ground.

"Language Jay! There's a kid." Dick says skating past

Damian pulled Jason up. "Should I teach you how to skate?" He ask

Jason sighed, "yes." He mumbled angrily.

"Copy me." Damian says. He gets in a position to start skating and takes off.

Jason tried to do the same but he started slipping around a bit, almost falling. He finally caught his balance. "Damn this is hard. How to you know how to skate kid?" He ask

"I learned as a baby. It was a requirement." Damian says.

Jason frowned a bit at that.

Damian then continued to try and teach Jason but it didn't do much.

Jason was soon laying on the ground. "Uuuggghhhh! I can't do this. I can't keep my balance, I'm tired, this is super hard!" He whined.

"Maybe it has something to do with the weight you put on. Don't worry Damian is a little chubby too. Bye little piggies." Dick says.

Damian growled and chased after him on the ice.

Jason tried to do the same but couldn't.

Later in the car

"Wow that was fun!" Dick says driving the car.

"I enjoyed watching Jason fall all the time." Tim says.

"Ugh! Fuck you. My body is so sore..." Jason whines a bit.

"Your fine." Damian says.

"Damian and I can teach you more about how to skate next time, don't worry" dick says.

"Yeah Whatever." Jason said

Even more later

After the whole day of spending time with Dick and Tim, Jason and Damian finally went home to relax. They thought they would have a relaxing night but boy were they wrong.

There was a knock at the door. Jason really didn't feel like answering it but he did. "Hello sir I'm Jen Frey, I work with child services." The lady at the door says.

"Child services?!"

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